pycalphad.mapping.strategy package


pycalphad.mapping.strategy.binary_strategy module

class pycalphad.mapping.strategy.binary_strategy.BinaryStrategy(dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[StateVariable, float | tuple[float]], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MapStrategy

get_invariant_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for invariant plotting.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary contains the following keys:
  • ”phases” (list of str): The list of phases.

  • ”x” (list of float): The corresponding values for the x-axis.

  • ”y” (list of float): The corresponding values for the y-axis.

The indices in “x” and “y” match the indices in “phases”.

Return type:

list of dict

get_tieline_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for plotting ZPF lines.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary has the following structure:

    "<phase_name>": {
        "x": list of float,
        "y": list of float

The lengths of the "x" and "y" lists should be equal for each phase in a ZPFLine.

Return type:

list of dict


Searches axis limits to find starting points

Here, we do a step mapping along the axis bounds and grab all the nodes The nodes of a step map is distinguished from starting points in that they have a parent

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.isopleth_strategy module

class pycalphad.mapping.strategy.isopleth_strategy.IsoplethStrategy(dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[StateVariable, float | tuple[float]], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MapStrategy

get_invariant_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for plotting invariants for isopleths.

The end points of the node are adjusted to be the intersection of the isopleth polytope on the node in n-composition space.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary has the following structure:

    "x": list of float,
    "y": list of float

Return type:

list of dict

get_zpf_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for plotting ZPF lines for isopleths.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A dictionary with the following structure:

    "data": [
            "phase": str,
            "x": list of float,
            "y": list of float
    "xlim": list of float,
    "ylim": list of float

The "phase" in the "data" section refers to the fixed phase at zero-phase fraction.

Return type:



Searches axis limits to find starting points

Here, we do a step mapping along the axis bounds and grab all the nodes The nodes of a step map is distinguished from starting points in that they have a parent

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.step_strategy module

class pycalphad.mapping.strategy.step_strategy.StepStrategy(dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[StateVariable, float | tuple[float]], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MapStrategy

get_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable, x_is_global: bool = False, set_nan_to_zero=False)[source]

Utility function to get data from StepStrategy for plotting.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.

  • x_is_global (bool, optional) – Indicates whether x is a global or phase-local variable. For example, if plotting global composition (x) vs. phase fraction (y), then x is global.

  • set_nan_to_zero (bool, optional) – If True, NaN values will be set to zero in the data.


A dictionary with the following structure:

    "data": {
        "<phase_name>": {
            "x": list of float,
            "y": list of float
    "xlim": list of float,  # min and max for all x values
    "ylim": list of float   # min and max for all y values

Return type:



Adds initial starting point in middle of free condition

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_base module

class pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_base.MapStrategy(dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[StateVariable, float | tuple[float]], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base strategy class for phase diagram construction.

Derived Classes

  • SteppingStrategy: For single-axis diagrams.

  • BinaryStrategy: For binary phase diagrams (1 composition, 1 potential axis).

  • TernaryStrategy: For ternary phase diagrams (2 composition axes).

  • IsoplethStrategy: For isopleths (tested only for 1 composition, 1 potential axis so far).



Factor to scale down step size if a single step iteration was unsuccessful (default: 0.5).


Minimum step size (as ratio of default) before stopping ZPF line iteration (default: 0.1).


Number of iterations before global minimum check. Proceed with caution for any interval >1 (default: 1).


Sampling density for global minimum check (default: 500).


Minimum driving force for a composition set to pass the global minimum check (default: 1e-4).


Number of candidates to search through for finding the global minimum. Sometimes, the global minimum can be missed if the sampling is poor, so checking the n-best candidates can help (default: 1).

add_nodes_from_conditions(conditions: dict[StateVariable, float], direction: Direction | None = None, force_add: bool = True)[source]

Computes equilibrium and creates a point from input conditions

If a direction is supplied, then we can just add the new point with the direction If not, then we add two points, for each direction

Since this is a starting point, we set the ExitHint to POINT_IS_EXIT since we assume the starting point is not a true node

Also by default, we force add the node to skip checking if the node is already in the node queue


Wrapper over iterate to run until finished


Goes through ZPF lines to get all unique phases. For miscibility gaps, phases will have #n added to it

In some cases, there might be no ZPF lines (e.g. ternaries with all line compounds), in which case, we return an empty set There should always be nodes in the node_queue since it includes starting points (even if they’re not nodes in the mapping sense)

Hierarchy of mapping iterations
  1. Node queue

    If not empty, then create exits from next node

  2. Node exits

    If exits remain, then create new zpf line from next exit

  3. ZPF line

    If not finished, continue ZPF line


Since potential and composition variables are on different scales, we normalize by the delta value

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_utils module

Helper functions to grab data from tieline strategies (BinaryStrategy and TernaryStrategy) This is to avoid repeating get_XXX_data functions for the two strategies

TODO: Once BinaryStrategy and TernaryStrategy are merged into a more general TielineStrategy,

these two functions can be moved into TieLineStrategy and as be removed

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_utils.get_invariant_data_from_tieline_strategy(strategy, x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for node plotting in binary and ternary plots.

  • strategy (BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy) – The strategy used for generating the data.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary contains the following structure:

    "phases": list of str,
    "x": list of float,
    "y": list of float

The indices in `x` and `y` match the indices in `phases`.

Return type:

list of dict

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_utils.get_tieline_data_from_tieline_strategy(strategy, x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for plotting ZPF lines.

  • strategy (BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy) – The strategy used for generating the data.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary has the following structure:

    "<phase_name>": {
        "x": list of float,
        "y": list of float

The lengths of the "x" and "y" lists should be equal for each phase in a ZPFLine.

Return type:

list of dict

pycalphad.mapping.strategy.ternary_strategy module

class pycalphad.mapping.strategy.ternary_strategy.TernaryStrategy(dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[StateVariable, float | tuple[float]], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MapStrategy

get_invariant_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for invariant plotting.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary has the following structure:

    "phases": list of str,
    "x": list of float,
    "y": list of float

The indices in `x` and `y` will match the indices in `phases`.

Return type:

list of dict

get_tieline_data(x: StateVariable, y: StateVariable)[source]

Create a dictionary of data for plotting ZPF lines.

  • x (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (v.StateVariable) – The state variable to be used for the y-axis.


A list where each dictionary has the following structure:

    "<phase_name>": {
        "x": list of float,
        "y": list of float

The lengths of the "x" and "y" lists should be equal for each phase in a ZPF line.

Return type:

list of dict


Searches axis limits to find starting points

Here, we do a step mapping along the axis bounds and grab all the nodes The nodes of a step map is distinguished from starting points in that they have a parent

Module contents