Source code for pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_utils
"""Helper functions to grab data from tieline strategies (BinaryStrategy and TernaryStrategy)This is to avoid repeating get_XXX_data functions for the two strategiesTODO: Once BinaryStrategy and TernaryStrategy are merged into a more general TielineStrategy, these two functions can be moved into TieLineStrategy and as be removed"""fromtypingimportUnionfrompycalphadimportvariablesasvfrompycalphad.mapping.primitivesimport_get_phase_specific_variable
[docs]defget_invariant_data_from_tieline_strategy(strategy,x:v.StateVariable,y:v.StateVariable):""" Create a dictionary of data for node plotting in binary and ternary plots. Parameters ---------- strategy : BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy The strategy used for generating the data. x : v.StateVariable The state variable to be used for the x-axis. y : v.StateVariable The state variable to be used for the y-axis. Returns ------- list of dict A list where each dictionary contains the following structure:: { "phases": list of str, "x": list of float, "y": list of float } The indices in `x` and `y` match the indices in `phases`. """invariant_data=[]fornodeinstrategy.node_queue.nodes:# Nodes in binary and ternary mappings are always 3 composition setsiflen(node.stable_composition_sets)==3:node_phases=node.stable_phases_with_multiplicityx_data=[node.get_property(_get_phase_specific_variable(p,x))forpinnode_phases]y_data=[node.get_property(_get_phase_specific_variable(p,y))forpinnode_phases]data={'phases':node_phases,'x':x_data,'y':y_data,}invariant_data.append(data)returninvariant_data
[docs]defget_tieline_data_from_tieline_strategy(strategy,x:v.StateVariable,y:v.StateVariable):""" Create a dictionary of data for plotting ZPF lines. Parameters ---------- strategy : BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy The strategy used for generating the data. x : v.StateVariable The state variable to be used for the x-axis. y : v.StateVariable The state variable to be used for the y-axis. Returns ------- list of dict A list where each dictionary has the following structure:: { "<phase_name>": { "x": list of float, "y": list of float } } The lengths of the "x" and "y" lists should be equal for each phase in a ZPFLine. """zpf_data=[]forzpf_lineinstrategy.zpf_lines:phases=zpf_line.stable_phases_with_multiplicityphase_data={}forpinphases:x_data=zpf_line.get_var_list(_get_phase_specific_variable(p,x))y_data=zpf_line.get_var_list(_get_phase_specific_variable(p,y))phase_data[p]={'x':x_data,'y':y_data,}zpf_data.append(phase_data)returnzpf_data