from typing import Union
import logging
import copy
import numpy as np
from pycalphad import Database, variables as v
from pycalphad.codegen.phase_record_factory import PhaseRecordFactory
from pycalphad.core.utils import instantiate_models, filter_phases, unpack_species, get_pure_elements, get_state_variables
from pycalphad.core.composition_set import CompositionSet
from pycalphad.mapping.primitives import ZPFLine, NodeQueue, Node, Point, ExitHint, Direction, MIN_COMPOSITION, ZPFState
from pycalphad.mapping.starting_points import point_from_equilibrium
import pycalphad.mapping.zpf_equilibrium as zeq
import pycalphad.mapping.zpf_checks as zchk
import pycalphad.mapping.utils as map_utils
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MapStrategy:
Base strategy class for phase diagram construction.
Derived Classes
- SteppingStrategy: For single-axis diagrams.
- BinaryStrategy: For binary phase diagrams (1 composition, 1 potential axis).
- TernaryStrategy: For ternary phase diagrams (2 composition axes).
- IsoplethStrategy: For isopleths (tested only for 1 composition, 1 potential axis so far).
Factor to scale down step size if a single step iteration was unsuccessful (default: 0.5).
Minimum step size (as ratio of default) before stopping ZPF line iteration (default: 0.1).
Number of iterations before global minimum check. Proceed with caution for any interval >1 (default: 1).
Sampling density for global minimum check (default: 500).
Minimum driving force for a composition set to pass the global minimum check (default: 1e-4).
Number of candidates to search through for finding the global minimum. Sometimes, the global minimum can be missed if the sampling is poor, so checking the n-best candidates can help (default: 1).
def __init__(self, dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[v.StateVariable, Union[float, tuple[float]]], **kwargs):
if isinstance(dbf, str):
dbf = Database(dbf)
self.dbf = dbf
# Don't add vacancies to components in case user needs to restrict non-stoichiometric phases
self.components = sorted(components)
self.elements = get_pure_elements(self.dbf, self.components)
self.phases = filter_phases(self.dbf, unpack_species(self.dbf, self.components), phases)
self.conditions = copy.deepcopy(conditions)
# Add v.N to conditions. Mapping assumes that v.N is in conditions
if v.N not in self.conditions:
self.conditions[v.N] = 1
self.axis_vars = [key for key, val in self.conditions.items() if len(np.atleast_1d(val)) > 1]
composition_sum = sum([conditions[var] for var in conditions if (isinstance(var, v.MoleFraction) and var not in self.axis_vars)])
axis_minimums = {av : np.amin([self.conditions[av][0], self.conditions[av][1]]) if isinstance(av, v.MoleFraction) else 0 for av in self.axis_vars}
# For composition variable, adjust max limit to limit the sum of composition to 1
# For mapping in two composition variable, assume that the other variable is at the minimum limit
# This is a little intrusive, since we're silently changing a user input, but this should be okay since
# it'll give the same result without attempting to compute equilibrium at invalid compositions
self.axis_lims = {}
self.axis_delta = {}
for var in self.axis_vars:
self.axis_delta[var] = self.conditions[var][-1]
if isinstance(var, v.MoleFraction):
# If there are other composition variables, offset the upper limit further by the minimum of the other variables
min_limit_sum = sum([axis_minimums[av] for av in axis_minimums if av != var])
upper_limit = np.amin([self.conditions[var][1], 1 - composition_sum - min_limit_sum])
self.axis_lims[var] = (self.conditions[var][0], upper_limit)
self.axis_lims[var] = (self.conditions[var][0], self.conditions[var][1])
self.models = instantiate_models(self.dbf, self.components, self.phases)
state_vars = get_state_variables(self.models, self.conditions)
self.num_potential_condition = len([av for av in self.axis_lims if av in state_vars])
self.phase_records = PhaseRecordFactory(self.dbf, self.components, state_vars, self.models)
# In case we need to call pycalphad functions outside this class
self.system_info = {
"dbf": self.dbf,
"comps": self.components,
"phases": self.phases,
"models": self.models,
"phase_records": self.phase_records
self.zpf_lines: list[ZPFLine] = []
self.node_queue = NodeQueue()
self._current_node = None
self._exits = []
self._exit_dirs = []
self._exit_index = 0
# Some default constants
self.DELTA_SCALE = kwargs.get("DELTA_SCALE", 0.5)
self.MIN_DELTA_RATIO = kwargs.get("MIN_DELTA_RATIO", 0.1)
self.GLOBAL_MIN_PDENS = kwargs.get("GLOBAL_MIN_PDENS", 500)
self.GLOBAL_MIN_TOL = kwargs.get("GLOBAL_MIN_TOL", 1e-4)
def _constant_kwargs(self):
Creates list of global constants to pass to zpf checks
const_kwargs = {
return const_kwargs
def get_all_phases(self):
Goes through ZPF lines to get all unique phases. For miscibility gaps, phases will have #n added to it
In some cases, there might be no ZPF lines (e.g. ternaries with all line compounds), in which case, we return an empty set
There should always be nodes in the node_queue since it includes starting points (even if they're not nodes in the mapping sense)
if len(self.zpf_lines) > 0:
zpf_phases = set.union(*[set(zpf_line.stable_phases_with_multiplicity) for zpf_line in self.zpf_lines])
zpf_phases = set()
if len(self.node_queue.nodes) > 0:
node_phases = set.union(*[set(node.stable_phases_with_multiplicity) for node in self.node_queue.nodes])
node_phases = set()
return list(set.union(zpf_phases, node_phases))
def normalize_factor(self, av):
Since potential and composition variables are on different scales, we normalize by the delta value
return self.axis_delta[av]
def _other_av(self, av):
Returns other axis variable if there are two free variables
if len(self.axis_vars) == 1:
return None
return self.axis_vars[1-self.axis_vars.index(av)]
def add_nodes_from_conditions(self, conditions: dict[v.StateVariable, float], direction: Direction = None, force_add: bool = True):
Computes equilibrium and creates a point from input conditions
If a direction is supplied, then we can just add the new point with the direction
If not, then we add two points, for each direction
Since this is a starting point, we set the ExitHint to POINT_IS_EXIT since we assume the starting point is not a true node
Also by default, we force add the node to skip checking if the node is already in the node queue
point = point_from_equilibrium(self.dbf, self.components, self.phases, conditions, models=self.models, phase_record_factory=self.phase_records)
if point is None:
_log.warning(f"Point could not be found from {conditions}")
return False
if direction is None:"No direction is given, adding point from {conditions} with both directions")
self.node_queue.add_node(self._create_node_from_point(point, None, None, Direction.POSITIVE, ExitHint.POINT_IS_EXIT), force_add)
self.node_queue.add_node(self._create_node_from_point(point, None, None, Direction.NEGATIVE, ExitHint.POINT_IS_EXIT), force_add)
self.node_queue.add_node(self._create_node_from_point(point, None, None, direction, ExitHint.POINT_IS_EXIT), force_add)
return True
def _create_node_from_point(self, point: Point, parent: Point, start_ax: v.StateVariable, start_dir: Direction, exit_hint: ExitHint = ExitHint.NORMAL):
Given a point and a parent, create a node with a starting axis/direction
Note: parent can be None, which allows for distinguishing if a node came from a starting point or from mapping
new_node = Node(point.global_conditions, point.chemical_potentials, point.fixed_composition_sets, point.free_composition_sets, parent)
new_node.axis_var = start_ax
new_node.axis_direction = start_dir
new_node.exit_hint = exit_hint
return new_node
def iterate(self):
Hierarchy of mapping iterations
1. Node queue
If not empty, then create exits from next node
2. Node exits
If exits remain, then create new zpf line from next exit
3. ZPF line
If not finished, continue ZPF line
if len(self.zpf_lines) > 0 and self.zpf_lines[-1].status == ZPFState.NOT_FINISHED:
elif len(self._exits) > self._exit_index:"No zpf line or last zpf line has finished. Attempting to start zpf line from next exit")
# This will start a new zpf line that is not finished
self._exit_index += 1
elif self.node_queue.size() > 0:"No more exits from current node. Attempting to get next node")
# This will reset the _exits list and _exitIndex to 0
# Mapping is finished once the last zpf line is finished,
# the last node has no more exits and the node queue has no more nodes"No more nodes in queue. Ending mapping.")
return True
return False
def do_map(self):
Wrapper over iterate to run until finished
finished = False
while not finished:
finished = self.iterate()
def _continue_zpf_line(self):
1. If more than two free axis, check if axis needs to be swapped
Ideally, we want the axis that will result in minimal change in the other axes
2. Take step along current axis and direction
3. Check if the new point generated from step can be added to the zpf line
_attempt_to_add_point will account for invalid points and detecting new nodes
# Test if axis needs to be swapped
# Take step
step_results = self._step_zpf_line(self.zpf_lines[-1])
# Check new point and try to add it to zpf line
self._attempt_to_add_point(self.zpf_lines[-1], step_results)
def _test_swap_axis(self, zpf_line: ZPFLine):
If there is only one axis variable, then we don't need to test for swapping the axis
For more than 2 axis, we do a comparison of how much each axis variable changed in the last two steps,
then change to step in the axis variable that changed the most
if len(self.axis_vars) == 1:
if len(zpf_line.points) > 1:
# Get change in axis variable for both variables
curr_point = zpf_line.points[-1]
prev_point = zpf_line.points[-2]
dv = [(curr_point.get_property(av) - prev_point.get_property(av))/self.normalize_factor(av) for av in self.axis_vars]
# We want to step in the axis variable that changes the most (that way the change in the other variable will be minimal)
# We also can get the direction from the change in variable
index = np.argmax(np.abs(dv))
direction = Direction.POSITIVE if dv[index] > 0 else Direction.NEGATIVE
if zpf_line.axis_var != self.axis_vars[index]:"Swapping axis to {self.axis_vars[index]}. ZPF vector {dv} {self.axis_vars}")
# Since we check the change in axis variable at the current delta, we'll retain the same delta
# when switching axis variable (same delta as a ratio of the initial delta)
delta_scale = zpf_line.current_delta / self.axis_delta[zpf_line.axis_var]
zpf_line.axis_var = self.axis_vars[index]
zpf_line.axis_direction = direction
zpf_line.current_delta = self.axis_delta[zpf_line.axis_var] * delta_scale
def _step_conditions(self, point: Point, axis_var: v.StateVariable, axis_delta: float, axis_lims: tuple[float], direction: Direction):
Creates a copy of condition and steps in proposed direction
If the axis variable is outside the defined limits, then we adjust the conditions to be at the edge of the axis limits
new_conds = copy.deepcopy(point.global_conditions)
new_conds[axis_var] += axis_delta*direction.value
hit_axis_limit = False
# Offset (for composition, this pushes the axis variable to be slightly off the limits to avoid pure components)
offset = 0 if map_utils.is_state_variable(axis_var) else MIN_COMPOSITION
if new_conds[axis_var] > max(axis_lims) - offset:
new_conds[axis_var] = max(axis_lims) - offset
hit_axis_limit = True
if new_conds[axis_var] < min(axis_lims) + offset:
new_conds[axis_var] = min(axis_lims) + offset
hit_axis_limit = True
return new_conds, hit_axis_limit
def _take_step(self, point: Point, axis_var: v.StateVariable, axis_delta: float, axis_lims: tuple[float], direction: Direction):
Adjust conditions and compute equilibrium, this will return a new point (or None if equilibrium fails)
# Here we don't care if stepping reached the axis limit since we check this afterwards
new_conds, hit_axis_limit = self._step_conditions(point, axis_var, axis_delta, axis_lims, direction)
if hit_axis_limit:
return None"Stepping point {point.fixed_phases}, {point.free_phases}, {point.global_conditions} along {axis_var}, {axis_delta*direction.value}")
return zeq.update_equilibrium_with_new_conditions(point, new_conds, self._other_av(axis_var))
def _step_zpf_line(self, zpf_line: ZPFLine):
This is the same as _take_step except we use the conditions from the current zpf line
return self._take_step(zpf_line.points[-1], zpf_line.axis_var, zpf_line.current_delta, self.axis_lims[zpf_line.axis_var], zpf_line.axis_direction)
def _attempt_to_add_point(self, zpf_line: ZPFLine, step_results: tuple[Point, list[CompositionSet]]):
Go through list of check functions to see if the new point can be added
1. All check functions will take in the current zpf line and a tuple(new_point, [orig_cs])
2. If the check function returns True, it means the check has passed and we move onto the next check
3. If the check function returns False, we stop checking and end this function
a. Fails because equilibrium did not converge or invalid condition -> adjust axis delta and try again
b. Fails because we found a node -> backtrack zpf line to remove offending points and add node parent to zpf line
4. If all check functions pass, then we add the point
Not a fan of how this is implemented, but I want the API for each check function to be the same, with extra args having default values if not supplied
check_functions = [zchk.check_valid_point, zchk.check_change_in_phases, zchk.check_global_min, zchk.check_axis_values, zchk.check_similar_phase_composition]
axis_data = {
"axis_vars": self.axis_vars,
"axis_delta": self.axis_delta,
"axis_lims": self.axis_lims
extra_args = {
"delta_scale": self.DELTA_SCALE,
"min_delta_ratio": self.MIN_DELTA_RATIO,
"global_check_interval": self.GLOBAL_CHECK_INTERVAL,
"global_num_candidates": self.GLOBAL_MIN_NUM_CANDIDATES,
"normalize_factor": {av: self.normalize_factor(av) for av in self.axis_vars},
"system_info": self.system_info,
"pdens": self.GLOBAL_MIN_PDENS,
"tol": self.GLOBAL_MIN_TOL
for check in check_functions:
new_node = check(zpf_line, step_results, axis_data, **extra_args)
# If we found a new node, then process it and end zpf line
if zpf_line.status == ZPFState.NEW_NODE_FOUND:
self._process_new_node(zpf_line, new_node)
# If equilibrium failed, then reset zpf line so it can step from previous point
elif zpf_line.status == ZPFState.ATTEMPT_NEW_STEP:
zpf_line.status = ZPFState.NOT_FINISHED
# If anything occurs that interrupts zpf line, break out of the loop
# Whether we add or don't add point will be decided later
elif zpf_line.status != ZPFState.NOT_FINISHED:"ZPF line {zpf_line.fixed_phases}, {zpf_line.free_phases} ended with {zpf_line.status}")
# If the zpf line reached a limit (axis limits or similar phase composition), then we
# can still add the point
valid_statuses = [ZPFState.NOT_FINISHED, ZPFState.REACHED_LIMIT]
if zpf_line.status in valid_statuses:
new_point, _ = step_results
# If we successfully added a new point, attempt to increase the axis delta if is smaller than the default
if zpf_line.current_delta < self.axis_delta[zpf_line.axis_var]:
zpf_line.current_delta = np.amin([self.axis_delta[zpf_line.axis_var], zpf_line.current_delta / self.DELTA_SCALE])
def _process_new_node(self, zpf_line: ZPFLine, new_node: Node):
Back tracks zpf line until the angle between the last edge on the zpf line and the edge connect to the node is greater than 90 (dot product > 0)
TODO: while this should allow for performing global min check every couple iterations, this is very iffy. It's fine for now since the global check interval defaults to 1
""""Back tracking zpf line to add node")
node_pos = np.array([new_node.get_property(av) for av in self.axis_vars])
orig_len = len(zpf_line.points)
for i in range(len(zpf_line.points)-1, 0, -1):
p1 = zpf_line.points[i]
p2 = zpf_line.points[i-1]
p1_pos = np.array([p1.get_property(av) for av in self.axis_vars])
p2_pos = np.array([p2.get_property(av) for av in self.axis_vars])
v21 = p1_pos - p2_pos
vnode1 = node_pos - p1_pos
if, vnode1) < 0:
del zpf_line.points[i]
final_len = len(zpf_line.points)"Removed zpf points from {orig_len} to {final_len}")
# Set axis variable and direction from the previous zpf line
# So we know where the node came from (this can give some hints for exit finding)
new_node.axis_var = zpf_line.axis_var
new_node.axis_direction = zpf_line.axis_direction
# Add to node queue
# For stepping, we will force add. Most nodes will be unique, however, if we're stepping along composition
# in a binary, then the nodes won't be unique
if len(self.axis_vars) == 1:
self.node_queue.add_node(new_node, True)
if not self.node_queue.add_node(new_node):"Node {new_node.fixed_phases}, {new_node.free_phases} has already been added")
def _start_zpf_line(self):
1. Gets current exit from the node
2. Find start direction
3. Create new zpf line with exit and direction information
# Find start direction from current exit
direction_data = self._determine_start_direction(self._current_node, self._exits[self._exit_index], self._exit_dirs[self._exit_index])
# If no direction can be found, then move to the next exit
if direction_data is None:
# Create node from exit and start direction
exit_point, start_ax, start_dir, start_delta = direction_data
# Initialize zpf line
self.zpf_lines.append(ZPFLine(exit_point.fixed_phases, exit_point.free_phases))
self.zpf_lines[-1].axis_var = start_ax
self.zpf_lines[-1].axis_direction = start_dir
self.zpf_lines[-1].current_delta = start_delta"Starting zpf line with {self.zpf_lines[-1].points[-1].global_conditions}, {self.zpf_lines[-1].points[-1].fixed_phases}, {self.zpf_lines[-1].points[-1].free_phases} and {self.zpf_lines[-1].axis_var}, {self.zpf_lines[-1].current_delta*self.zpf_lines[-1].axis_direction.value}")"ZPF starting from node {self._current_node.fixed_phases}, {self._current_node.free_phases}, {self._current_node.global_conditions}")
def _determine_start_direction(self, node: Node, exit_point: Point, proposed_direction: Direction = None):
From an exit point, this will return an axis variable, direction and delta
that is suggested to give a good starting direction to a ZPF line
If proposed_direction is None, this will test both positive and negative,
otherwise, it will only test the proposed direction
raise NotImplementedError()
def _find_node_exits(self):
1. Get next node in queue
2. Find exits from node (implemented for each strategy)
# Get new node from node queue
self._current_node = self.node_queue.get_next_node()"Finding exits from node {self._current_node.fixed_phases}, {self._current_node.free_phases}, {self._current_node.global_conditions}")
# Find all exits from node
self._exits, self._exit_dirs = self._find_exits_from_node(self._current_node)
exit_info = [f"Point: {ex.fixed_phases}, {ex.free_phases}, {ex_dir}" for ex, ex_dir in zip(self._exits, self._exit_dirs)]"Found exits {exit_info}")
self._exit_index = 0
def _find_exits_from_node(self, node: Node):
Default exit function which uses the node as an exit if the ExitHint says so
Derived classes will check if the return of this is empty arrays and if they are, then they"ll fill them up their own way
exits = []
exit_dirs = []
if node.exit_hint == ExitHint.POINT_IS_EXIT:"Using node {node.fixed_phases}, {node.free_phases}, {node.global_conditions} as the exit point with directions {node.axis_direction}")
if node.axis_direction is None:
return exits, exit_dirs
def _test_direction(self, point: Point, axis_var: v.StateVariable, direction: Direction):
Given an axis variable and direction, test that we can step from the point
If stepping doesn"t work, we continue to reduce the step size until it can (or until the step size is too small)
We check whether stepping is possible by checking if equilibrium converged, if it"s still global min and if the number of phases stayed the same
We"ll skip the other two checks (axis lims/distance and similar compositions) since technically, these are valid points that can be added
# For stepping, there is no other variable
# For tielines and isopleths, we keep track of the other av
# This is mainly to check which axis variable changes the least when stepping
# Where we want to be stepping in the variable that changes the other variable the least
if len(self.axis_vars) == 1:
other_av, other_av_val = None, None
other_av = self.axis_vars[1-self.axis_vars.index(axis_var)]
other_av_val = point.get_property(other_av)
# Set the starting delta to be the minimum (delta * min_delta_ratio). Then if direction is
# successful, we can scale the delta after successful zpf line iterations
curr_delta = self.axis_delta[axis_var] * self.MIN_DELTA_RATIO
new_conds, hit_axis_limit = self._step_conditions(point, axis_var, curr_delta, self.axis_lims[axis_var], direction)
if not hit_axis_limit:
step_results = zeq.update_equilibrium_with_new_conditions(point, new_conds, self._other_av(axis_var))
extra_args = {
"system_info": self.system_info,
"pdens": self.GLOBAL_MIN_PDENS,
"tol": self.GLOBAL_MIN_TOL
# Check valid equilibrium, global min and change in phases
check_functions = [zchk.simple_check_valid_point, zchk.simple_check_change_in_phases, zchk.simple_check_global_min]
valid_point = True
for checks in check_functions:
if not checks(step_results, **extra_args):
valid_point = False
# If valid point, then record the change in the other axis and return both deltas
if valid_point:
other_av_delta = None
new_point, orig_cs = step_results
if other_av is not None:
new_other_av_val = new_point.get_property(other_av)
other_av_delta = abs(other_av_val - new_other_av_val)
return curr_delta, other_av_delta
# If stepping failed, then returned None"Stepping point {point.fixed_phases}, {point.free_phases}, {point.global_conditions}, {direction} failed with step size {curr_delta}.")
return None