Source code for pycalphad.mapping.strategy.step_strategy

from typing import Union
import logging
import itertools
import copy

import numpy as np

from pycalphad import Database, variables as v
from pycalphad.core.constants import MIN_PHASE_FRACTION

from pycalphad.mapping.primitives import ZPFLine, Node, Point, ExitHint, Direction, ZPFState, _get_phase_specific_variable
import pycalphad.mapping.utils as map_utils
from pycalphad.mapping.strategy.strategy_base import MapStrategy

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class StepStrategy(MapStrategy): def __init__(self, dbf: Database, components: list[str], phases: list[str], conditions: dict[v.StateVariable, Union[float, tuple[float]]], **kwargs): super().__init__(dbf, components, phases, conditions, **kwargs)
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Adds initial starting point in middle of free condition """ av = self.axis_vars[0] mid_val = (self.axis_lims[av][0] + self.axis_lims[av][1]) / 2 mid_conds = copy.deepcopy(self.conditions) mid_conds[av] = mid_val self.add_nodes_from_conditions(mid_conds, None, True)
def _find_exits_from_node(self, node: Node): """ Apart from the default POINT_IS_EXIT condition from strategy base, there are three possibilities 1. Node has more phases than parent and node is an invariant and we step in potential condition Test all n-1 combinations of the set of phases (excluding parent) to find the set will all phase fractions are positive when solving against the current composition Note: we shouldn"t have to account for the number of phases < number of compositions since the matrix will be (comps x phases) and should always be full rank even if comps > phases 2. Node has more phases than parent and we step in non-potential condition Create exit with all phases stable 3. Node has the same number of phases as the parent Remove phase with 0 phase fraction and create exit with remaining phases For stepping, all phases in an exit are free """ exits, exit_dirs = super()._find_exits_from_node(node) if node.exit_hint == ExitHint.POINT_IS_EXIT: return exits, exit_dirs num_node_cs = len(node.stable_composition_sets) num_parent_cs = len(node.parent.stable_composition_sets) is_pot_cond = map_utils.is_state_variable(self.axis_vars[0]) is_invariant = map_utils.degrees_of_freedom(node, self.components, self.num_potential_condition) == 0 if num_node_cs == num_parent_cs + 1: # Node has more phases than parent if is_pot_cond and is_invariant: # Potential condition, create matrix for each n-1 set of phases node_cs_set = set(node.stable_composition_sets) parent_cs_set = set(node.parent.stable_composition_sets) # Make sure parent cs if a subset of node cs if len(parent_cs_set - node_cs_set) != 0: return exits, exit_dirs # Test all n-1 set of phases excluding parent set for trial_stable_cs in itertools.combinations(node.stable_composition_sets, num_node_cs - 1): if set(trial_stable_cs) == parent_cs_set: continue # comps x phases phase_matrix = np.array([cs.X for cs in trial_stable_cs]).T # composition list global_comps = [node.get_property(v.X(e)) for e in self.elements] # phase fraction phase_NP = np.linalg.lstsq(phase_matrix, global_comps, rcond=None)[0].flatten() if all(phase_NP > 0): candidate_point = Point.with_copy(node.global_conditions, node.chemical_potentials, [], list(trial_stable_cs)) # Since we have the phase fraction, we can update the cs with them for cs, ph_np in zip(candidate_point.stable_composition_sets, phase_NP): cs.fixed = False map_utils.update_cs_phase_frac(cs, ph_np) exits.append(candidate_point) exit_dirs.append(node.axis_direction) return exits, exit_dirs else: # Not potential condition, create exit with all phases stable and free candidate_point = Point.with_copy(node.global_conditions, node.chemical_potentials, [], node.stable_composition_sets) for cs in candidate_point.stable_composition_sets: cs.fixed = False # Add candidate point with the same direction as the node exits.append(candidate_point) exit_dirs.append(node.axis_direction) return exits, exit_dirs elif num_node_cs == num_parent_cs: # Number of phases are the same, remove the 0 phase cs_to_keep = [cs for cs in node.stable_composition_sets if cs.NP > MIN_PHASE_FRACTION] # If there are more than 1 zero phase, then return the empty exits, here, a new starting point should be generated if len(cs_to_keep) < num_node_cs - 1: return exits, exit_dirs candidate_point = Point.with_copy(node.global_conditions, node.chemical_potentials, [], cs_to_keep) for cs in cs_to_keep: cs.fixed = False exits.append(candidate_point) exit_dirs.append(node.axis_direction) return exits, exit_dirs return exits, exit_dirs def _determine_start_direction(self, node: Node, exit_point: Point, proposed_direction: Direction): """ For stepping, only one direction is possible from a node since we either step positive or negative If a direction cannot be found, then we force add a starting point just past the exit_point """ axis_deltas = self._test_direction(exit_point, self.axis_vars[0], proposed_direction) if axis_deltas is None: # Test direction failed, so add a new starting point self._add_starting_point_at_last_condition(exit_point.global_conditions, proposed_direction) return None else: # Return axis variable, proposed direction and axis delta # For the most point, this seems pointless since we of course know the # axis variable and direction when stepping, but this is mainly for # compatibility with the tielines and isopleth strategies av_delta, other_av_delta = axis_deltas return exit_point, self.axis_vars[0], proposed_direction, av_delta def _attempt_to_add_point(self, zpf_line: ZPFLine, step_results: tuple[Point, list]): """ If a point was not added because the zpf line failed, then we force a starting point just past the end of the zpf line """ super()._attempt_to_add_point(zpf_line, step_results) if zpf_line.status == ZPFState.FAILED: # ZPF line failed, so add a new starting point self._add_starting_point_at_last_condition(zpf_line.points[-1].global_conditions, zpf_line.axis_direction) def _add_starting_point_at_last_condition(self, conditions: dict[v.StateVariable, float], axis_dir: Direction): """ Checks if the point is at the axis limits If not, then create a new starting point with the adjusted conditions """ av = self.axis_vars[0] # Since we add the new starting point at MIN_DELTA_RATIO*axis_delta, # make sure that the new conditions won"t be past the axis limits new_delta = self.MIN_DELTA_RATIO * self.axis_delta[av] not_at_axis_lims = True new_conds = copy.deepcopy(conditions) while not_at_axis_lims: if axis_dir == Direction.POSITIVE: not_at_axis_lims = new_conds[av] + new_delta*axis_dir.value < max(self.axis_lims[av]) else: not_at_axis_lims = new_conds[av] + new_delta*axis_dir.value > min(self.axis_lims[av]) # If new conditions are within limits, then add the new point if not_at_axis_lims: new_conds[av] += new_delta * axis_dir.value"Force adding starting point with conditions {new_conds}") success = self.add_nodes_from_conditions(new_conds, axis_dir, True) if success: return
[docs] def get_data(self, x: v.StateVariable, y: v.StateVariable, x_is_global: bool = False, set_nan_to_zero=False): """ Utility function to get data from StepStrategy for plotting. Parameters ---------- x : v.StateVariable The state variable to be used for the x-axis. y : v.StateVariable The state variable to be used for the y-axis. x_is_global : bool, optional Indicates whether `x` is a global or phase-local variable. For example, if plotting global composition (`x`) vs. phase fraction (`y`), then `x` is global. set_nan_to_zero : bool, optional If True, NaN values will be set to zero in the data. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with the following structure:: { "data": { "<phase_name>": { "x": list of float, "y": list of float } }, "xlim": list of float, # min and max for all x values "ylim": list of float # min and max for all y values } """ # Get all phases in strategy (including multiplicity) phases = sorted(self.get_all_phases()) # Axis limits for x and y xlim = [np.inf, -np.inf] ylim = [np.inf, -np.inf] # For each phase, grab x and y values and plot, setting all nan values to 0 (if phase is unstable in zpf line, it will return nan for any variable) # Then get the max and min of x and y values to update xlim and ylim phase_data = {} for p in phases: x_array = [] y_array = [] for zpf_lines in self.zpf_lines: x_data = zpf_lines.get_var_list(_get_phase_specific_variable(p, x, x_is_global)) y_data = zpf_lines.get_var_list(_get_phase_specific_variable(p, y)) if set_nan_to_zero: x_data[np.isnan(x_data)] = 0 y_data[np.isnan(y_data)] = 0 x_array.append(x_data) y_array.append(y_data) # We return a single x, y array for all zpf_lines per phase x_array = np.concatenate(x_array, axis=0) y_array = np.concatenate(y_array, axis=0) # Sort arrays by x argsort = np.argsort(x_array) x_array = x_array[argsort] y_array = y_array[argsort] phase_data[p] = {'x': x_array, 'y': y_array} # Can this be done outside of this loop, or is this the easiest way? xlim[0] = np.amin([xlim[0], np.amin(x_array[~np.isnan(x_array)])]) xlim[1] = np.amax([xlim[1], np.amax(x_array[~np.isnan(x_array)])]) ylim[0] = np.amin([ylim[0], np.amin(y_array[~np.isnan(y_array)])]) ylim[1] = np.amax([ylim[1], np.amax(y_array[~np.isnan(y_array)])]) step_data = { 'data': phase_data, 'xlim': xlim, 'ylim': ylim, } return step_data