Source code for pycalphad.variables

#pylint: disable=C0103,R0903,W0232
Classes and constants for representing thermodynamic variables.

import sys
from symengine import Float, Symbol
from import parse_chemical_formula

[docs] class Species(object): """ A chemical species. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the specie constituents : dict Dictionary of {element: quantity} where the element is a string and the quantity a float. charge : int Integer charge. Can be positive or negative. """ def __new__(cls, name, constituents=None, charge=0): if constituents is not None: new_self = object.__new__(cls) = name new_self.constituents = constituents new_self.charge = charge return new_self else: arg = name # if a Species is passed in, return it if arg.__class__ == cls: return arg new_self = object.__new__(cls) if arg == '*': new_self = object.__new__(cls) = '*' new_self.constituents = dict() new_self.charge = 0 return new_self if arg is None: new_self = object.__new__(cls) = '' new_self.constituents = dict() new_self.charge = 0 return new_self if isinstance(arg, str): parse_list = parse_chemical_formula(arg.upper()) else: parse_list = arg = name new_self.charge = parse_list[1] parse_list = parse_list[0] new_self.constituents = dict(parse_list) return new_self def __getnewargs__(self): return, self.constituents, self.charge def __eq__(self, other): """Two species are the same if their names and constituents are the same.""" if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return ( == and (self.constituents == other.constituents) else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return < def __str__(self): return @property def escaped_name(self): "Name safe to embed in the variable name of complex arithmetic expressions." return str(self).replace('-', '_NEG').replace('+', '_POS').replace('/', 'Z') @property def number_of_atoms(self): "Number of atoms per formula unit. Vacancies do not count as atoms." return sum(value for key, value in self.constituents.items() if key != 'VA') @property def weight(self): "Number of grams per formula unit." return NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): if == '*': return str(self.__class__.__name__)+'(\'*\')' if == '': return str(self.__class__.__name__)+"(None)" species_constituents = ''.join( ['{}{}'.format(el, val) for el, val in sorted(self.constituents.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])]) if self.charge == 0: repr_str = "(\'{0}\', \'{1}\')" else: repr_str = "(\'{0}\', \'{1}\', charge={2})" return str(self.__class__.__name__)+repr_str.format(, species_constituents, self.charge) def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs] class StateVariable(Symbol): """ State variables are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real. """ def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name.upper()) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (,) def __eq__(self, other): """Two species are the same if their names are the same.""" if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return == else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.__class__,
[docs] class SiteFraction(StateVariable): """ Site fractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real and nonnegative. The constructor handles formatting of the name. """ def __init__(self, phase_name, subl_index, species): #pylint: disable=W0221 varname = phase_name + str(subl_index) + Species(species).escaped_name #pylint: disable=E1121 super().__init__(varname) self.phase_name = phase_name.upper() self.sublattice_index = subl_index self.species = Species(species) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species) def __eq__(self, other): """Two species are the same if their names and constituents are the same.""" if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return == else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species)) def _latex(self, printer=None): "LaTeX representation." #pylint: disable=E1101 return 'y^{\mathrm{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \ '}}_{'+str(self.sublattice_index)+',\mathrm{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}}' def __str__(self): "String representation." #pylint: disable=E1101 return 'Y(%s,%d,%s)' % \ (self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species.escaped_name)
[docs] class PhaseFraction(StateVariable): """ Phase fractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real and nonnegative. The constructor handles formatting of the name. """ def __init__(self, phase_name): #pylint: disable=W0221 varname = 'NP_' + str(phase_name) super().__init__(varname) self.phase_name = phase_name.upper() def _latex(self, printer=None): "LaTeX representation." #pylint: disable=E1101 return 'f^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-')
[docs] class MoleFraction(StateVariable): """ MoleFractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real and nonnegative. """ def __init__(self, *args): #pylint: disable=W0221 varname = None phase_name = None species = None if len(args) == 1: # this is an overall composition variable species = Species(args[0]) varname = 'X_' + species.escaped_name.upper() elif len(args) == 2: # this is a phase-specific composition variable phase_name = args[0].upper() species = Species(args[1]) varname = 'X_' + phase_name + '_' + species.escaped_name.upper() else: # not defined raise ValueError('MoleFraction not defined for args: '+args) #pylint: disable=E1121 super().__init__(varname) self.phase_name = phase_name self.species = species def __reduce__(self): if self.phase_name is None: return self.__class__, (self.species,) else: return self.__class__, (self.phase_name, self.species,) def _latex(self, printer=None): "LaTeX representation." #pylint: disable=E1101 if self.phase_name: return 'x^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \ '}_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}' else: return 'x_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}'
[docs] class MassFraction(StateVariable): """ Weight fractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real and nonnegative. """ def __init__(self, *args): # pylint: disable=W0221 varname = None phase_name = None species = None if len(args) == 1: # this is an overall composition variable species = Species(args[0]) varname = 'W_' + species.escaped_name.upper() elif len(args) == 2: # this is a phase-specific composition variable phase_name = args[0].upper() species = Species(args[1]) varname = 'W_' + phase_name + '_' + species.escaped_name.upper() else: # not defined raise ValueError('Weight fraction not defined for args: '+args) # pylint: disable=E1121 super().__init__(varname) self.phase_name = phase_name self.species = species def __reduce__(self): if self.phase_name is None: return self.__class__, (self.species,) else: return self.__class__, (self.phase_name, self.species,) def _latex(self, printer=None): "LaTeX representation." # pylint: disable=E1101 if self.phase_name: return 'w^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \ '}_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}' else: return 'w_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}'
[docs] def get_mole_fractions(mass_fractions, dependent_species, pure_element_mass_dict): """ Return a mapping of MoleFractions for a point composition. Parameters ---------- mass_fractions : Mapping[MassFraction, float] dependent_species : Union[Species, str] Dependent species not appearing in the independent mass fractions. pure_element_mass_dict : Union[Mapping[str, float], pycalphad.Database] Either a mapping from pure elements to their mass, or a Database from which they can be retrieved. Returns ------- Dict[MoleFraction, float] """ if not all(isinstance(mf, MassFraction) for mf in mass_fractions): from pycalphad.core.errors import ConditionError raise ConditionError("All mass_fractions must be instances of MassFraction (v.W). Got ", mass_fractions) dependent_species = Species(dependent_species) species_mass_fracs = {mf.species: frac for mf, frac in mass_fractions.items()} all_species = set(species_mass_fracs.keys()) | {dependent_species} # Check if the mass dict is a Database, which is the source of the mass_dict from pycalphad import Database # Imported here to avoid circular import if isinstance(pure_element_mass_dict, Database): pure_element_mass_dict = {el: refdict['mass'] for el, refdict in pure_element_mass_dict.refstates.items()} species_mass_dict = {} for species in all_species: species_mass_dict[species] = sum([pure_element_mass_dict[pe]*natoms for pe, natoms in species.constituents.items()]) # add dependent species species_mass_fracs[dependent_species] = 1 - sum(species_mass_fracs.values()) # compute moles species_moles = {species: mass_frac/species_mass_dict[species] for species, mass_frac in species_mass_fracs.items()} # normalize total_moles = sum(species_moles.values()) species_mole_fractions = {species: moles/total_moles for species, moles in species_moles.items()} # remove dependent species species_mole_fractions.pop(dependent_species) return {MoleFraction(species): fraction for species, fraction in species_mole_fractions.items()}
[docs] def get_mass_fractions(mole_fractions, dependent_species, pure_element_mass_dict): """ Return a mapping of MassFractions for a point composition. Parameters ---------- mass_fractions : Mapping[MoleFraction, float] dependent_species : Union[Species, str] Dependent species not appearing in the independent mass fractions. pure_element_mass_dict : Union[Mapping[str, float], pycalphad.Database] Either a mapping from pure elements to their mass, or a Database from which they can be retrieved. Returns ------- Dict[MassFraction, float] """ if not all(isinstance(mf, MoleFraction) for mf in mole_fractions): from pycalphad.core.errors import ConditionError raise ConditionError("All mole_fractions must be instances of MoleFraction (v.X). Got ", mole_fractions) dependent_species = Species(dependent_species) species_mole_fracs = {mf.species: frac for mf, frac in mole_fractions.items()} all_species = set(species_mole_fracs.keys()) | {dependent_species} # Check if the mass dict is a Database, which is the source of the mass_dict from pycalphad import Database # Imported here to avoid circular import if isinstance(pure_element_mass_dict, Database): pure_element_mass_dict = {el: refdict['mass'] for el, refdict in pure_element_mass_dict.refstates.items()} species_mass_dict = {} for species in all_species: species_mass_dict[species] = sum([pure_element_mass_dict[pe]*natoms for pe, natoms in species.constituents.items()]) # add dependent species species_mole_fracs[dependent_species] = 1 - sum(species_mole_fracs.values()) # compute mass species_mass = {species: mole_frac*species_mass_dict[species] for species, mole_frac in species_mole_fracs.items()} # normalize total_mass = sum(species_mass.values()) species_mass_fractions = {species: mass/total_mass for species, mass in species_mass.items()} # remove dependent species species_mass_fractions.pop(dependent_species) return {MassFraction(species): fraction for species, fraction in species_mass_fractions.items()}
[docs] class ChemicalPotential(StateVariable): """ Chemical potentials are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real. """ def __init__(self, species): species = Species(species) varname = 'MU_' + species.escaped_name.upper() super().__init__(varname) self.species = species def _latex(self, printer=None): "LaTeX representation." return '\mu_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}' def __str__(self): "String representation." return 'MU_%s' %
temperature = T = StateVariable('T') entropy = S = StateVariable('S') pressure = P = StateVariable('P') volume = V = StateVariable('V') moles = N = StateVariable('N') site_fraction = Y = SiteFraction X = MoleFraction W = MassFraction MU = ChemicalPotential NP = PhaseFraction si_gas_constant = R = Float(8.3145) # ideal gas constant CONDITIONS_REQUIRING_HESSIANS = {ChemicalPotential, PhaseFraction} # When loading databases, these symbols should be replaced by their StateVariable counter-parts defined above supported_variables_in_databases = {Symbol('T'): T, Symbol('P'): P, Symbol('R'): R}