#pylint: disable=C0103,R0903,W0232
Classes and constants for representing thermodynamic variables.
from typing import Optional
from symengine import Float, Symbol
from pycalphad.io.grammar import parse_chemical_formula
from pycalphad.property_framework.types import JanssonDerivativeDeltas
from pycalphad.core.minimizer import site_fraction_differential, state_variable_differential, \
fixed_component_differential, chemical_potential_differential
import numpy as np
from copy import copy
class Component(object):
A chemical component, either a pure element or a linear combination of pure elements.
name : string
Name of the component
constituents : dict
Dictionary of {element: quantity} where the element is a string and the quantity a float.
def __new__(cls, name, constituents=None):
if constituents is not None:
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
new_self.name = name
new_self.constituents = constituents
return new_self
arg = name
# if a Component is passed in, return it
if arg.__class__ == cls:
return arg
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
if isinstance(arg, Species):
# TODO: maybe should have some base class so Component-Species aren't coupled, but it's probably okay?
new_self.name = arg.name
new_self.constituents = arg.constituents
return new_self
if arg == '*':
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
new_self.name = '*'
new_self.constituents = dict()
return new_self
if arg is None:
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
new_self.name = ''
new_self.constituents = dict()
return new_self
if isinstance(arg, str):
parse_list = parse_chemical_formula(arg.upper())
parse_list = arg
new_self.name = name
parse_list = parse_list[0]
new_self.constituents = dict(parse_list)
return new_self
def __getnewargs__(self):
return self.name, self.constituents
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two components are the same if their names and constituents are the same."""
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return (self.name == other.name) and (self.constituents == other.constituents)
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.name < other.name
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def cast_from(cls, s: str) -> "Component":
return cls(s)
def number_of_atoms(self):
"Number of atoms per formula unit. Vacancies do not count as atoms."
return sum(value for key, value in self.constituents.items() if key != 'VA')
def __repr__(self):
if self.name == '*':
return str(self.__class__.__name__)+'(\'*\')'
if self.name == '':
return str(self.__class__.__name__)+"(None)"
constituents = ''.join(['{}{}'.format(el, val) for el, val in sorted(self.constituents.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])])
return str(self.__class__.__name__) + f"(\'{self.name.upper()}\', \'{constituents}\')"
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
def escaped_name(self):
"Name safe to embed in the variable name of complex arithmetic expressions."
return str(self)
class Species(object):
A chemical species.
name : string
Name of the specie
constituents : dict
Dictionary of {element: quantity} where the element is a string and the quantity a float.
charge : int
Integer charge. Can be positive or negative.
def __new__(cls, name, constituents=None, charge=0):
if constituents is not None:
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
new_self.name = name
new_self.constituents = constituents
new_self.charge = charge
return new_self
arg = name
# if a Species is passed in, return it
if arg.__class__ == cls:
return arg
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
if isinstance(arg, Component):
# TODO: maybe should have some base class so Component-Species aren't coupled, but it's probably okay?
new_self.name = arg.name
new_self.constituents = arg.constituents
new_self.charge = 0
return new_self
if arg == '*':
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
new_self.name = '*'
new_self.constituents = dict()
new_self.charge = 0
return new_self
if arg is None:
new_self = object.__new__(cls)
new_self.name = ''
new_self.constituents = dict()
new_self.charge = 0
return new_self
if isinstance(arg, str):
parse_list = parse_chemical_formula(arg.upper())
parse_list = arg
new_self.name = name
new_self.charge = parse_list[1]
parse_list = parse_list[0]
new_self.constituents = dict(parse_list)
return new_self
def __getnewargs__(self):
return self.name, self.constituents, self.charge
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two species are the same if their names and constituents are the same."""
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return (self.name == other.name) and (self.constituents == other.constituents)
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.name < other.name
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def cast_from(cls, s: str) -> "Species":
return cls(s)
def escaped_name(self):
"Name safe to embed in the variable name of complex arithmetic expressions."
return str(self).replace('-', '_NEG').replace('+', '_POS').replace('/', 'Z')
def number_of_atoms(self):
"Number of atoms per formula unit. Vacancies do not count as atoms."
return sum(value for key, value in self.constituents.items() if key != 'VA')
def weight(self):
"Number of grams per formula unit."
return NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self):
if self.name == '*':
return str(self.__class__.__name__)+'(\'*\')'
if self.name == '':
return str(self.__class__.__name__)+"(None)"
species_constituents = ''.join(
['{}{}'.format(el, val) for el, val in sorted(self.constituents.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])])
if self.charge == 0:
repr_str = "(\'{0}\', \'{1}\')"
repr_str = "(\'{0}\', \'{1}\', charge={2})"
return str(self.__class__.__name__)+repr_str.format(self.name.upper(), species_constituents, self.charge)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
def unpack_components(components: "Sequence[Component | Species | str]", dbf: Optional["Database"] = None):
Build a set of Components from ones provided by the caller.
The components can be given as:
1. Component objects, which are directly used
2. Species objects, which will be converted to Component objects
3. str objects, which will be resolved to a Component by:
a) matching with the name of a Species object present in the Database, or
b) by parsing the string via the Component constructor
comps : Sequence[Component | Species | str]
Names of components to consider in the calculation.
dbf : Optional[Database]
Thermodynamic database containing elements and species. If no database is
passed, constructing Component objects via pattern matching to Species defined
in the Database (3a) will not be possible.
Set of Component objects
>>> from pycalphad import Database, variables as v
>>> dbf = Database()
>>> dbf.species.add(v.Species("WCL4", {"W": 1, "CL": 4}))
>>> dbf.species.add(v.Species("H+", {"H": 1.0}, charge=1.0))
>>> unpack_components([v.Component("NACL"), v.Species("H2O"), "SIO2", "K1CL1", "WCL4", "H+"], dbf)
desired_components = set()
if dbf is not None:
known_species = {sp.name: sp for sp in dbf.species}
known_species = {}
for c in components:
if isinstance(c, Component):
elif isinstance(c, Species):
desired_components.add(Component(c.name, c.constituents))
if c in known_species:
c = known_species[c]
desired_components.add(Component(c.name, c.constituents))
return desired_components
class StateVariable(Symbol):
State variables are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real.
implementation_units = ''
display_units = ''
def display_name(self):
return self.name
def __init__(self, name):
def shape(self):
return tuple()
def is_global_property(self):
return (not hasattr(self, 'phase_name')) or (self.phase_name is None)
def multiplicity(self):
if self.phase_name is not None:
tokens = self.phase_name.split('#')
if len(tokens) > 1:
return int(tokens[1])
return 1
return None
def phase_name_without_suffix(self):
if self.phase_name is not None:
tokens = self.phase_name.split('#')
return tokens[0]
return None
def filtered(self, input_compsets):
"Return a generator of CompositionSets applicable to the current property"
multiplicity_seen = 0
for cs_idx, compset in enumerate(input_compsets):
if (self.phase_name is not None) and compset.phase_record.phase_name != self.phase_name_without_suffix:
if (compset.NP == 0) and (not compset.fixed):
if self.phase_name is not None:
multiplicity_seen += 1
if self.multiplicity != multiplicity_seen:
yield cs_idx, compset
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
if len(compsets) == 0:
return np.nan
state_variables = compsets[0].phase_record.state_variables
statevar_idx = state_variables.index(self)
return compsets[0].dof[statevar_idx]
def jansson_derivative(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials, deltas: JanssonDerivativeDeltas):
"Compute Jansson derivative with self as numerator, with the given deltas"
state_variables = compsets[0].phase_record.state_variables
statevar_idx = state_variables.index(self)
return deltas.delta_statevars[statevar_idx]
def jansson_deltas(self, spec, state) -> JanssonDerivativeDeltas:
state_variables = state.compsets[0].phase_record.state_variables
statevar_idx = sorted(state_variables, key=str).index(self)
delta_chemical_potentials, delta_statevars, delta_phase_amounts = \
state_variable_differential(spec, state, statevar_idx)
# Sundman et al, 2015, Eq. 73
compsets_delta_sitefracs = []
for idx, compset in enumerate(state.compsets):
delta_sitefracs = site_fraction_differential(state.cs_states[idx], delta_chemical_potentials,
return JanssonDerivativeDeltas(delta_chemical_potentials=delta_chemical_potentials, delta_statevars=delta_statevars,
delta_phase_amounts=delta_phase_amounts, delta_sitefracs=compsets_delta_sitefracs,
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, (self.name,)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two species are the same if their names are the same."""
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.name == other.name
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__class__, self.name))
def __getitem__(self, new_units: str) -> "StateVariable":
"Get StateVariable with different display units"
newobj = copy(self)
newobj.display_units = new_units
return newobj
class SiteFraction(StateVariable):
Site fractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real
and nonnegative. The constructor handles formatting of the name.
implementation_units = 'fraction'
display_units = 'fraction'
def __init__(self, phase_name, subl_index, species): #pylint: disable=W0221
varname = phase_name + str(subl_index) + Species(species).escaped_name
#pylint: disable=E1121
self.phase_name = phase_name.upper()
if subl_index == '*':
self.sublattice_index = '*'
self.sublattice_index = int(subl_index)
self.species = Species(species)
if '#' in phase_name:
self._self_without_suffix = self.__class__(self.phase_name_without_suffix, subl_index, species)
self._self_without_suffix = self
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
result = np.atleast_1d(np.full(self.shape, fill_value=np.nan))
state_variables = None
for _, compset in self.filtered(compsets):
# we'll only hit this code path if this phase is present in the list of compsets
if state_variables is None:
state_variables = compsets[0].phase_record.state_variables
if np.all(np.isnan(result)):
result[0] = 0.0
site_fractions = compset.phase_record.variables
sitefrac_idx = site_fractions.index(self._self_without_suffix)
result[0] += compset.dof[len(state_variables)+sitefrac_idx]
return result
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, (self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Two species are the same if their names and constituents are the same."""
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.name == other.name
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species))
def expand_wildcard(self, phase_names=None, components=None, sublattice_indices=None):
if phase_names is not None:
return [self.__class__(phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species) for phase_name in phase_names]
elif components is not None:
return [self.__class__(self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, comp) for comp in components]
elif sublattice_indices is not None:
return [self.__class__(self.phase_name, idx, self.species) for idx in sublattice_indices]
raise ValueError('All arguments are None')
def _latex(self, printer=None):
"LaTeX representation."
return r'y^{\mathrm{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \
def __str__(self):
"String representation."
if self.sublattice_index == '*':
return 'Y(%s,%s,%s)' % \
(self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species.escaped_name)
return 'Y(%s,%d,%s)' % \
(self.phase_name, self.sublattice_index, self.species.escaped_name)
class PhaseFraction(StateVariable):
Phase fractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real
and nonnegative. The constructor handles formatting of the name.
implementation_units = 'fraction'
display_units = 'fraction'
def __init__(self, phase_name): #pylint: disable=W0221
varname = 'NP_' + str(phase_name)
self.phase_name = phase_name.upper()
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
result = np.atleast_1d(np.full(self.shape, fill_value=np.nan))
for _, compset in self.filtered(compsets):
if np.all(np.isnan(result[0])):
result[0] = 0.0
result[0] += compset.NP
return result
def jansson_derivative(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials, deltas: JanssonDerivativeDeltas):
"Compute Jansson derivative with self as numerator, with the given deltas"
jansson_derivative = np.nan
for idx, _ in self.filtered(compsets):
if np.isnan(jansson_derivative):
jansson_derivative = 0.0
jansson_derivative += deltas.delta_phase_amounts[idx]
return jansson_derivative
def expand_wildcard(self, phase_names):
return [self.__class__(phase_name) for phase_name in phase_names]
def _latex(self, printer=None):
"LaTeX representation."
#pylint: disable=E1101
return 'f^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-')
class MoleFraction(StateVariable):
MoleFractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real
and nonnegative.
implementation_units = 'fraction'
display_units = 'fraction'
def __init__(self, *args): #pylint: disable=W0221
varname = None
phase_name = None
species = None
if len(args) == 1:
# this is an overall composition variable
species = Component(args[0])
varname = 'X_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
elif len(args) == 2:
# this is a phase-specific composition variable
phase_name = args[0].upper()
species = Component(args[1])
varname = 'X_' + phase_name + '_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
# not defined
raise ValueError('MoleFraction not defined for args: '+args)
#pylint: disable=E1121
self.phase_name = phase_name
self.species = species
def expand_wildcard(self, phase_names=None, components=None):
if phase_names is not None:
return [self.__class__(phase_name, self.species) for phase_name in phase_names]
elif components is not None:
if self.phase_name is None:
return [self.__class__(comp) for comp in components]
return [self.__class__(self.phase_name, comp) for comp in components]
raise ValueError('Both phase_names and components are None')
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
result = np.atleast_1d(np.zeros(self.shape))
result[:] = np.nan
for _, compset in self.filtered(compsets):
el_idx = compset.phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(str(self.species))
if np.isnan(result[0]):
result[0] = 0
if self.phase_name is None:
result[0] += compset.NP * compset.X[el_idx]
result[0] += compset.X[el_idx]
return result
def compute_per_phase_property(self, compset, cur_conds):
if self.phase_name is not None:
tokens = self.phase_name.split('#')
phase_name = tokens[0]
if (compset.phase_record.phase_name != phase_name):
return np.nan
el_idx = compset.phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(str(self.species))
return compset.X[el_idx]
def compute_property_gradient(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
"Compute partial derivatives of property with respect to degrees of freedom of given CompositionSets"
result = [np.zeros(compset.dof.shape[0]) for compset in compsets]
num_components = len(compsets[0].phase_record.nonvacant_elements)
for cs_idx, compset in self.filtered(compsets):
masses = np.zeros((num_components, 1))
mass_jac = np.zeros((num_components, compset.dof.shape[0]))
for comp_idx in range(num_components):
compset.phase_record.formulamole_obj(masses[comp_idx, :], compset.dof, comp_idx)
compset.phase_record.formulamole_grad(mass_jac[comp_idx, :], compset.dof, comp_idx)
el_idx = compset.phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(str(self.species))
result[cs_idx][:] = (mass_jac[el_idx] * masses.sum() - masses[el_idx,0] * mass_jac.sum(axis=0)) \
/ (masses.sum(axis=0)**2)
return result
def jansson_derivative(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials, deltas: JanssonDerivativeDeltas):
"Compute Jansson derivative with self as numerator, with the given deltas"
state_variables = compsets[0].phase_record.state_variables
grad_values = self.compute_property_gradient(compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials)
# Sundman et al, 2015, Eq. 73
jansson_derivative = np.nan
for idx, compset in enumerate(compsets):
if compset.NP == 0 and not (compset.fixed):
func_value = self.compute_per_phase_property(compset, cur_conds)
if np.isnan(func_value):
if np.isnan(jansson_derivative):
jansson_derivative = 0.0
grad_value = grad_values[idx]
delta_sitefracs = deltas.delta_sitefracs[idx]
if self.phase_name is None:
jansson_derivative += deltas.delta_phase_amounts[idx] * func_value
jansson_derivative += compset.NP * np.dot(deltas.delta_statevars, grad_value[:len(state_variables)])
jansson_derivative += compset.NP * np.dot(delta_sitefracs, grad_value[len(state_variables):])
jansson_derivative += np.dot(deltas.delta_statevars, grad_value[:len(state_variables)])
jansson_derivative += np.dot(delta_sitefracs, grad_value[len(state_variables):])
return jansson_derivative
def jansson_deltas(self, spec, state) -> JanssonDerivativeDeltas:
component_idx = state.compsets[0].phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(str(self.species))
delta_chemical_potentials, delta_statevars, delta_phase_amounts = \
fixed_component_differential(spec, state, component_idx)
# Sundman et al, 2015, Eq. 73
compsets_delta_sitefracs = []
for idx, compset in enumerate(state.compsets):
delta_sitefracs = site_fraction_differential(state.cs_states[idx], delta_chemical_potentials,
return JanssonDerivativeDeltas(delta_chemical_potentials=delta_chemical_potentials, delta_statevars=delta_statevars,
delta_phase_amounts=delta_phase_amounts, delta_sitefracs=compsets_delta_sitefracs,
def __reduce__(self):
if self.phase_name is None:
return self.__class__, (self.species,)
return self.__class__, (self.phase_name, self.species,)
def _latex(self, printer=None):
"LaTeX representation."
#pylint: disable=E1101
if self.phase_name:
return 'x^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \
return 'x_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}'
class MassFraction(StateVariable):
Weight fractions are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real and nonnegative.
implementation_units = 'fraction'
display_units = 'fraction'
def __init__(self, *args): # pylint: disable=W0221
varname = None
phase_name = None
species = None
if len(args) == 1:
# this is an overall composition variable
species = Component(args[0])
varname = 'W_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
elif len(args) == 2:
# this is a phase-specific composition variable
phase_name = args[0].upper()
species = Component(args[1])
varname = 'W_' + phase_name + '_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
# not defined
raise ValueError('Weight fraction not defined for args: '+args)
# pylint: disable=E1121
self.phase_name = phase_name
self.species = species
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
result = np.atleast_1d(np.zeros(self.shape))
result[:] = np.nan
normalizer = 0.
for _, compset in self.filtered(compsets):
el_idx = compset.phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(str(self.species))
if np.isnan(result[0]):
result[0] = 0
if self.phase_name is None:
result[0] += compset.NP * compset.phase_record.molar_masses[el_idx] * compset.X[el_idx]
for n_idx in range(len(compset.phase_record.nonvacant_elements)):
normalizer += compset.NP * compset.phase_record.molar_masses[n_idx] * compset.X[n_idx]
result[0] += compset.phase_record.molar_masses[el_idx] * compset.X[el_idx]
for n_idx in range(len(compset.phase_record.nonvacant_elements)):
normalizer += compset.phase_record.molar_masses[n_idx] * compset.X[n_idx]
return result / normalizer
def __reduce__(self):
if self.phase_name is None:
return self.__class__, (self.species,)
return self.__class__, (self.phase_name, self.species,)
def _latex(self, printer=None):
"LaTeX representation."
# pylint: disable=E1101
if self.phase_name:
return 'w^{'+self.phase_name.replace('_', '-') + \
return 'w_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}'
def get_mole_fractions(mass_fractions, dependent_species, pure_element_mass_dict):
Return a mapping of MoleFractions for a point composition.
mass_fractions : Mapping[MassFraction, float]
dependent_species : Union[Component, str]
Dependent species not appearing in the independent mass fractions.
pure_element_mass_dict : Union[Mapping[str, float], pycalphad.Database]
Either a mapping from pure elements to their mass, or a Database from
which they can be retrieved.
Dict[MoleFraction, float]
if not all(isinstance(mf, MassFraction) for mf in mass_fractions):
from pycalphad.core.errors import ConditionError
raise ConditionError("All mass_fractions must be instances of MassFraction (v.W). Got ", mass_fractions)
dependent_species = Component(dependent_species)
species_mass_fracs = {mf.species: frac for mf, frac in mass_fractions.items()}
all_species = set(species_mass_fracs.keys()) | {dependent_species}
# Check if the mass dict is a Database, which is the source of the mass_dict
from pycalphad import Database # Imported here to avoid circular import
if isinstance(pure_element_mass_dict, Database):
pure_element_mass_dict = {el: refdict['mass'] for el, refdict in pure_element_mass_dict.refstates.items()}
species_mass_dict = {}
for species in all_species:
species_mass_dict[species] = sum([pure_element_mass_dict[pe]*natoms for pe, natoms in species.constituents.items()])
# add dependent species
species_mass_fracs[dependent_species] = 1 - sum(species_mass_fracs.values())
# compute moles
species_moles = {species: mass_frac/species_mass_dict[species] for species, mass_frac in species_mass_fracs.items()}
# normalize
total_moles = sum(species_moles.values())
species_mole_fractions = {species: moles/total_moles for species, moles in species_moles.items()}
# remove dependent species
return {MoleFraction(species): fraction for species, fraction in species_mole_fractions.items()}
def get_mass_fractions(mole_fractions, dependent_species, pure_element_mass_dict):
Return a mapping of MassFractions for a point composition.
mass_fractions : Mapping[MoleFraction, float]
dependent_species : Union[Component, str]
Dependent species not appearing in the independent mass fractions.
pure_element_mass_dict : Union[Mapping[str, float], pycalphad.Database]
Either a mapping from pure elements to their mass, or a Database from
which they can be retrieved.
Dict[MassFraction, float]
if not all(isinstance(mf, MoleFraction) for mf in mole_fractions):
from pycalphad.core.errors import ConditionError
raise ConditionError("All mole_fractions must be instances of MoleFraction (v.X). Got ", mole_fractions)
dependent_species = Component(dependent_species)
species_mole_fracs = {mf.species: frac for mf, frac in mole_fractions.items()}
all_species = set(species_mole_fracs.keys()) | {dependent_species}
# Check if the mass dict is a Database, which is the source of the mass_dict
from pycalphad import Database # Imported here to avoid circular import
if isinstance(pure_element_mass_dict, Database):
pure_element_mass_dict = {el: refdict['mass'] for el, refdict in pure_element_mass_dict.refstates.items()}
species_mass_dict = {}
for species in all_species:
species_mass_dict[species] = sum([pure_element_mass_dict[pe]*natoms for pe, natoms in species.constituents.items()])
# add dependent species
species_mole_fracs[dependent_species] = 1 - sum(species_mole_fracs.values())
# compute mass
species_mass = {species: mole_frac*species_mass_dict[species] for species, mole_frac in species_mole_fracs.items()}
# normalize
total_mass = sum(species_mass.values())
species_mass_fractions = {species: mass/total_mass for species, mass in species_mass.items()}
# remove dependent species
return {MassFraction(species): fraction for species, fraction in species_mass_fractions.items()}
class ChemicalPotential(StateVariable):
Chemical potentials are symbols with built-in assumptions of being real.
implementation_units = 'J / mol'
display_units = 'J / mol'
display_name = property(lambda self: f'Chemical Potential {self.species}')
def __init__(self, species):
species = Component(species)
varname = 'MU_' + species.escaped_name.upper()
self.species = species
def expand_wildcard(self, components):
return [self.__class__(comp) for comp in components]
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
if len(compsets) == 0:
return np.atleast_1d(np.full(self.shape, fill_value=np.nan))
phase_record = compsets[0].phase_record
el_indices = [(phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(k), v)
for k, v in self.species.constituents.items()]
result = np.atleast_1d(np.zeros(self.shape))
for el_idx, multiplicity in el_indices:
result[0] += multiplicity * chemical_potentials[el_idx]
return result
def jansson_derivative(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials, deltas: JanssonDerivativeDeltas):
"Compute Jansson derivative with self as numerator, with the given deltas"
if len(compsets) == 0:
return np.full(self.shape, np.nan)
phase_record = compsets[0].phase_record
el_indices = [(phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(k), v)
for k, v in self.species.constituents.items()]
result = np.zeros(self.shape)
for el_idx, multiplicity in el_indices:
result += multiplicity * deltas.delta_chemical_potentials[el_idx]
return result
def jansson_deltas(self, spec, state) -> JanssonDerivativeDeltas:
component_idx = state.compsets[0].phase_record.nonvacant_elements.index(str(self.species))
delta_chemical_potentials, delta_statevars, delta_phase_amounts = \
chemical_potential_differential(spec, state, component_idx)
# Sundman et al, 2015, Eq. 73
compsets_delta_sitefracs = []
for idx, compset in enumerate(state.compsets):
delta_sitefracs = site_fraction_differential(state.cs_states[idx], delta_chemical_potentials,
return JanssonDerivativeDeltas(delta_chemical_potentials=delta_chemical_potentials, delta_statevars=delta_statevars,
delta_phase_amounts=delta_phase_amounts, delta_sitefracs=compsets_delta_sitefracs,
def _latex(self, printer=None):
"LaTeX representation."
return r'\mu_{'+self.species.escaped_name+'}'
def __str__(self):
"String representation."
return 'MU_%s' % self.species.name
class IndependentPotential(StateVariable):
class TemperatureType(IndependentPotential):
implementation_units = 'kelvin'
display_units = 'kelvin'
display_name = 'Temperature'
def __init__(self):
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, ()
class PressureType(IndependentPotential):
implementation_units = 'pascal'
display_units = 'pascal'
display_name = 'Pressure'
def __init__(self):
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, ()
class SystemMolesType(StateVariable):
implementation_units = 'mol'
display_units = 'mol'
display_name = 'No. Moles'
def __init__(self):
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__class__, ()
temperature = T = TemperatureType()
pressure = P = PressureType()
moles = N = SystemMolesType()
site_fraction = Y = SiteFraction
X = MoleFraction
W = MassFraction
MU = ChemicalPotential
NP = PhaseFraction
si_gas_constant = R = Float(8.3145) # ideal gas constant
CONDITIONS_REQUIRING_HESSIANS = {ChemicalPotential, PhaseFraction}