import numpy.typing as npt
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Optional
from symengine import Basic, Mul, Pow, S
import pycalphad.variables as v
from pycalphad.core.composition_set import CompositionSet
from pycalphad.core.solver import Solver
from pycalphad.property_framework.types import ComputableProperty, JanssonDerivativeDeltas, \
DifferentiableComputableProperty, ConditionableComputableProperty
from pycalphad.property_framework import units
from copy import copy
class ModelComputedProperty(object):
def __init__(self, model_attr_name: str, phase_name: Optional[str] = None):
self.implementation_units = getattr(units, model_attr_name + '_implementation_units', '')
self.display_units = getattr(units, model_attr_name + '_display_units', '')
self.display_name = getattr(units, model_attr_name + '_display_name', model_attr_name)
self.model_attr_name = model_attr_name
self.phase_name = phase_name
def __getitem__(self, new_units: str) -> "ModelComputedProperty":
"Get ModelComputedProperty with different display units"
newobj = copy(self)
newobj.display_units = new_units
return newobj
def expand_wildcard(self, phase_names):
return [self.__class__(self.model_attr_name, phase_name) for phase_name in phase_names]
def __str__(self):
result = self.model_attr_name
if self.phase_name is not None:
result += f'({self.phase_name})'
return result
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other:
return True
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
return False
if self.__dict__ == other.__dict__:
return True
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def shape(self):
"Shape of return value is a scalar."
return tuple()
def multiplicity(self):
"Indicates multiplicity of a composition set, i.e., returns `2` for property of `FCC_A1#2` phase."
if self.phase_name is not None:
tokens = self.phase_name.split('#')
if len(tokens) > 1:
return int(tokens[1])
return 1
return None
def compute_property(self, compsets: List[CompositionSet], cur_conds: Dict[str, float], chemical_potentials: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.ArrayLike:
if len(compsets) == 0:
return np.nan
if self.phase_name is None:
return np.sum([compset.NP*self._compute_per_phase_property(compset, cur_conds) for compset in compsets])
tokens = self.phase_name.split('#')
phase_name = tokens[0]
if len(tokens) > 1:
multiplicity = int(tokens[1])
multiplicity = 1
multiplicity_seen = 0
for compset in compsets:
if compset.phase_record.phase_name != phase_name:
multiplicity_seen += 1
if multiplicity == multiplicity_seen:
return self._compute_per_phase_property(compset, cur_conds)
return np.nan
def jansson_derivative(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials, deltas: JanssonDerivativeDeltas) -> npt.ArrayLike:
"Compute Jansson derivative with self as numerator, with the given deltas"
state_variables = compsets[0].phase_record.state_variables
grad_values = self._compute_property_gradient(compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials)
# Sundman et al, 2015, Eq. 73
jansson_derivative = np.nan
for idx, compset in enumerate(compsets):
if compset.NP == 0 and not (compset.fixed):
func_value = self._compute_per_phase_property(compset, cur_conds)
if np.isnan(func_value):
if np.isnan(jansson_derivative):
jansson_derivative = 0.0
grad_value = grad_values[idx]
delta_sitefracs = deltas.delta_sitefracs[idx]
if self.phase_name is None:
jansson_derivative += deltas.delta_phase_amounts[idx] * func_value
jansson_derivative += compset.NP *, grad_value[:len(state_variables)])
jansson_derivative += compset.NP *, grad_value[len(state_variables):])
jansson_derivative +=, grad_value[:len(state_variables)])
jansson_derivative +=, grad_value[len(state_variables):])
return jansson_derivative
def _compute_per_phase_property(self, compset: CompositionSet, cur_conds: Dict[str, float]) -> float:
out = np.atleast_1d(np.zeros(1))
compset.phase_record.prop(out, compset.dof, self.model_attr_name.encode('utf-8'))
return out[0]
def _compute_property_gradient(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
"Compute partial derivatives of property with respect to degrees of freedom of given CompositionSets"
if self.phase_name is not None:
tokens = self.phase_name.split('#')
phase_name = tokens[0]
result = [np.zeros(compset.dof.shape[0]) for compset in compsets]
multiplicity_seen = 0
for cs_idx, compset in enumerate(compsets):
if (self.phase_name is not None) and (compset.phase_record.phase_name != phase_name):
if self.multiplicity is not None:
multiplicity_seen += 1
if self.multiplicity != multiplicity_seen:
grad = np.zeros((compset.dof.shape[0]))
compset.phase_record.prop_grad(grad, compset.dof, self.model_attr_name.encode('utf-8'))
result[cs_idx][:] = grad
return result
class LinearCombination:
display_units = ''
implementation_units = ''
def __init__(self, expr: Basic):
symbols = sorted(expr.free_symbols, key=str)
symbol_classes = {s.__class__ for s in symbols}
if len(symbol_classes) > 1:
raise ValueError(f'Property types in a linear combination must match. Got: {expr}')
if list(symbol_classes)[0] != v.MoleFraction:
raise ValueError('Only mole fractions are currently supported in linear combination conditions. Please submit feedback for what other conditions you want supported here:')
# Detect case of molar ratio (x/y = c); convert to (x - c*y = 0)
denominator = S.One
for mul_atom in expr.atoms(Mul):
# Division is stored as a Mul where one argument is a reciprocal
for mul_arg in mul_atom.args:
if isinstance(mul_arg, Pow) and isinstance(mul_arg.args[0], v.StateVariable):
denominator = mul_arg.args[0]
expr = (expr*denominator).expand()
coefs = []
for s in symbols:
coef = expr.diff(s)
if float(coef) == int(coef):
coef = int(coef)
coef = float(coef)
constant_term = expr + 0
for symbol, coef in zip(symbols, coefs):
constant_term -= symbol*coef
constant_term = float(constant_term)
self.coefs = coefs
self.symbols = symbols
self.denominator = denominator
def __str__(self):
return f"LinComb_{'-'.join([str(s) for s in self.symbols])},{'-'.join([str(s) for s in self.coefs])}"
def __repr__(self):
result = ""
for idx, (sym, coef) in enumerate(zip(self.symbols[:-1], self.coefs[:-1])):
result += str(coef) + '*' + repr(sym)
if idx + 1 < len(self.symbols):
# if not the last entry
result += '+'
result += '=' + str(self.coefs[-1])
return result
def shape(self):
return tuple()
def compute_property(self, compsets: List[CompositionSet], cur_conds: Dict[str, float], chemical_potentials: npt.ArrayLike) -> npt.ArrayLike:
result = 0.0
for symbol, coef in zip(self.symbols, self.coefs):
if symbol == S.One:
result += coef
sym_val = symbol.compute_property(compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials)
result += coef*sym_val
return result
def as_property(inp: Union[str, Basic, ComputableProperty]) -> ComputableProperty:
if isinstance(inp, ComputableProperty):
return inp
elif isinstance(inp, Basic):
# Try to convert mathematical expression to a LinComb condition
inp = LinearCombination(inp)
return inp
elif not isinstance(inp, str):
raise TypeError(f'{inp} is not a ComputableProperty')
dot_tokens = inp.split('.')
if len(dot_tokens) == 2:
numerator, denominator = dot_tokens
numerator = as_property(numerator)
denominator = as_property(denominator)
return JanssonDerivative(numerator, denominator)
begin_parens = inp.index('(')
end_parens = inp.index(')')
except ValueError:
begin_parens = len(inp)
end_parens = len(inp)
specified_prop = inp[:begin_parens].strip()
prop = getattr(v, specified_prop, None)
if prop is None:
prop = ModelComputedProperty
if begin_parens != end_parens:
specified_args = tuple(x.strip() for x in inp[begin_parens+1:end_parens].split(','))
if not isinstance(prop, type):
prop_instance = type(prop)(*((specified_prop,)+specified_args))
if issubclass(prop, v.StateVariable):
prop_instance = prop(*(specified_args))
prop_instance = prop(*((specified_prop,)+specified_args))
if isinstance(prop, type):
prop = prop(specified_prop)
prop_instance = prop
return prop_instance
class JanssonDerivative:
def __init__(self, numerator: DifferentiableComputableProperty, denominator: ConditionableComputableProperty):
self.numerator = as_property(numerator)
if not isinstance(self.numerator, DifferentiableComputableProperty):
raise TypeError(f'{self.numerator} is not a differentiable property')
self.denominator = as_property(denominator)
if not isinstance(self.denominator, ConditionableComputableProperty):
raise TypeError(f'{self.denominator} cannot be used in the denominator of a Jansson derivative')
def shape(self):
return tuple()
def implementation_units(self):
return str(units.ureg.Unit(self.numerator.implementation_units) / units.ureg.Unit(self.denominator.implementation_units))
_display_units = None
def display_units(self):
if self._display_units is not None:
return self._display_units
return str(units.ureg.Unit(self.numerator.display_units) / units.ureg.Unit(self.denominator.display_units))
def display_units(self, val):
self._display_units = val
def __getitem__(self, new_units: str) -> "JanssonDerivative":
"Get JanssonDerivative with different display units"
newobj = copy(self)
newobj.display_units = new_units
return newobj
_display_name = None
def display_name(self):
if self._display_name is not None:
return self._display_name
return str(self)
def display_name(self, val):
self._display_name = val
def compute_property(self, compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials):
if len(compsets) == 0:
return np.nan
solver = Solver()
spec = solver.get_system_spec(compsets, cur_conds)
state = spec.get_new_state(compsets)
state.chemical_potentials[:] = chemical_potentials
deltas = self.denominator.jansson_deltas(spec, state)
return self.numerator.jansson_derivative(compsets, cur_conds, chemical_potentials, deltas)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.numerator)+'.'+str(self.denominator)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other:
return True
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
return False
if self.__dict__ == other.__dict__:
return True
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))