Source code for pycalphad.plot.ternary

The ternary module enables plotting of ternary isobaric phase diagrams.
import numpy as np

from pycalphad import equilibrium
import pycalphad.variables as v
from pycalphad.plot.eqplot import eqplot

[docs] def ternplot(dbf, comps, phases, conds, x=None, y=None, eq_kwargs=None, **plot_kwargs): """ Calculate the ternary isothermal, isobaric phase diagram. This function is a convenience wrapper around equilibrium() and eqplot(). Parameters ---------- dbf : Database Thermodynamic database containing the relevant parameters. comps : list Names of components to consider in the calculation. phases : list Names of phases to consider in the calculation. conds : dict Maps StateVariables to values and/or iterables of values. For ternplot only one changing composition and one potential coordinate each is supported. x : v.MoleFraction instance of a pycalphad.variables.composition to plot on the x-axis. Must correspond to an independent condition. y : v.MoleFraction instance of a pycalphad.variables.composition to plot on the y-axis. Must correspond to an independent condition. eq_kwargs : optional Keyword arguments to equilibrium(). plot_kwargs : optional Keyword arguments to eqplot(). Returns ------- A phase diagram as a figure. Examples -------- None yet. """ eq_kwargs = eq_kwargs if eq_kwargs is not None else dict() indep_comps = [key for key, value in conds.items() if isinstance(key, v.MoleFraction) and len(np.atleast_1d(value)) > 1] indep_pots = [key for key, value in conds.items() if isinstance(key, v.IndependentPotential) and len(np.atleast_1d(value)) > 1] if (len(indep_comps) != 2) or (len(indep_pots) != 0): raise ValueError('ternplot() requires exactly two composition coordinates') full_eq = equilibrium(dbf, comps, phases, conds, **eq_kwargs) # TODO: handle x and y as strings with #87 x = x if x in indep_comps else indep_comps[0] y = y if y in indep_comps else indep_comps[1] return eqplot(full_eq, x=x, y=y, **plot_kwargs)