from pycalphad.plot.utils import phase_legend
from pycalphad.plot.binary.compsets import CompsetPair
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import to_rgba
import numpy as np
class TwoPhaseRegion():
A group of points that belong to the same phase region.
phases : frozenset
Unique phases in this two phase region
compsets : list of CompsetPair
def __init__(self, initial_compsets):
self.phases = initial_compsets.unique_phases
self.compsets = [initial_compsets]
def __repr__(self):
phases_pprint = ", ".join(self.phases)
s = "<TwoPhaseRegion(Phases=({}), Points={})>".format(phases_pprint, len(self.compsets))
return s
def compsets_belong_in_region(self, compsets, Xtol=0.05, Ttol=10):
Return True if the composition sets belong to this TwoPhaseRegion
compsets : CompsetPair
Xtol : float
Composition discrepancy tolerance
Ttol : float
Temperature discrepancy tolerance
A new CompsetPair object belongs in the this region if, when compared to the most recently added CompsetPair:
1. All the phases are the same (in the same order)
2. The composition discrepancies between BinaryCompsets of the same phase are below Xtol
3. The temperature discrepancy between the CompsetPairs is below Ttol
if compsets.unique_phases == self.phases:
last_compsets = self.compsets[-1]
if np.all(last_compsets.pairwise_xdiscrepancy(compsets) < Xtol) and \
np.abs(last_compsets.temperature - compsets.temperature) < Ttol:
return True
return False
def add_compsets(self, compset_pair):
Add composition sets to this region.
pair : CompsetPair
Add a CompsetPair to the list of composition sets
For performance reasons (checking whether the CompsetPair belongs has a
complexity of O(N)), users are responsible for determining if the
compsets belong in this TwoPhaseRegion.
class ZPFBoundarySets():
Holds CompsetPairs that can be organized into TwoPhaseRegions and plotted
components : list of str
List of components
indep_comp_cond : v.X
Condition for the independent component
all_compsets : list of CompsetPair
two_phase_regions : list of TwoPhaseRegion
def __init__(self, comps, indep_composition_condition):
self.components = comps
self.indep_comp_cond = indep_composition_condition
self.all_compsets = []
self.two_phase_regions = []
def get_phases(self):
Get all the phases represented in the two phase regions
phases_set = set().union(*[tpr.phases for tpr in self.two_phase_regions])
return sorted(phases_set)
def add_compsets(self, compsets, Xtol=0.05, Ttol=10):
Add composition sets to current boundary sets
compsets : CompsetPair
if len(self.two_phase_regions) == 0:
for tpr in self.two_phase_regions:
if tpr.compsets_belong_in_region(compsets, Xtol=Xtol, Ttol=Ttol):
def __repr__(self, ):
phase_string = "/".join(
["{}: {}".format(p, len(v)) for p, v in self.boundaries.items()])
return "ZPFBoundarySets<{}>".format(phase_string)
def rebuild_two_phase_regions(self, Xtol=0.05, Ttol=10):
Rebuild the two phase regions with new tolerances.
Xtol : float
See TwoPhaseRegion.compsets_belong_in_region
Ttol : float
See TwoPhaseRegion.compsets_belong_in_region
self.two_phase_regions = []
previous_all_compsets = self.all_compsets
self.all_compsets = []
for cs in previous_all_compsets:
self.add_compsets(cs, Xtol=Xtol, Ttol=Ttol)
def get_scatter_plot_boundaries(self, tieline_color=(0, 1, 0, 1), legend_generator=phase_legend):
Get the ZPF boundaries to plot from each two phase region.
tieline_color: color
A valid matplotlib color, such as a named color string, hex RGB
string, or a tuple of RGBA components to set the color of the two
phase region tielines. The default is an RGBA tuple for green:
(0, 1, 0, 1).
legend_generator : Callable
A function that will be called with the list of phases and will
return legend labels and colors for each phase. By default
pycalphad.plot.utils.phase_legend is used
For now, we will not support connecting regions with lines, so this
function returns a tuple of scatter_dict and a tineline_collection.
>>> scatter_dict, tieline_collection, legend_handles = zpf_boundary_sets.get_scatter_plot_boundaries() # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ax.scatter(**scatter_dict) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ax.add_collection(tieline_collection) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ax.legend(handles=legend_handles) # doctest: +SKIP
(scatter_dict, tieline_collection, legend_handles)
all_phases = self.get_phases()
legend_handles, colors = legend_generator(all_phases)
scatter_dict = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'c': []}
tieline_segments = []
tieline_colors = []
for tpr in self.two_phase_regions:
for cs in tpr.compsets:
# TODO: X=composition, Y=Temperature assumption
xs = cs.compositions.tolist()
ys = [cs.temperature, cs.temperature]
phases = cs.phases
# prepare scatter dict
scatter_dict['c'].extend([colors[p] for p in phases])
# add tieline segment segment
# a segment is a list of [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
tieline_segments.append(np.array([xs, ys]).T)
# always a two phase region, green lines
tieline_collection = LineCollection(tieline_segments, zorder=1, linewidths=0.5, colors=tieline_colors)
return scatter_dict, tieline_collection, legend_handles
def get_line_plot_boundaries(self, close_miscibility_gaps=0.05, tieline_color=(0, 1, 0, 1), legend_generator=phase_legend):
Get the ZPF boundaries to plot from each two phase region.
close_miscibility_gaps : float, optional
If a float is passed, add a line segment between compsets at the top
or bottom of a two phase region if the discrepancy is below a
tolerance. If `None` is passed, do not close the gap.
tieline_color: color
A valid matplotlib color, such as a named color string, hex RGB
string, or a tuple of RGBA components to set the color of the two
phase region tielines. The default is an RGBA tuple for green:
(0, 1, 0, 1).
legend_generator : Callable
A function that will be called with the list of phases and will
return legend labels and colors for each phase. By default
pycalphad.plot.utils.phase_legend is used
For now, we will not support connecting regions with lines, so this
function returns a tuple of scatter_dict and a tineline_collection.
>>> boundary_collection, tieline_collection, legend_handles = zpf_boundary_sets.get_line_plot_boundaries() # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ax.add_collection(boundary_collection) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ax.add_collection(tieline_collection) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> ax.legend(handles=legend_handles) # doctest: +SKIP
(line_collections, tieline_collection, legend_handles)
# TODO: add some tracking of the endpoints/startpoints and join them with
# a new line segment if they are close.
all_phases = self.get_phases()
legend_handles, colors = legend_generator(all_phases)
tieline_segments = []
tieline_colors = []
boundary_segments = []
boundary_colors = []
for tpr in self.two_phase_regions:
# each two phase region contributes two line collections, one for
# each ZPF line
a_path = []
b_path = []
for cs in tpr.compsets:
# TODO: X=composition, Y=Temperature assumption
xs = cs.compositions.tolist()
ys = [cs.temperature, cs.temperature]
a_path.append([xs[0], ys[0]])
b_path.append([xs[1], ys[1]])
# add tieline segment segment
# a segment is a list of [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
tieline_segments.append(np.array([xs, ys]).T)
# always a two phase region, green lines
# build the line collections for each two phase region
ordered_phases = tpr.compsets[0].phases
a_color = to_rgba(colors[ordered_phases[0]])
b_color = to_rgba(colors[ordered_phases[1]])
# close miscibility gaps, both top and bottom
if close_miscibility_gaps is not None and len(tpr.phases) == 1:
bottom_cs = tpr.compsets[0]
if bottom_cs.xdiscrepancy() < close_miscibility_gaps:
boundary_segments.append(np.array([bottom_cs.compositions, [bottom_cs.temperature, bottom_cs.temperature]]).T)
boundary_colors.append(colors[ordered_phases[0]]) # colors are the same
top_cs = tpr.compsets[-1]
if top_cs.xdiscrepancy() < close_miscibility_gaps:
boundary_segments.append(np.array([top_cs.compositions, [top_cs.temperature, top_cs.temperature]]).T)
boundary_colors.append(colors[ordered_phases[0]]) # colors are the same
boundary_collection = LineCollection(boundary_segments, colors=boundary_colors)
tieline_collection = LineCollection(tieline_segments, zorder=1, linewidths=0.5, colors=tieline_colors)
return boundary_collection, tieline_collection, legend_handles