Source code for pycalphad.mapping.zpf_equilibrium

import copy
import logging

import numpy as np

from pycalphad import calculate, variables as v
from pycalphad.core.solver import Solver
from pycalphad.core.composition_set import CompositionSet
from pycalphad.property_framework.metaproperties import DormantPhase
from pycalphad.core.constants import COMP_DIFFERENCE_TOL
from pycalphad.property_framework.computed_property import JanssonDerivative

from pycalphad.mapping.primitives import Node, Point
import pycalphad.mapping.utils as map_utils

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def update_equilibrium_with_new_conditions(point: Point, new_conditions: dict[v.StateVariable, str], free_var: v.StateVariable = None): """ Update the point with a new set of conditions. This function assumes that the new conditions are a small distance away from the current conditions. Parameters ---------- point : Point The point to update. new_conditions : dict[v.StateVariable, str] The new set of conditions to apply. free_var : v.StateVariable, optional The variable to free when updating conditions. This is typically required if a fixed composition set is specified, ensuring the Gibbs phase rule is conserved. Returns ------- tuple or None A tuple containing: - new_point (Point): The point with updated composition sets and conditions. - orig_cs (list): The original list of composition sets. The degrees of freedom in the composition sets will be updated with the new point conditions, including any composition sets that became unstable after the update. If the equilibrium fails, the function returns None. """ # Update composition sets with new state variables comp_sets = copy.deepcopy(point.stable_composition_sets) for cs in comp_sets: state_variables = cs.phase_record.state_variables new_state_conds = map_utils.get_statevars_array(new_conditions, state_variables) cs.update(cs.dof[len(state_variables):], cs.NP, new_state_conds) # Remove free variable condition if given - this assumes that Gibbs phase rule will be satisfy if done if free_var is not None: del new_conditions[free_var] # Keep track of original composition sets (these will be updated with the solver, but the original list will remain even if a phase becomes unstable) orig_cs = [cs for cs in comp_sets] try: solver = Solver(remove_metastable=True) results = solver.solve(comp_sets, new_conditions) if not results.converged: return None except Exception: return None # Add free variable back if free_var is not None: new_conditions[free_var] = free_var.compute_property(comp_sets, new_conditions, results.chemical_potentials) new_point = Point(new_conditions, np.array(results.chemical_potentials), [cs for cs in comp_sets if cs.fixed], [cs for cs in comp_sets if not cs.fixed]) return new_point, orig_cs
def _find_global_min_cs(point: Point, system_info: dict, pdens = 500, tol = 1e-5, num_candidates = 1): """ Finds potential composition set for global min check For each possible phase: 1. Sample DOF and find CS that maximizes driving force 2. Create a DormantPhase with CS and compute driving force with potentials at equilibrium Or check the top N CS that maximizes driving force and compute driving force and take max 3. If driving force is positive, then new phase may be stable in when attempting to find a new node Parameters ---------- point : Point Point to check global min system_info : dict Dictionary containing information for pycalphad.calculate pdens : int Sampling density tol : float Tolerance for whether a new CS is considered stable num_candidates : int Number of candidate CS to check driving force To avoid redundant calculations, this will only check driving force for unique phases. So setting this to a high number will not significantly affect performance Returns ------- (cs, dG) : (potential new composition set, driving force of composition set) or None : if no composition set was found below the current chemical potential hyperplane """ dbf = system_info["dbf"] comps = system_info["comps"] phases = system_info["phases"] models = system_info["models"] phase_records = system_info["phase_records"] # Get driving force and find index that maximized driving force state_conds = {str(key): point.global_conditions[key] for key in point.global_conditions if map_utils.is_state_variable(key)} points = calculate(dbf, comps, phases, model=models, phase_records=phase_records, output="GM", to_xarray=False, pdens=pdens, **state_conds) gm = np.squeeze(points.GM) x = np.squeeze(points.X) y = np.squeeze(points.Y) phase_ids = np.squeeze(points.Phase) g_chempot = x * point.chemical_potentials dGs = np.sum(g_chempot, axis=1) - gm sorted_indices = np.argsort(dGs)[::-1] cs = None dG = 0 # Record phases that driving force is checked # Each phase will be checked once to avoid redundant calculations tested_phases = [] for i in range(np.amin([num_candidates, len(sorted_indices)])): index = sorted_indices[i] if phase_ids[index] not in tested_phases: tested_phases.append(phase_ids[index]) test_cs = CompositionSet(phase_records[str(phase_ids[index])]) # Create numpy array for site fractions. There seems to be some models where # np.squeeze(points.Y) returns a non-writable array. Not sure why, but when it does, # updating the composition set will fail with a ValueError: buffer source array # is read only. Creating a new array for the site fractions seems to fix this issue site_fracs = np.array(y[index][:test_cs.phase_record.phase_dof], dtype=np.float64) test_cs.update(site_fracs, 1.0, map_utils.get_statevars_array(point.global_conditions, test_cs.phase_record.state_variables)) dormant_phase = DormantPhase(test_cs, None) test_dg = point.get_property(dormant_phase.driving_force)"Testing phase {phase_ids[index]} with dG={dGs[index]} -> {test_dg} for global min.") if test_dg > dG: dG = test_dg cs = test_cs # If driving force is above tolerance, then create a new point with the additional composition set if dG < tol: return None else: return cs, dG
[docs] def find_global_min_point(point: Point, system_info: dict, pdens = 500, tol = 1e-5, num_candidates = 1): """ Checks global min on current point and attempts to find a new point with a new composition set if current point is not global min 1. Find potential new composition set for global min 2. If no composition set is found, then return 3. If composition set is found, check that the new CS doesn't match with a currently stable CS 4. Hope that this works on miscibility gaps Parameters ---------- point : Point Point to check global min system_info : dict Dictionary containing information for pycalphad.calculate pdens : int Sampling density tol : float Tolerance for whether a new CS is considered stable num_candidates : int Number of candidate CS to check driving force To avoid redundant calculations, this will only check driving force for unique phases. So setting this to a high number will not significantly affect performance Returns ------- new_point : Point with added composition set or None : if point is global min or global min was unable to be found """ min_cs_result = _find_global_min_cs(point, system_info, pdens, tol, num_candidates) if min_cs_result is None: return None else: cs, dG = min_cs_result'Global min potentially detected. {point.stable_phases} + {cs.phase_record.phase_name} with dG = {dG}') if _detect_degenerate_phase(point, cs): new_point = Point(point.global_conditions, point.chemical_potentials, point.fixed_composition_sets, point.free_composition_sets) map_utils.update_cs_phase_frac(cs, 1e-6) new_point._free_composition_sets.append(cs) return new_point else:'Global min was falsely detected. No global min found') return None
def _detect_degenerate_phase(point: Point, new_cs: CompositionSet): """ Check that the new composition set detected during global min check is truely a new CS 1. Check phase name of new CS against original CS list 2. If phase name is same, check site fraction constituency between the two CS 3. If site fraction constituency is different, run a equilibrium calc between the two CS to see if they merge. (There are some cases where the new CS is just beyond the tolerance for site fraction check, in which solving for equilibrium will fix this. In a sense, we can solve equilibrium for all CS pairs with the same name and skip step 2, but step 2 will avoid just unecessary calculations) Parameters ---------- point : Point Point to compare new composition set against new_cs : CompositionSet Composition set to compare against the point Returns ------- bool True if new_cs is valid False if new_cs is the same CS as one already in the point """ num_sv = new_cs.phase_record.num_statevars for cs in point.stable_composition_sets: if new_cs.phase_record.phase_name != cs.phase_record.phase_name: continue if np.allclose(cs.dof[num_sv:], new_cs.dof[num_sv:], atol=10*COMP_DIFFERENCE_TOL): return False ref_cs_copy = CompositionSet(cs.phase_record) ref_cs_copy.update(cs.dof[num_sv:], 1, cs.dof[:num_sv]) new_cs_copy = CompositionSet(new_cs.phase_record) new_cs_copy.update(new_cs.dof[num_sv:], 1e-6, new_cs.dof[:num_sv]) conds = {key: point.get_property(key) for key in point.global_conditions}"Testing free equilibrium with {ref_cs_copy}, {new_cs_copy}") try: solver = Solver(remove_metastable=True) results = solver.solve([ref_cs_copy, new_cs_copy], conds) if not results.converged: return False except Exception: return False"Equilibrium: {ref_cs_copy}, {new_cs_copy}") if np.allclose(ref_cs_copy.dof[num_sv:], new_cs_copy.dof[num_sv:], atol=10*COMP_DIFFERENCE_TOL): return False if ref_cs_copy.NP < 1e-3: cs.update(new_cs_copy.dof[num_sv:], cs.NP, new_cs_copy.dof[:num_sv]) return True return True
[docs] def create_node_from_different_points(new_point: Point, orig_cs: list[CompositionSet], axis_vars : list[v.StateVariable]): """ Between two points with different composition sets (only 1 different CS) Compute the node, freeing up the axis var and solving for it The unique CS will be fixed to 0 for the node Parameters ---------- new_point : Point Point to add CS to orig_cs : [CompositionSet] List of CS in the previous point This allows us to compare what composition set was added or removed axis_vars : [v.StateVariable] Variables to free when node finding One variable per fixed composition set Returns ------- new_node : Node Node solved with the fixed composition set (either added or removed from previous point) or None - if node could not be found or CS change is invalid for finding new node (either 0 change in CS or more than 1) """ prev_cs = [cs for cs in orig_cs] new_cs = [cs for cs in new_point.stable_composition_sets] # Find the unique CS between the prev and new point phases_added = list(set(new_cs) - set(prev_cs)) phases_removed = list(set(prev_cs) - set(new_cs)) if len(phases_added) + len(phases_removed) != 1: return None # Fix the unique CS if len(phases_added) == 1: fixed_cs = phases_added[0] elif len(phases_removed) == 1: fixed_cs = phases_removed[0] new_cs.append(fixed_cs) fixed_cs.fixed = True map_utils.update_cs_phase_frac(fixed_cs, 0.0) # Set one free CS to NP=1 if all CS are NP=0 if (all(cs.NP == 0.0 for cs in new_cs)): for cs in new_cs: if not cs.fixed: map_utils.update_cs_phase_frac(cs, 1.0) break # Setup conditions and remove axis variable to free it solution_cs = [cs for cs in new_cs] new_conditions = copy.deepcopy(new_point.global_conditions) for av in axis_vars: del new_conditions[av] # Solve equilibrium with fixed CS try: solver = Solver(remove_metastable=True) results = solver.solve(solution_cs, new_conditions) if not results.converged: return None except Exception: return None # Add axis var back for av in axis_vars: new_conditions[av] = av.compute_property(solution_cs, new_conditions, results.chemical_potentials) # Create node with parent between thr previous point parent = Point(new_conditions, np.array(results.chemical_potentials), [cs for cs in orig_cs if cs.fixed], [cs for cs in orig_cs if not cs.fixed]) new_node = Node(new_conditions, np.array(results.chemical_potentials), [cs for cs in solution_cs if cs.fixed], [cs for cs in solution_cs if not cs.fixed], parent) return new_node
[docs] def compute_derivative(point: Point, v_num: v.StateVariable, v_den: v.StateVariable, free_den = True): """ Computes dot derivative of d v_num / d v_den, which handles removing the numerator variable free_den is an unintuitive name, but it refers to the mapping code to state that the denominator variable is the free variable that we plan on stepping in, with the numerator being the dependent variable Parameters ---------- point : Point Point to compure derivative on v_num : v.StateVariable Variable in numerator of derivative v_den : v.StateVariable Variable in denominator free_den : bool Whether to free the numerator variable Name refers to the denominator being the variable we're stepping in Returns ------- derivative : float Note: can be nan if the phase boundary is vertical and the denominator is composition """ # Should be able to use point.stable_composition_sets, which puts the fixed composition sets first # This was originally here to account for an indexing issue, which is fixed now comp_sets = point.free_composition_sets + point.fixed_composition_sets chem_pots = point.chemical_potentials conds = copy.deepcopy(point.global_conditions) if free_den: del conds[v_num] derivative_property = JanssonDerivative(v_num, v_den) derivative = derivative_property.compute_property(comp_sets, conds, chem_pots) return derivative