Source code for pycalphad.mapping.primitives

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Mapping
import numpy as np

from pycalphad import variables as v
from pycalphad.core.composition_set import CompositionSet

CS_EQ_TOL = 1e-8

[docs] class Direction(Enum): NEGATIVE = -1 POSITIVE = +1
[docs] class ExitHint(Enum): """ Exit rules NORMAL - will search for all viable exits from node ignores the exit that corresponds to the ZPF line that found the node POINT_IS_EXIT - will use the point composition sets as the exit this is mainly used for starting points since the point may not necessary fit the conditions for a "node" (0 DOF) """ NORMAL = 0 POINT_IS_EXIT = 1
def _eq_compset(compset: CompositionSet, other: CompositionSet): """ 2 tests If compset and other point are the same object (same memory) If compset and other has the same phase name and DOF (within tolerance) """ # Composition set equality if compset is other: return True if compset.phase_record.phase_name != other.phase_record.phase_name: return False if np.allclose(compset.dof, other.dof, atol=CS_EQ_TOL): return True return False def _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(phases: list[str]): """ Helper function to get unique list of phases If a miscibility gap is present in the phase list, this will add a #n to the phase name NOTE: this is copied from the phase multiplicity function in pycalphad.core.workspace.Workspace but is taken out to here since the Workspace object is only used for getting starting points """ u_phases = [] for p in phases: test_name = p phase_id = 2 while test_name in u_phases: test_name = f'{p}#{phase_id}' phase_id += 1 u_phases.append(test_name) return u_phases def _get_phase_specific_variable(phase: str, var: v.StateVariable, is_global : bool = False): """ Helper function for ZPFLine.get_var_list Converts variable to phase specific if possible If variable is a state variable or non-phase dependent, then return the same variable For variables such as x or NP, then we return x or NP of phase If we specify that the variable is global (for x), then we return x unchanged Parameters ---------- phase : str var : v.StateVariable is_global : bool Whether variable should be phase local or global """ if is_global: return var if isinstance(var, v.X): # If phase in v.X is already defined, then don't override phase phase = phase if var.phase_name is None else var.phase_name return v.X(phase, var.species) elif isinstance(var, v.W): # If phase in v.W is already defined, then don't override phase phase = phase if var.phase_name is None else var.phase_name return v.W(phase, var.species) elif isinstance(var, v.NP) or var == v.NP: return v.NP(phase) else: return var
[docs] @dataclass class Point(): """ Stores data for a single point on the map This will include everything needed to compute any property within the Workspace API. Fixed and free composition sets are split for easy accounting. Parameters ---------- global_conditions : dict[v.StateVariable, float] List of conditions that point was found at NOTE: generally, Point in mapping is solved from stepping, which frees up a variable, but the freed variable will be included in global_conditions for bookkeeping chemical_potentials : [float] _fixed_composition_sets : [CompositionSet] _free_composition_sets : [CompositionSet] """ global_conditions: Mapping[v.StateVariable, float] chemical_potentials: List[float] # We'll store chemical potentials in case someone wants to plot activity diagrams # Yes, this uses CompositionSet objects, which means that there are copies saved. # Maybe inefficient, but we _need_ to know phase compositions for plotting and site # fractions are nice to have for more detailed reconstruction and post-processing. _fixed_composition_sets: List[CompositionSet] _free_composition_sets: List[CompositionSet] # Note: The following four functions make a shallow copy of the composition sets @property def stable_composition_sets(self): return self._fixed_composition_sets + self._free_composition_sets @property def stable_composition_sets_flipped(self): return self._free_composition_sets + self._fixed_composition_sets @property def fixed_composition_sets(self) -> List[CompositionSet]: return [cs for cs in self.stable_composition_sets if cs.fixed] @property def free_composition_sets(self) -> List[CompositionSet]: return [cs for cs in self.stable_composition_sets if not cs.fixed] # The following 6 functions serve similar purpose of the composition_sets properties, but # just returns the phase names @property def stable_phases(self): return [cs.phase_record.phase_name for cs in self.stable_composition_sets] @property def fixed_phases(self): return [cs.phase_record.phase_name for cs in self.fixed_composition_sets] @property def free_phases(self): return [cs.phase_record.phase_name for cs in self.free_composition_sets] @property def stable_phases_with_multiplicity(self): return _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(self.stable_phases) @property def fixed_phases_with_multiplicity(self): return _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(self.fixed_phases) @property def free_phases_with_multiplicity(self): return _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(self.free_phases) # Creates a deep copy of the point
[docs] def create_copy(self): return deepcopy(self)
# Creates point with deep copy of inputs (composition sets, conditions, chemical potentials)
[docs] @classmethod def with_copy(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls(*deepcopy(args), **deepcopy(kwargs))
def __eq__(self, other): """ This equality treats all composition sets as the same (regardless of wether it's fixed or not) So this also ignores phase fraction, but we're just checking if the phase boundaries are the same """ if not isinstance(other, Point): return False # Nodes are special points that represent where a set of phases change # Thus it is useful to be able to say if two nodes are equal, in that they # correspond to the same point. Only the stable set of phases need to be the same # fixed or free doesn"t matter. if len(self.stable_composition_sets) != len(other.stable_composition_sets): return False for self_cs in self.stable_composition_sets: for other_cs in other.stable_composition_sets: if _eq_compset(self_cs, other_cs): # found a match, done for this compset break else: # We made it through the loop of other compsets with no matches return False return True
[docs] def compare_consider_fixed_cs(self, other): """ This equality accounts for fixed composition sets so we can check if two points are exactly the same This also ignores phase fraction """ if self == other: # Compare fixed composition sets if len(self.fixed_composition_sets) != len(other.fixed_composition_sets): return False for self_cs in self.fixed_composition_sets: for other_cs in other.fixed_composition_sets: if _eq_compset(self_cs, other_cs): break else: return False return True else: return False
def __str__(self): output = "Fixed CS: " + str([c.phase_record.phase_name for c in self.fixed_composition_sets]) output += "\nFree CS: " + str([c.phase_record.phase_name for c in self.free_composition_sets]) output += "\nConditions: " + str(self.global_conditions) output += "\nChem_pot: " + str(self.chemical_potentials) return output
[docs] def get_property(self, var: v.StateVariable): """ Wrapper around compute property so I don't have long lines of code getting composition sets, conditions and chemical potentials everywhere We will also squeeze the results since v.MoleFraction seems to return an array """ return np.squeeze(var.compute_property(self.stable_composition_sets, self.global_conditions, self.chemical_potentials))
[docs] def get_local_property(self, comp_set: CompositionSet, var: v.StateVariable): """ Another wrapper around compute property, this time, it is applied to a single composition set We take the assumption here that NP = 1, so we have to correct for v.X and v.NP """ # Store current phase fraction. Easiest way to make the NP=1 assumption is the literally make NP=1 curr_np = comp_set.NP # Can't use map utils here due to circular dependencies num_sv = comp_set.phase_record.num_statevars comp_set.update(comp_set.dof[num_sv:], 1.0, comp_set.dof[:num_sv]) prop_value = var.compute_property([comp_set], self.global_conditions, self.chemical_potentials) # Restore phase fraction comp_set.update(comp_set.dof[num_sv:], curr_np, comp_set.dof[:num_sv]) return np.squeeze(prop_value)
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class Node(Point): """ A Node is a special case of a Point that indicates a set of conditions corresponding to a phase change. It also keeps track of the parent Point that it was created from, so that users of the class can determine which exits from the node are novel. Compared to its parent, the set of conditions should be the same (both keys and values) and the set of stable phases should differ by exactly one phase. We'll keep track of the axis variable and direction as well By default, they will be None and the direction will be decided later Parameters ---------- parent : Point Point where Node conditions were found from axis_var : v.StateVariable Axis variable that parent was stepping in to find node axis_direction : Direction Axis direction that parent was steppig in to find node exit_hint : ExitHint Hints for how exits should be found from this node """ parent: Point axis_var: v.StateVariable = None axis_direction: Direction = None exit_hint: ExitHint = ExitHint.NORMAL def __post_init__(self): self.encountered_points = [] # A node may be created without a parent if it was generated # as a starting point. Only parents that are Nodes or Points # should be added to the list of encountered points if isinstance(self.parent, (Node, Point)): self.encountered_points.append(self.parent)
[docs] def has_point_been_encountered(self, point : Point, test_fixed = False): if test_fixed: for other in self.encountered_points: if point.compare_consider_fixed_cs(other): return True return False else: for other in self.encountered_points: if point == other: return True return False
def __str__(self): output = super().__str__() output += "\nAxis: " + str([self.axis_var, self.axis_direction]) return output
[docs] class ZPFState(Enum): """ NOT_FINISHED - zpf line is not finished NEW_NODE_FOUND - zpf line lead to a new node (either added or removed a composition set) REACHED_LIMIT - zpf line reached an axis limit FAILED - zpf line ended improperly (error in equilibrium calculation, couldn't find a new node) ATTEMPT_NEW_STEP - zpf line failed, but should try stepping again (case here is when the current_delta needs to be reduced) This is to track whether a zpf line ends prematurely, and if so, we may attempt to force another starting point """ NOT_FINISHED = 0 NEW_NODE_FOUND = 1 REACHED_LIMIT = 2 FAILED = 3 ATTEMPT_NEW_STEP = 4
[docs] class ZPFLine(): """ ZPF line represents a line where a phase change occur (crossing the bounding will add or remove a phase, and that phase is 0 at the boundary) Number of phases is constant along this line Defines a list of fixed phases (the zero phases) and list of free phases and list of Point that represents the line Parameters ---------- fixed_phases : list[str] List of fixed phases on ZPF line free_phases : list[str] List of free phases on ZPF line Attributes ---------- fixed_phases : list[str] List of fixed phases on ZPF line free_phases : list[str] List of free phases on ZPF line points : list[Point] List of points found on ZPF line status : ZPFState Current state of ZPF line for whether to continue stepping axis_var : v.StateVariable Axis variable to step ZPF line in axis_direction : Direction Direction to set ZPF line in current_delta : float Step size of axis variable to step ZPF line in """ def __init__(self, fixed_phases : List[str], free_phases : List[str]): # Miscibility gaps should have duplicate entries self.fixed_phases: List[str] = fixed_phases self.free_phases: List[str] = free_phases self.points: List[Point] = [] self.status: ZPFState = ZPFState.NOT_FINISHED self.axis_var: v.StateVariable = None self.axis_direction: Direction = None self.current_delta: float = 1 @property def stable_phases(self): return self.fixed_phases + self.free_phases @property def stable_phases_with_multiplicity(self): return _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(self.stable_phases) @property def fixed_phases_with_multiplicity(self): return _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(self.fixed_phases) @property def free_phases_with_multiplicity(self): return _get_phase_list_with_multiplicity(self.free_phases)
[docs] def num_fixed_phases(self): return len(self.fixed_phases)
[docs] def num_free_phases(self): return len(self.free_phases)
[docs] def append(self, point: Point): self.points.append(point)
def __str__(self): output = str(self.free_phases) + " " + str(self.fixed_phases) + " " + str(len(self.points)) + " " + str(self.points[0].global_conditions) + " " + str(self.points[-1].global_conditions) return output
[docs] def get_var_list(self, var : v.StateVariable): """ Gets variable along ZPF line and returns list The variables will decipher between local and global variables """ return np.array([p.get_property(var) for p in self.points])
[docs] class NodesExhaustedError(Exception): pass
[docs] class NodeQueue(): """ Not exactly a queue, but functions as a queue with adding and getting node in FIFO order If we were to use a Queue, we would have to compare the current Node with a buffer stored in the mapper to check for repeating nodes So using a List allows the Node checking implementation to be here instead When getting a node, it will return the node at the current node index and increase the index counter Queue is empty once the index counter points to the last node As we don't remove any nodes from the list (partly because we have to check for repeated nodes), we'll assume this will be small enough to not cause memory issues """ def __init__(self): self.nodes: list[Node] = [] self._current_node_index = 0
[docs] def add_node(self, candidate_node: Node, force = False) -> bool: """ Checks candidate_node to see if it has been added before If it has been added before, add parent to the encountered points list in the node When we have multiple start points, we have the chance of encountering a node from multiple ZPF lines By keeping a list of all points that lead to this node, we can reduce the number of exits to avoid double calculating ZPF lines Force will force add candidate_node, this is useful for starting the zpf line within a two-phase field """ if force: self.nodes.append(candidate_node) return True else: # If node is already in node queue, then add the parent to the list # of encountered points in the node for other in self.nodes: if other == candidate_node: other.encountered_points.append(candidate_node.parent) return False else: self.nodes.append(candidate_node) return True
[docs] def get_next_node(self): if len(self.nodes) > self._current_node_index: next_node = self.nodes[self._current_node_index] self._current_node_index += 1 return next_node else: raise NodesExhaustedError("No unprocessed nodes remain")
[docs] def size(self): """ Length of the node queue will be how many nodes are left """ return max([len(self.nodes) - self._current_node_index, 0])
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Since this isn"t a true queue, we can track if the node queue is "empty" by check if the current node index reaches the length of the node list This is just so we don"t have to raise an exception when the queue is empty """ return len(self.nodes) <= self._current_node_index