Source code for pycalphad.mapping.plotting

import itertools
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

from pycalphad import variables as v
from pycalphad.plot.utils import phase_legend
from pycalphad.plot import triangular  # register triangular projection

from pycalphad.mapping.primitives import _get_phase_specific_variable
from pycalphad.mapping.strategy.step_strategy import StepStrategy
from pycalphad.mapping.strategy.binary_strategy import BinaryStrategy
from pycalphad.mapping.strategy.ternary_strategy import TernaryStrategy
from pycalphad.mapping.strategy.isopleth_strategy import IsoplethStrategy
import pycalphad.mapping.utils as map_utils

[docs] def get_label(var: v.StateVariable): # If user just passes v.NP rather than an instance of v.NP, then label is just NP if var == v.NP: return 'Phase Fraction' elif isinstance(var, v.X): if var.phase_name is None: return 'X({})'.format( else: return 'X({}, {})'.format(var.phase_name, elif isinstance(var, v.W): if var.phase_name is None: return 'W({})'.format( else: return 'W({}, {})'.format(var.phase_name, elif isinstance(var, v.MU): return 'MU({})'.format( # Otherwise, we can just use the display name else: return var.display_name
[docs] def plot_step(strategy: StepStrategy, x: v.StateVariable = None, y: v.StateVariable = None, ax = None, legend_generator = phase_legend, set_nan_to_zero = True, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots step map using matplotlib Parameters ---------- strategy : StepStrategy x : v.StateVariable y : v.StateVariable ax : matplotlib axes (optional) A new axis object will be made if not supplied legend_generator : function that creates legend handles and colors for list of phases Returns ------- Matplotlib axis """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # If x is None, then use axis variable and state that x is global # (this is useful for v.X where we can distinguish v.X(sp,ph) vs. v.X(sp) x_is_global = False if x is None: x = strategy.axis_vars[0] if x == strategy.axis_vars[0]: x_is_global = True # If y is None, then use phase fractions if y is None: y = v.NP step_data = strategy.get_data(x, y, x_is_global, set_nan_to_zero=set_nan_to_zero) data = step_data['data'] xlim = step_data['xlim'] ylim = step_data['ylim'] handles, colors = legend_generator(sorted(data.keys())) for p in data: x_data = data[p]['x'] y_data = data[p]['y'] ax.plot(x_data, y_data, color=colors[p], lw=1, solid_capstyle="butt") ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) # Add legend ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plot_title = '-'.join([component.title() for component in sorted(strategy.components) if component != 'VA']) ax.set_title(plot_title) ax.set_xlabel(get_label(x)) ax.set_ylabel(get_label(y)) return ax
[docs] def plot_invariants(ax, strategy: Union[BinaryStrategy, TernaryStrategy], x: v.StateVariable, y: v.StateVariable, phase_colors, label_end_points: bool = False, tie_triangle_color = (1, 0, 0, 1)): """ Plots node data from BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy onto matplotlib axis Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axis strategy : BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy x : v.StateVariable y : v.StateVariable phase_colors : dict[str, color] Color to plot end points if set label_end_points : bool tie_triangle_color : color Color to plot node """ invariant_data = strategy.get_invariant_data(x, y) for data in invariant_data: x_data, y_data, phases = data['x'], data['y'], data['phases'] ax.plot(x_data + [x_data[0]], y_data + [y_data[0]], color=tie_triangle_color, zorder=2.5, lw=1, solid_capstyle="butt") # If labeling end points, add a scatter point on each phase coordinate in the node if label_end_points: for xp, yp, p in zip(x_data, y_data, phases): ax.scatter([xp], [yp], color=phase_colors[p], s=8, zorder=3)
[docs] def plot_tielines(ax, strategy: Union[BinaryStrategy, TernaryStrategy], x: v.StateVariable, y: v.StateVariable, phase_colors, tielines = 1, tieline_color=(0, 1, 0, 1)): """ Plots tieline data from BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy onto matplotlib axis Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib axis strategy : BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy x : v.StateVariable y : v.StateVariable phase_colors : dict[str, color] Color to plot end points if set tielines : int or False int - plots every n tielines False - only plots phase boundaries tieline_color : color """ zpf_data = strategy.get_tieline_data(x, y) for data in zpf_data: for p in data: x_data, y_data = data[p]['x'], data[p]['y'] if not all((y_data == 0) | (y_data == np.nan)): ax.plot(x_data, y_data, color=phase_colors[p], lw=1, solid_capstyle="butt") if tielines: x_list = [data[p]['x'] for p in data] y_list = [data[p]['y'] for p in data] tieline_collection = LineCollection(np.asarray([x_list, y_list]).T[::tielines, ...], zorder=1, linewidths=0.5, capstyle="butt", colors=[tieline_color for _ in range(len(x_list[0]))]) ax.add_collection(tieline_collection)
[docs] def plot_binary(strategy: BinaryStrategy, x: v.StateVariable = None, y: v.StateVariable = None, ax = None, tielines = 1, label_nodes = False, legend_generator = phase_legend, tieline_color=(0, 1, 0, 1), tie_triangle_color=(1, 0, 0, 1), *args, **kwargs): """ Plots binary map using matplotlib Parameters ---------- strategy : BinaryStrategy or TernaryStrategy x : v.StateVariable y : v.StateVariable ax : matplotlib axes (optional) A new axis object will be made if not supplied tielines : int or False (optional) Default = 1 int - plots every n tieline False - only plots phase boundaries label_node : bool (optional) Default = False Plots points on nodes for each phase if true legend_generator : function that creates legend handles and colors for list of phases tieline_color : color tie_triangle_color : color Returns ------- Matplotlib axis """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # If variables are not given, then plot composition vs. temperature sorted_axis_var = map_utils._sort_axis_by_state_vars(strategy.axis_vars) if x is None: x = sorted_axis_var[1] if y is None: y = sorted_axis_var[0] phases = sorted(strategy.get_all_phases()) handles, colors = legend_generator(phases) plot_tielines(ax, strategy, x, y, phase_colors=colors, tielines=tielines, tieline_color=tieline_color) plot_invariants(ax, strategy, x, y, phase_colors=colors, label_end_points=label_nodes, tie_triangle_color=tie_triangle_color) # Adjusts axis limits # 1. Autoscale axis # 2. If x or y is a strategy axis variable # Set lower limit to max of strategy limits to rescaled limits # Set upper limit to min of strategy limits or rescaled limits # 3. If x or y is not a strategy axis variable, then use the rescaled limits ax.autoscale() if x in strategy.axis_vars: xlim = list(ax.get_xlim()) xlim[0] = np.amax((np.amin(strategy.axis_lims[x]), xlim[0])) xlim[1] = np.amin((np.amax(strategy.axis_lims[x]), xlim[1])) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if y in strategy.axis_vars: ylim = list(ax.get_ylim()) ylim[0] = np.amax((np.amin(strategy.axis_lims[y]), ylim[0])) ylim[1] = np.amin((np.amax(strategy.axis_lims[y]), ylim[1])) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plot_title = '-'.join([component.title() for component in sorted(strategy.components) if component != 'VA']) ax.set_title(plot_title) ax.set_xlabel(get_label(x)) ax.set_ylabel(get_label(y)) return ax
[docs] def plot_ternary(strategy: TernaryStrategy, x: v.StateVariable = None, y: v.StateVariable = None, ax = None, tielines = 1, label_nodes = False, legend_generator = phase_legend, tieline_color=(0, 1, 0, 1), tie_triangle_color=(1, 0, 0, 1), *args, **kwargs): """ Plots ternary map using matplotlib Pretty much the same as binary mapping but some extra stuff to create defualt triangular axis, limit axis limits to (0,1) and set y label position if axis is triangular Parameters ---------- strategy : Ternary strategy x : v.StateVariable y : v.StateVariable ax : matplotlib axes (optional) A new axis object will be made if not supplied tielines : int or False (optional) Default = 1 int - plots every n tieline False - only plots phase boundaries label_node : bool (optional) Default = False Plots points on nodes for each phase if true legend_generator : function that creates legend handles and colors for list of phases tieline_color : color tie_triangle_color : color Returns ------- Matplotlib axis """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': "triangular"}) plot_binary(strategy, x, y, ax, tielines=tielines, label_nodes=label_nodes, legend_generator=legend_generator, tieline_color=tieline_color, tie_triangle_color=tie_triangle_color, *args, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim([0,1]) ax.set_ylim([0,1]) # Projection is stored in the default axis name, so only adjust y label if the axis is triangular # Note: this is assuming that triangular is the only option for making a ternary plot and that the user doesn't change the default name if 'triangular' in ax.yaxis.label.set_rotation(60) # rotate ylabel ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(x=0.12, y=0.5) # move the label to a pleasing position return ax
[docs] def plot_isopleth(strategy: IsoplethStrategy, x: v.StateVariable = None, y: v.StateVariable = None, ax = None, legend_generator = phase_legend, tie_triangle_color=(1, 0, 0, 1), *args, **kwargs): """ Plots isopleth map using matplotlib Parameters ---------- strategy : IsoplethStrategy x : v.StateVariable y : v.StateVariable ax : matplotlib axes (optional) A new axis object will be made if not supplied legend_generator : function that creates legend handles and colors for list of phases tie_triangle_color : color Returns ------- Matplotlib axis """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() sorted_axis_var = map_utils._sort_axis_by_state_vars(strategy.axis_vars) if x is None: x = sorted_axis_var[1] if y is None: y = sorted_axis_var[0] phases = sorted(strategy.get_all_phases()) handles, colors = legend_generator(phases) # Plot zpf lines zpf_data = strategy.get_zpf_data(x, y) xlim, ylim = zpf_data['xlim'], zpf_data['ylim'] for data in zpf_data['data']: zero_phase = data['phase'] x_data, y_data = data['x'], data['y'] if not all((y_data == 0) | (y_data == np.nan)): ax.plot(x_data, y_data, color=colors[zero_phase], lw=1, solid_capstyle="butt") # Plot nodes node_data = strategy.get_invariant_data(x, y) for data in node_data: x_data, y_data = data['x'], data['y'] ax.plot(x_data, y_data, color=tie_triangle_color, zorder=2.5, lw=1, solid_capstyle="butt") # Set axis limits # If variable is a strategy axis variables, then set limits to axis variable limits # If variable is not a strategy axis variable, then set the lower (left, bottom) limits # to the min of the zpf data if x in strategy.axis_vars: ax.set_xlim([np.amin(strategy.axis_lims[x]), np.amax(strategy.axis_lims[x])]) else: ax.set_xlim(left=xlim[0]) if y in strategy.axis_vars: ax.set_ylim([np.amin(strategy.axis_lims[y]), np.amax(strategy.axis_lims[y])]) else: ax.set_ylim(bottom=ylim[0]) ax.legend(handles=handles, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) plot_title = '-'.join([component.title() for component in sorted(strategy.components) if component != 'VA']) ax.set_title(plot_title) ax.set_xlabel(get_label(x)) ax.set_ylabel(get_label(y)) return ax