Support for reading ChemSage DAT files.
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import deque
from symengine import S, log, Piecewise, And
from pycalphad import Database, variables as v
from .grammar import parse_chemical_formula
# From ChemApp Documentation, section 11.1 "The format of a ChemApp data-file"
# We use a leading zero term because the data file's indices are 1-indexed and
# this prevents us from needing to shift the indicies.
# Exponents are in floating point so that round-trip write/read passes equality checks
GIBBS_TERMS = (S.Zero, S.One, v.T, v.T*log(v.T), v.T**2.0, v.T**3.0, v.T**(-1.0))
CP_TERMS = (S.Zero, S.One, v.T, v.T**2.0, v.T**(-2.0))
EXCESS_TERMS = (S.Zero, S.One, v.T, v.T*log(v.T), v.T**2.0, v.T**3.0, v.T**(-1.0), v.P, v.P**2.0)
DEFAULT_T_MIN = 0.01 # The same as for TDBs when no minimum temperature is given.
def _parse_species_postfix_charge(formula) -> v.Species:
name = formula
# handle postfix charge: FE[2+] CU[+] CL[-] O[2-]
match = re.search(r'\[([0-9]+)?([-+])\]', formula)
if match is not None:
# remove the charge from the formula
formula = formula[:match.start()]
charge = int(f'{match.groups()[1]}{match.groups()[0] or 1}')
charge = 0
# assumes that the remaining formula is a pure element
constituents = dict(parse_chemical_formula(formula)[0])
return v.Species(name, constituents=constituents, charge=charge)
class TokenParserError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when the TokenParser hits a parsing error."""
class TokenParser():
def __init__(self, string):
self._line_number = 1 # user facing, so make it one-indexed
self._lines_deque = deque(string.split("\n"))
self._current_line = self._lines_deque.popleft()
self._tokens_deque = deque(self._current_line.split())
def __getitem__(self, i: int):
# Instantiate a new TokenParser for the current state so we can look ahead without messing up our line numbers
lines = "\n".join(deque([" ".join(self._tokens_deque)]) + self._lines_deque)
tmp_parser = TokenParser(lines)
if i > 0:
for _ in range(i - 1):
token = tmp_parser._next()
return tmp_parser._next()
def _next(self):
token = self._tokens_deque.popleft()
except IndexError as e:
# If we're out of tokens, get the next line and try to grab a token again
self._current_line = self._lines_deque.popleft()
self._line_number += 1
# call next instead of popleft() on the deque in case self._current_line has no tokens
token = self._next()
return token
def parse(self, cls: type):
next_token = self._next()
obj = cls(next_token)
except ValueError as e:
# Return the token and re-raise with a ParseError
raise TokenParserError(f"Error at line number {self._line_number + 1}: {e.args} for line:\n {self._current_line}") from e
return obj
def parseN(self, N: int, cls: type):
if N < 1:
raise ValueError(f'N must be >=1, got {N}')
return [self.parse(cls) for _ in range(N)]
class AdditionalCoefficientPair:
coefficient: float
exponent: float
def expr(self):
if self.exponent == 99:
# this is a special case and means log(v.T)
# See ChemApp documentation, section 11.1 cosi.dat, Line 5
return self.coefficient*log(v.T)
if abs(self.exponent) > 9:
warnings.warn(f"Additional coefficient pair has an exponent of {self.exponent}, which should be between -9 and +9.")
return self.coefficient * v.T**(self.exponent)
class PTVmTerms:
terms: List[float]
class IntervalBase:
T_max: float
def expr(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses of IntervalBase must define an expression for the energy")
def cond(self, T_min=DEFAULT_T_MIN):
if T_min == self.T_max:
# To avoid an impossible, always False condition an open interval
# is assumed. We choose 10000 K as the dummy (as in TDBs).
return And((T_min <= v.T), (v.T < 10000))
return And((T_min <= v.T), (v.T < self.T_max))
def expr_cond_pair(self, *args, T_min=DEFAULT_T_MIN, **kwargs):
"""Return an (expr, cond) tuple used to construct Piecewise expressions"""
expr = self.expr(*args, **kwargs)
cond = self.cond(T_min)
return (expr, cond)
class IntervalG(IntervalBase):
coefficients: List[float]
additional_coeff_pairs: List[AdditionalCoefficientPair]
PTVm_terms: List[PTVmTerms]
def expr(self, indices):
"""Return an expression for the energy in this temperature interval"""
energy = S.Zero
# Add fixed energy terms
energy += sum([C*GIBBS_TERMS[i] for C, i in zip(self.coefficients, indices)])
# Add additional energy coefficient-exponent pair terms
energy += sum([addit_term.expr() for addit_term in self.additional_coeff_pairs])
# P-T molar volume terms, not supported
if len(self.PTVm_terms) > 0:
raise NotImplementedError("P-T molar volume terms are not supported")
return energy
# TODO: not yet supported
class IntervalCP(IntervalBase):
# Fixed term heat capacity interval with extended terms
H298: float
S298: float
CP_coefficients: float
H_trans: float
additional_coeff_pairs: List[AdditionalCoefficientPair]
PTVm_terms: List[PTVmTerms]
def expr(self, indices, T_min=DEFAULT_T_MIN):
"""Return an expression for the energy in this temperature interval"""
raise NotImplementedError("Heat capacity descriptions of the Gibbs energy are not implemented.")
class Endmember():
species_name: str
gibbs_eq_type: str
stoichiometry_pure_elements: List[float]
intervals: List[IntervalBase]
def expr(self, indices):
"""Return a Piecewise (in temperature) energy expression for this endmember (i.e. only the data from the energy intervals)"""
expr_cond_pairs = []
for interval in self.intervals:
expr_cond_pairs.append(interval.expr_cond_pair(indices, T_min=T_min))
T_min = interval.T_max
# a (expr, True) condition must be at the end
expr_cond_pairs.append((S.Zero, S.true))
return Piecewise(*expr_cond_pairs)
def constituents(self, pure_elements: List[str]) -> Dict[str, float]:
return {el: amnt for el, amnt in zip(pure_elements, self.stoichiometry_pure_elements) if amnt != 0.0}
def constituent_array(self) -> List[List[str]]:
return [[sp] for sp in self.species_name.split(':')]
def species(self, pure_elements) -> List[v.Species]:
"""Return an unordered list of Species objects detected in this endmember"""
if len(self.species_name.split(':')) > 1:
# If given in sublattice notation, assume species are pure elements
# i.e. multi-sublattice models cannot have associates
all_species = self.species_name.split(':')
return np.unique([v.Species(sp_str) for sp_str in all_species]).tolist()
# We only have one sublattice, this can be a non-pure element species
return [v.Species(self.species_name, constituents=self.constituents(pure_elements))]
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, constituent_array: List[List[str]], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
dbf.add_parameter('G', phase_name, constituent_array, 0, self.expr(gibbs_coefficient_idxs), force_insert=False)
class EndmemberQKTO(Endmember):
stoichiometric_factor: float
chemical_group: int
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, constituent_array: List[List[str]], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
dbf.add_parameter('G', phase_name, constituent_array, 0, self.expr(gibbs_coefficient_idxs), force_insert=False)
# Most databases in the wild use stoichiometric factors of unity,
# so we're avoiding the complexity of non-unity factors for now.
if not np.isclose(self.stoichiometric_factor, 1.0):
raise ValueError(f"QKTO endmembers with stoichiometric factors other than 1 are not yet supported. For {phase_name}: got {self.stoichiometric_factor} for {self}")
class EndmemberMagnetic(Endmember):
curie_temperature: float
magnetic_moment: float
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, pure_elements: List[str], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
# add Gibbs energy
super().insert(dbf, phase_name, pure_elements, gibbs_coefficient_idxs)
# also add magnetic parameters
dbf.add_parameter('BMAGN', phase_name, self.constituent_array(),
0, self.magnetic_moment, force_insert=False)
dbf.add_parameter('TC', phase_name, self.constituent_array(),
0, self.curie_temperature, force_insert=False)
class EndmemberRealGas(Endmember):
# Tsonopoulos data
Tc: float
Pc: float
Vc: float
acentric_factor: float
dipole_moment: float
def insert(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("Inserting parameters for real gas Endmembers is not supported.")
class EndmemberAqueous(Endmember):
charge: float
def insert(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("Inserting parameters for aqueous Endmembers is not supported.")
class ExcessBase:
interacting_species_idxs: List[int]
def _map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs(self, num_subl_species: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
Converts from one-indexed linear phase species indices to zero-indexed
sublattice species indices.
num_subl_species: List[int]
Number of species in each sublattice, i.e. [1, 2, 1] could
correspond to a sublattice model of [['A'], ['A', 'B'], ['C']]
List[List[int]] - a list of species index lists
cum_num_subl_species = np.cumsum(num_subl_species)
# initialize an empty sublattice model
subl_species_idxs = [[] for _ in range(len(num_subl_species))]
for linear_idx in self.interacting_species_idxs:
# Find which sublattice this species belongs to by seeing that the
# linear_idx is contained within the cumulative number of species
# on each sublattice
subl_idx = (cum_num_subl_species >= linear_idx).tolist().index(True)
# Determine the index of the species within the sublattice
# This is still the one-indexed value
if subl_idx == 0:
subl_sp_idx = linear_idx
subl_sp_idx = linear_idx - cum_num_subl_species[subl_idx - 1]
# convert one-indexed species index to zero-indexed
subl_sp_idx -= 1
# add the species index to the right sublattice
# all sublattices must be occupied
assert all(len(subl) > 0 for subl in subl_species_idxs)
return subl_species_idxs
def constituent_array(self, phase_constituents: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
Return the constituent array of this interaction using the entire phase
sublattice model.
This doesn't take into account any re-ordering of the phase_constituents
or interacting_species_idxs. All mapping on to proper v.Species objects
occurs in Database.add_parameter.
>>> phase_constituents = [['A'], ['A', 'B'], ['A', 'B', 'C']]
>>> ex = ExcessBase([1, 2, 4, 6])
>>> ix_const_arr = ex.constituent_array(phase_constituents)
>>> assert ix_const_arr == [['A'], ['A'], ['A', 'C']]
num_subl_species = [len(subl) for subl in phase_constituents]
subl_species_idxs = self._map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs(num_subl_species)
return [[phase_constituents[subl_idx][idx] for idx in subl] for subl_idx, subl in enumerate(subl_species_idxs)]
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, phase_constituents: List[List[str]], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
raise NotImplementedError(f"Subclass {type(self).__name__} of ExcessBase must implement `insert` to add the phase, constituents and parameters to the Database.")
class ExcessRKM(ExcessBase):
>>> assert ExcessRKM([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, [0])._map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs([2, 3]) == [[0, 1], [0, 1]]
>>> assert ExcessRKM([1, 3, 4], 0, [0])._map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs([2, 3]) == [[0], [0, 1]]
>>> assert ExcessRKM([1, 2], 0, [0])._map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs([4]) == [[0, 1]]
>>> assert ExcessRKM([1, 2, 3], 0, [0])._map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs([3]) == [[0, 1, 2]]
>>> assert ExcessRKM([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, [0])._map_const_idxs_to_subl_idxs([1, 1, 2]) == [[0], [0], [0, 1]]
parameter_order: int
coefficients: List[float]
def expr(self, indices):
"""Return an expression for the energy in this temperature interval"""
energy = S.Zero
# Add fixed energy terms
energy += sum([C*EXCESS_TERMS[i] for C, i in zip(self.coefficients, indices)])
return energy
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, phase_constituents: List[List[str]], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
Requires all Species in dbf.species to be defined.
# Note: Thermochimica does _not_ sort species alphabetically (as is done by TDB formats),
# so a constituent array of ("A", "B") != ("B", "A") for odd order terms.
const_array = self.constituent_array(phase_constituents)
dbf.add_parameter('L', phase_name, const_array, self.parameter_order, self.expr(excess_coefficient_idxs), force_insert=False)
class ExcessRKMMagnetic(ExcessBase):
parameter_order: int
curie_temperature: float
magnetic_moment: float
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, phase_constituents: List[List[str]], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
Requires all Species in dbf.species to be defined.
# See the comment about sorting in ExcessRKM
const_array = self.constituent_array(phase_constituents)
dbf.add_parameter('TC', phase_name, const_array, self.parameter_order, self.curie_temperature, force_insert=False)
dbf.add_parameter('BMAGN', phase_name, const_array, self.parameter_order, self.magnetic_moment, force_insert=False)
class ExcessQKTO(ExcessBase):
exponents: List[int]
coefficients: List[float]
def expr(self, indices):
"""Return an expression for the energy in this temperature interval"""
energy = S.Zero
# Add fixed energy terms
energy += sum([C*EXCESS_TERMS[i] for C, i in zip(self.coefficients, indices)])
return energy
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, phase_constituents: List[str], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
const_array = self.constituent_array(phase_constituents)
exponents = [exponent - 1 for exponent in self.exponents] # For some reason, an exponent of 1 really means an exponent of zero
"QKT", phase_name, const_array, param_order=None,
param=self.expr(excess_coefficient_idxs), exponents=exponents,
class PhaseBase:
phase_name: str
phase_type: str
endmembers: List[Endmember]
def insert(self, dbf: Database, pure_elements: List[str], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
"""Enter this phase and its parameters into the Database.
This method should call:
* `dbf.add_phase`
* `dbf.structure_entry`
* `dbf.add_phase_constituents`
* `dbf.add_parameter` for all parameters
raise NotImplementedError(f"Subclass {type(self).__name__} of PhaseBase must implement `insert` to add the phase, constituents and parameters to the Database.")
class Phase_Stoichiometric(PhaseBase):
magnetic_afm_factor: Optional[float]
magnetic_structure_factor: Optional[float]
def insert(self, dbf: Database, pure_elements: List[str], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
model_hints = {}
if self.magnetic_afm_factor is not None or self.magnetic_structure_factor is not None:
# This follows the Redlich-Kister Muggianu IHJ model. The ChemSage
# docs don't indicate that it's an IHJ model, but Eriksson and Hack,
# Met. Trans. B 21B (1990) 1013 says that it follows IHJ.
model_hints['ihj_magnetic_structure_factor'] = self.magnetic_structure_factor
# The TDB syntax would define the AFM factor for FCC as -3
# while ChemSage defines +0.333. This is likely because the
# model divides by the AFM factor (-1/3). We convert the AFM
# factor to the version used in the TDB/Model.
model_hints['ihj_magnetic_afm_factor'] = -1/self.magnetic_afm_factor
assert len(self.endmembers) == 1 # stoichiometric phase
# For stoichiometric endmembers, the endmember "constituent array" is
# just the phase name. We can just define the real constituent array in
# terms of pure elements, where each element gets it's own sublattice.
constituent_dict = self.endmembers[0].constituents(pure_elements)
constituent_array = [[el] for el in sorted(constituent_dict.keys())]
subl_stoich_ratios = [constituent_dict[el] for el in sorted(constituent_dict.keys())]
dbf.add_phase(self.phase_name, model_hints=model_hints, sublattices=subl_stoich_ratios)
dbf.add_structure_entry(self.phase_name, self.phase_name)
dbf.add_phase_constituents(self.phase_name, constituent_array)
self.endmembers[0].insert(dbf, self.phase_name, constituent_array, gibbs_coefficient_idxs)
class Phase_CEF(PhaseBase):
subl_ratios: List[float]
constituent_array: List[List[str]]
endmember_constituent_idxs: List[List[int]]
excess_parameters: List[ExcessBase]
magnetic_afm_factor: Optional[float]
magnetic_structure_factor: Optional[float]
def insert(self, dbf: Database, pure_elements: List[str], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
model_hints = {}
if self.magnetic_afm_factor is not None and self.magnetic_structure_factor is not None:
# This follows the Redlich-Kister Muggianu IHJ model. The ChemSage
# docs don't indicate that it's an IHJ model, but Eriksson and Hack,
# Met. Trans. B 21B (1990) 1013 says that it follows IHJ.
model_hints['ihj_magnetic_structure_factor'] = self.magnetic_structure_factor
# The TDB syntax would define the AFM factor for FCC as -3
# while ChemSage defines +0.333. This is likely because the
# model divides by the AFM factor (-1/3). We convert the AFM
# factor to the version used in the TDB/Model.
model_hints['ihj_magnetic_afm_factor'] = -1/self.magnetic_afm_factor
if any(isinstance(xs, (ExcessQKTO)) for xs in self.excess_parameters) and any(isinstance(xs, (ExcessRKM)) for xs in self.excess_parameters):
raise ValueError("ExcessQKTO and ExcessRKM parameters found, but they cannot co-exist.")
# Try adding model hints for chemical groups from endmembers
chemical_groups = {}
for endmember in self.endmembers:
if hasattr(endmember, "chemical_group"):
endmember_species = endmember.species(pure_elements)
# make the assumption that there's only one species in this endmember
# currently, only QKTO model endmembers supply chemical groups
# and QKTO models in the DAT can only have one sublattice.
species = endmember_species[0]
if species in chemical_groups:
raise ValueError(f"Species {species} is already present in the chemical groups dictionary for phase {self.phase_name} with endmembers {self.endmembers}.")
chemical_groups[species] = endmember.chemical_group
if len(chemical_groups.keys()) > 0:
model_hints["chemical_groups"] = chemical_groups
dbf.add_phase(self.phase_name, model_hints=model_hints, sublattices=self.subl_ratios)
dbf.add_structure_entry(self.phase_name, self.phase_name)
# This does two things:
# 1. set the self.constituent_array
# 2. add species to the database
if self.constituent_array is None:
# Before we add parameters, we need to first add all the species to dbf,
# since dbf.add_parameter takes a constituent array of string species
# names which are mapped to Species objects
for endmember in self.endmembers:
for sp in endmember.species(pure_elements):
invalid_shared_names = [(sp.name == esp.name and sp != esp) for esp in dbf.species]
if any(invalid_shared_names):
# names match some already but constituents do not
raise ValueError(f"A Species named {sp.name} (defined for phase {self.phase_name}) already exists in the database's species ({dbf.species}), but the constituents do not match.")
# Construct constituents for this phase, this loop could be merged with
# the parameter additions above (it's not dependent like the species
# step), but we are keeping it logically separate to make it clear how
# it's working. This assumes that all constituents are present in
# endmembers (i.e. there are no endmembers that are implicit).
constituents = [[] for _ in range(len(self.subl_ratios))]
for endmember in self.endmembers:
for subl, const_subl in zip(endmember.constituent_array(), constituents):
self.constituent_array = constituents # Be careful to preserve ordering here, since the mapping from species indices to species depends on the order of this
# add the species to the database
for subl in self.constituent_array:
for const in subl:
dbf.add_phase_constituents(self.phase_name, self.constituent_array)
# Now that all the species are in the database, we are free to add the parameters
if self.endmember_constituent_idxs is None:
# we have to guess at the constituent array
for endmember in self.endmembers:
endmember.insert(dbf, self.phase_name, endmember.constituent_array(), gibbs_coefficient_idxs)
# we know the constituent array from the indices and we don't have
# to guess
for endmember, const_idxs in zip(self.endmembers, self.endmember_constituent_idxs):
em_const_array = [[self.constituent_array[i][sp_idx - 1]] for i, sp_idx in enumerate(const_idxs)]
endmember.insert(dbf, self.phase_name, em_const_array, gibbs_coefficient_idxs)
for excess_param in self.excess_parameters:
excess_param.insert(dbf, self.phase_name, self.constituent_array, excess_coefficient_idxs)
def rename_element_charge(element, charge):
"""We use the _ to separate so we have something to split on."""
if charge == 0:
return f'{element}'
elif charge > 0:
return f'{element}+{charge}'
return f'{element}-{abs(charge)}'
class SUBQPair(Endmember):
stoichiometry_quadruplet: List[float]
zeta: float
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, constituent_array: List[str], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
# Here the constituent array should be the pair name using the corrected
# names, i.e. CU1.0CL1.0
'MQMG', phase_name, constituent_array, param_order=None,
param=self.expr(gibbs_coefficient_idxs), zeta=self.zeta,
class SUBQQuadrupletCoordinations:
quadruplet_idxs: List[int] # exactly four
quadruplet_coordinations: List[float] # exactly four
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, As: List[str], Xs: List[str]):
"""Add a Z_i_AB:XY parameter for each species defined in the quadruplet"""
linear_species = [''] + As + Xs # the leading '' element pads for one-indexed quadruplet_idxs
A, B, X, Y = tuple(linear_species[idx] for idx in self.quadruplet_idxs)
Z_A, Z_B, Z_X, Z_Y = self.quadruplet_coordinations
# Constituents and coordinations need to be canonically sorted (within each sublattice)
constituent_array = [] # Should be split by sublattice, List[List[float]]
coordinations = [] # Should be "linear", List[float]
for const_subl, coord_subl in zip([[A, B], [X, Y]], [[Z_A, Z_B], [Z_X, Z_Y]]):
sorted_const, sorted_coord = zip(*[(const, coord) for const, coord in sorted(zip(const_subl, coord_subl))])
"MQMZ", phase_name, constituent_array, param_order=None, param=None,
coordinations=coordinations, force_insert=False,
class SUBQExcessQuadruplet:
mixing_type: int
mixing_code: str # G, Q, B, or R
mixing_const: List[int] # exactly four
mixing_exponents: List[int] # exactly four
metadata: List[float] # exactly twelve
additional_cation_mixing_const: int
additional_anion_mixing_const: int
excess_coeffs: List[float]
def expr(self, indices):
"""Return an expression for the energy in this temperature interval"""
energy = S.Zero
# Add fixed energy terms
energy += sum([C*EXCESS_TERMS[i] for C, i in zip(self.excess_coeffs, indices)])
return energy
def insert(self, dbf: Database, phase_name: str, As: List[str], Xs: List[str], excess_coeff_indices: List[int]):
linear_species = [None] + As + Xs # the leading '' element pads for one-indexed quadruplet_idxs
A, B, X, Y = tuple(linear_species[idx] for idx in self.mixing_const)
constituent_array = [[A, B], [X, Y]]
mixing_code = self.mixing_code
exponents = self.mixing_exponents
expr = self.expr(excess_coeff_indices)
addtl_cation_mixing_const = linear_species[self.additional_cation_mixing_const]
addtl_anion_mixing_const = linear_species[self.additional_anion_mixing_const]
if addtl_cation_mixing_const is not None and addtl_anion_mixing_const is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Having a cation _and_ anion as additional mixing constituents is not allowed. Got {addtl_cation_mixing_const} and {addtl_anion_mixing_const} for {phase_name} and quadruplet {A, B, X, Y}.")
elif addtl_cation_mixing_const is not None:
addtl_mixing_const = addtl_cation_mixing_const
addtl_mixing_expon = exponents[2]
elif addtl_anion_mixing_const is not None:
addtl_mixing_const = addtl_anion_mixing_const
addtl_mixing_expon = exponents[3]
addtl_mixing_const = None
addtl_mixing_expon = 0
species_dict = {s.name: s for s in dbf.species}
if addtl_mixing_const is not None:
additional_mixing_constituent = species_dict.get(addtl_mixing_const.upper(), v.Species(addtl_mixing_const))
additional_mixing_constituent = v.Species(None)
"MQMX", phase_name, constituent_array, param_order=None, param=expr,
mixing_code=mixing_code, exponents=exponents,
def _species(el_chg):
el, chg = el_chg
name = rename_element_charge(el, chg)
constituents = dict(parse_chemical_formula(el)[0])
return v.Species(name, constituents=constituents, charge=chg)
def _process_chemical_group_override_string(s):
Parse strings for special MQMQA (SUBG/SUBQ) parameters that indicate Kohler/Toop
mixing special cases that are not expressed in the specified chemical groups
("chemical group overrides").
>>> overrides = _process_chemical_group_override_string('3 1 4T3 3 1K 3 4T4 1 4 5')
>>> assert overrides['ternary_element_indices'] == [3, 1, 4]
>>> assert [bx['interaction_type'] for bx in overrides['binary_interactions']] == ['T', 'K', 'T']
>>> assert [bx.get('toop_element_index') for bx in overrides['binary_interactions']] == [3, None, 4]
>>> assert [bx['interacting_element_indices'] for bx in overrides['binary_interactions']] == [[3, 1], [3, 4], [1, 4]]
>>> assert overrides['non_mixing_element_index'] == 5
override_tokens = TokenParser(s.upper().replace("K", " K").replace("T", " T "))
override_dict = {}
ternary_element_indices = override_tokens.parseN(3, int)
override_dict["ternary_element_indices"] = ternary_element_indices
override_dict["binary_interactions"] = []
for _ in range(3):
# Parse the extrapolation type of each binary interaction in the ternary,
# with the appropriate metadata according to the interaction type
binary_interaction_dict = {}
interaction_type = override_tokens.parse(str)
binary_interaction_dict["interaction_type"] = interaction_type
if interaction_type == "K":
# Kohler, no special handling
elif interaction_type == "T":
# Toop, parse which element is the odd-element-out
binary_interaction_dict["toop_element_index"] = override_tokens.parse(int)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown extrapolation type {interaction_type} encountered while processing override string.")
binary_interaction_dict["interacting_element_indices"] = override_tokens.parseN(2, int)
override_dict["non_mixing_element_index"] = override_tokens.parse(int)
return override_dict
class Phase_SUBQ(PhaseBase):
num_pairs: int
num_quadruplets: int
num_subl_1_const: int
num_subl_2_const: int
subl_1_const: List[str]
subl_2_const: List[str]
subl_1_charges: List[float]
subl_1_chemical_groups: List[int]
subl_2_charges: List[float]
subl_2_chemical_groups: List[int]
subl_const_idx_pairs: List[Tuple[int, int]]
quadruplets: List[SUBQQuadrupletCoordinations]
excess_parameters: List[SUBQExcessQuadruplet]
chemical_group_overrides: List[str]
def insert(self, dbf: Database, pure_elements: List[str], gibbs_coefficient_idxs: List[int], excess_coefficient_idxs: List[int]):
# First: get the pair and quadruplet species added to the database:
# Here we rename the species names according to their charges, to avoid creating duplicate pairs/quadruplets
cation_el_chg_pairs = list(zip(self.subl_1_const, self.subl_1_charges))
# anion charges are given as positive values, but should be negative in
# order to make the species entered in the expected way (`CL-1`).
anion_el_chg_pairs = list(zip(self.subl_2_const, [-1*c for c in self.subl_2_charges]))
# pycalphad usually uses Species to differentiate charged species, for
# example Species('CU', charge=1) vs. Species('CU', charge=2). In the
# implementation of the model, we will use Speices to refer to a
# quadruplet which may have both CU+1 and CU+2 species inside, so we
# need to add an additional qualifier that mangles the name of the
# elements in the species so that we can clearly differentiate the
# (CU+1 CU+1):(XY) quadruplet from the (CU+2 CU+2):(XY) quadruplet. We
# do that by adding the charge to the name (without +/-), i.e. CU_1 or
# CU_1.0. This mangling frees us from worrying about Species name
# collisions within the Database.
cations = [rename_element_charge(el, chg) for el, chg in cation_el_chg_pairs]
anions = [rename_element_charge(el, chg) for el, chg in anion_el_chg_pairs]
# Add the (renamed) species to the database so the phase constituents can be added
dbf.species.update(map(_species, cation_el_chg_pairs))
dbf.species.update(map(_species, anion_el_chg_pairs))
# Second: add the phase and phase constituents
model_hints = {
"mqmqa": {
"type": self.phase_type,
"chemical_groups": {
"cations": dict(zip(map(_species, cation_el_chg_pairs), self.subl_1_chemical_groups)),
"anions": dict(zip(map(_species, anion_el_chg_pairs), self.subl_2_chemical_groups)),
dbf.add_phase(self.phase_name, model_hints, sublattices=[1.0])
dbf.add_structure_entry(self.phase_name, self.phase_name)
dbf.add_phase_constituents(self.phase_name, [cations, anions])
# Third: add the endmember (pair) Gibbs energies
num_pairs = len(list(itertools.product(cations, anions)))
assert len(self.endmembers) == num_pairs
# Endmember pairs came in order of the specified subl_const_idx_pairs labels.
for (i, j), endmember in zip(self.subl_const_idx_pairs, self.endmembers):
endmember.insert(dbf, self.phase_name, [[cations[i-1]], [anions[j-1]]], gibbs_coefficient_idxs)
# Fourth: add parameters for coordinations
for quadruplet in self.quadruplets:
quadruplet.insert(dbf, self.phase_name, cations, anions)
# Fifth: add excess parameters
for excess_param in self.excess_parameters:
excess_param.insert(dbf, self.phase_name, cations, anions, excess_coefficient_idxs)
# Process chemical group overrides - for now we simply warn with the affected species if any overrides are detected.
for override_string in self.chemical_group_overrides:
override_dict = _process_chemical_group_override_string(override_string)
overriden_species_indices = override_dict["ternary_element_indices"] + [override_dict["non_mixing_element_index"]]
dummy_xs = ExcessBase(overriden_species_indices)
override_constituents = []
for subl_constituents in dummy_xs.constituent_array([self.subl_1_const, self.subl_2_const]):
warnings.warn(f"Phase {self.phase_name} overrides the ternary extrapolation models for the system {override_constituents}. Use caution as extrapolated energies may be incorrect.")
# TODO: not yet supported
class Phase_RealGas(PhaseBase):
endmembers: List[EndmemberRealGas]
# TODO: not yet supported
class Phase_Aqueous(PhaseBase):
endmembers: List[EndmemberAqueous]
def tokenize(instring, startline=0, force_upper=False):
if force_upper:
return TokenParser('\n'.join(instring.upper().splitlines()[startline:]))
return TokenParser('\n'.join(instring.splitlines()[startline:]))
def parse_additional_terms(toks: TokenParser) -> List[AdditionalCoefficientPair]:
num_additional_terms = toks.parse(int)
return [AdditionalCoefficientPair(*toks.parseN(2, float)) for _ in range(num_additional_terms)]
def parse_PTVm_terms(toks: TokenParser) -> PTVmTerms:
# parse molar volume terms, there seem to always be 11 terms (at least in the one file I have)
return PTVmTerms(toks.parseN(11, float))
def parse_interval_Gibbs(toks: TokenParser, num_gibbs_coeffs, has_additional_terms, has_PTVm_terms) -> IntervalG:
temperature_max = toks.parse(float)
coefficients = toks.parseN(num_gibbs_coeffs, float)
additional_coeff_pairs = parse_additional_terms(toks) if has_additional_terms else []
PTVm_terms = parse_PTVm_terms(toks) if has_PTVm_terms else []
return IntervalG(temperature_max, coefficients, additional_coeff_pairs, PTVm_terms)
def parse_interval_heat_capacity(toks: TokenParser, num_gibbs_coeffs, H298, S298, has_H_trans, has_additional_terms, has_PTVm_terms) -> IntervalCP:
# 6 coefficients are required
assert num_gibbs_coeffs == 6
if has_H_trans:
H_trans = toks.parse(float)
H_trans = 0.0 # 0.0 will be added to the first (or only) interval
temperature_max = toks.parse(float)
CP_coefficients = toks.parseN(4, float)
additional_coeff_pairs = parse_additional_terms(toks) if has_additional_terms else []
PTVm_terms = parse_PTVm_terms(toks) if has_PTVm_terms else []
return IntervalCP(temperature_max, H298, S298, CP_coefficients, H_trans, additional_coeff_pairs, PTVm_terms)
def parse_endmember(toks: TokenParser, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, is_stoichiometric=False):
species_name = toks.parse(str)
if toks[0] == '#':
# special case for stoichiometric phases, this is a dummy species, skip it
_ = toks.parse(str)
gibbs_eq_type = toks.parse(int)
except TokenParserError:
# There may be two floats that come after the species name on the same
# line. The meaning is not yet clear, but they are often zero. If they
# are zero, we will throw them away. This drops into some private APIs
# for TokenParser until there's another way to handle these values.
f1 = toks.parse(float)
if f1 != 0.0:
raise TokenParserError(f"Non-zero values are not yet supported after species {species_name}. Got {f1} at line number {toks._line_number + 1} for line:\n {toks._current_line}")
f2 = toks.parse(float)
if f2 != 0.0:
raise TokenParserError(f"Non-zero values are not yet supported after species {species_name}. Got {f2} at line number {toks._line_number + 1} for line:\n {toks._current_line}")
gibbs_eq_type = toks.parse(int)
# Determine how to parse the type of thermodynamic option
has_magnetic = gibbs_eq_type > 12
gibbs_eq_type_reduced = (gibbs_eq_type - 12) if has_magnetic else gibbs_eq_type
is_gibbs_energy_interval = gibbs_eq_type_reduced in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
is_heat_capacity_interval = gibbs_eq_type_reduced in (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
has_additional_terms = gibbs_eq_type_reduced in (4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)
has_constant_Vm_terms = gibbs_eq_type_reduced in (2, 5, 8, 11)
has_PTVm_terms = gibbs_eq_type_reduced in (3, 6, 9, 12)
num_intervals = toks.parse(int)
stoichiometry_pure_elements = toks.parseN(num_pure_elements, float)
if has_constant_Vm_terms:
raise ValueError("Constant molar volume equations (thermodynamic data options (2, 5, 8, 11)) are not supported yet.")
# Piecewise endmember energy intervals
if is_gibbs_energy_interval:
intervals = [parse_interval_Gibbs(toks, num_gibbs_coeffs, has_additional_terms, has_PTVm_terms) for _ in range(num_intervals)]
elif is_heat_capacity_interval:
H298 = toks.parse(float)
S298 = toks.parse(float)
# parse the first without H_trans, then parse the rest
intervals = [parse_interval_heat_capacity(toks, num_gibbs_coeffs, H298, S298, False, has_additional_terms, has_PTVm_terms)]
for _ in range(num_intervals - 1):
intervals.append(parse_interval_heat_capacity(toks, num_gibbs_coeffs, H298, S298, True, has_additional_terms, has_PTVm_terms))
raise ValueError(f"Unknown thermodynamic data option type {gibbs_eq_type}. A number in [1, 24].")
# magnetic terms
if has_magnetic:
curie_temperature = toks.parse(float)
magnetic_moment = toks.parse(float)
return EndmemberMagnetic(species_name, gibbs_eq_type, stoichiometry_pure_elements, intervals, curie_temperature, magnetic_moment)
return Endmember(species_name, gibbs_eq_type, stoichiometry_pure_elements, intervals)
def parse_endmember_qkto(toks: TokenParser, num_pure_elements: int, num_gibbs_coeffs: int):
# add an extra "pure element" to parse the charge
em = parse_endmember(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs)
stoichiometric_factor = toks.parse(float)
chemical_group = toks.parse(int)
return EndmemberQKTO(em.species_name, em.gibbs_eq_type, em.stoichiometry_pure_elements, em.intervals, stoichiometric_factor, chemical_group)
def parse_endmember_aqueous(toks: TokenParser, num_pure_elements: int, num_gibbs_coeffs: int):
# add an extra "pure element" to parse the charge
em = parse_endmember(toks, num_pure_elements + 1, num_gibbs_coeffs)
return EndmemberAqueous(em.species_name, em.gibbs_eq_type, em.stoichiometry_pure_elements[1:], em.intervals, em.stoichiometry_pure_elements[0])
def parse_endmember_subq(toks: TokenParser, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, zeta=None):
em = parse_endmember(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs)
# The first two entries are the stoichiometry of the pair (the cation and anion). It's unclear to what the last three are for.
stoichiometry_quadruplet = toks.parseN(5, float)
if zeta is None:
# This is SUBQ we need to parse it. If zeta is passed, that means we're in SUBG mode
zeta = toks.parse(float)
return SUBQPair(em.species_name, em.gibbs_eq_type, em.stoichiometry_pure_elements, em.intervals, stoichiometry_quadruplet, zeta)
def parse_quadruplet(toks):
quad_idx = toks.parseN(4, int)
quad_coords = toks.parseN(4, float)
return SUBQQuadrupletCoordinations(quad_idx, quad_coords)
def parse_subq_excess(toks, mixing_type, num_excess_coeffs):
mixing_code = toks.parse(str)
mixing_const = toks.parseN(4, int)
mixing_exponents = toks.parseN(4, int)
metadata = toks.parseN(12, float) # TODO: not sure what this metadata is - could it be more parameters? They are usually all zeros.
additional_cation_mixing_const = toks.parse(int)
additional_anion_mixing_exponent = toks.parse(int)
excess_coeffs = toks.parseN(num_excess_coeffs, float)
return SUBQExcessQuadruplet(mixing_type, mixing_code, mixing_const, mixing_exponents, metadata, additional_cation_mixing_const, additional_anion_mixing_exponent, excess_coeffs)
def parse_phase_subq(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_excess_coeffs):
if phase_type == 'SUBG':
zeta = toks.parse(float)
zeta = None
num_pairs = toks.parse(int)
num_quadruplets = toks.parse(int)
endmembers = [parse_endmember_subq(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, zeta=zeta) for _ in range(num_pairs)]
num_subl_1_const = toks.parse(int)
num_subl_2_const = toks.parse(int)
subl_1_const = toks.parseN(num_subl_1_const, str)
subl_2_const = toks.parseN(num_subl_2_const, str)
subl_1_charges = toks.parseN(num_subl_1_const, float)
subl_1_chemical_groups = toks.parseN(num_subl_1_const, int)
subl_2_charges = toks.parseN(num_subl_2_const, float)
subl_2_chemical_groups = toks.parseN(num_subl_2_const, int)
subl_1_pair_idx = toks.parseN(num_subl_1_const*num_subl_2_const, int)
subl_2_pair_idx = toks.parseN(num_subl_1_const*num_subl_2_const, int)
subl_const_idx_pairs = [(s1i, s2i) for s1i, s2i in zip(subl_1_pair_idx, subl_2_pair_idx)]
quadruplets = [parse_quadruplet(toks) for _ in range(num_quadruplets)]
excess_parameters = []
chemical_group_overrides = []
while True:
mixing_type = toks.parse(int)
if mixing_type == 0:
elif mixing_type < 0:
# For mixing type -N, there are N*10 tokens.
# The tokens look something like `1 2 3K 1 2K 1 3K 2 3 6`
for _ in range(-mixing_type):
# For each entry, simply parse the whole string
chemical_group_overrides.append(" ".join(toks.parseN(10, str)))
excess_parameters.append(parse_subq_excess(toks, mixing_type, num_excess_coeffs))
return Phase_SUBQ(phase_name, phase_type, endmembers, num_pairs, num_quadruplets, num_subl_1_const, num_subl_2_const, subl_1_const, subl_2_const, subl_1_charges, subl_1_chemical_groups, subl_2_charges, subl_2_chemical_groups, subl_const_idx_pairs, quadruplets, excess_parameters, chemical_group_overrides)
def parse_excess_magnetic_parameters(toks):
excess_terms = []
while True:
num_interacting_species = toks.parse(int)
if num_interacting_species == 0:
interacting_species_idxs = toks.parseN(num_interacting_species, int)
num_terms = toks.parse(int)
for parameter_order in range(num_terms):
curie_temperature = toks.parse(float)
magnetic_moment = toks.parse(float)
excess_terms.append(ExcessRKMMagnetic(interacting_species_idxs, parameter_order, curie_temperature, magnetic_moment))
return excess_terms
def parse_excess_parameters(toks, num_excess_coeffs):
excess_terms = []
while True:
num_interacting_species = toks.parse(int)
if num_interacting_species == 0:
interacting_species_idxs = toks.parseN(num_interacting_species, int)
num_terms = toks.parse(int)
for parameter_order in range(num_terms):
excess_terms.append(ExcessRKM(interacting_species_idxs, parameter_order, toks.parseN(num_excess_coeffs, float)))
return excess_terms
def parse_excess_parameters_pitz(toks, num_excess_coeffs):
excess_terms = []
while True:
num_interacting_species = toks.parse(int)
if num_interacting_species == 0:
# there are always 3 ints, regardless of the above "number of interacting species", if the number of interactings species is 2, we'll just throw the third number away for now
if num_interacting_species == 2:
interacting_species_idxs = toks.parseN(num_interacting_species, int)
elif num_interacting_species == 3:
interacting_species_idxs = toks.parseN(num_interacting_species, int)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid number of interacting species for Pitzer model, got {num_interacting_species} (expected 2 or 3).")
parameter_order = None
excess_terms.append(ExcessRKM(interacting_species_idxs, parameter_order, toks.parseN(num_excess_coeffs, float)))
return excess_terms
def parse_excess_qkto(toks, num_excess_coeffs):
excess_terms = []
while True:
num_interacting_species = toks.parse(int)
if num_interacting_species == 0:
interacting_species_idxs = toks.parseN(num_interacting_species, int)
exponents = toks.parseN(num_interacting_species, int)
coefficients = toks.parseN(num_excess_coeffs, float)
excess_terms.append(ExcessQKTO(interacting_species_idxs, exponents, coefficients))
return excess_terms
def parse_phase_cef(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_excess_coeffs, num_const):
is_magnetic_phase_type = len(phase_type) == 5 and phase_type[4] == 'M'
sanitized_phase_type = phase_type[:4] # drop the magnetic contribution, only used for matching later (i.e. SUBLM -> SUBL)
if is_magnetic_phase_type:
allowed_magnetic_phase_types = ('RKMP', 'QKTO', 'SUBL', 'SUBM', 'SUBG', 'SUBQ', 'WAGN')
if sanitized_phase_type not in allowed_magnetic_phase_types:
raise ValueError(f'Magnetic phase type {phase_type} is only supported for {allowed_magnetic_phase_types}')
magnetic_afm_factor = toks.parse(float)
magnetic_structure_factor = toks.parse(float)
magnetic_afm_factor = None
magnetic_structure_factor = None
endmembers = []
for _ in range(num_const):
if sanitized_phase_type == 'PITZ':
endmembers.append(parse_endmember_aqueous(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs))
elif sanitized_phase_type == 'QKTO':
endmembers.append(parse_endmember_qkto(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs))
endmembers.append(parse_endmember(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs))
# defining sublattice model
if sanitized_phase_type in ('SUBL',):
num_subl = toks.parse(int)
subl_atom_fracs = toks.parseN(num_subl, float)
# some phases have number of atoms after a colon in the phase name, e.g. SIGMA:30
if len(phase_name.split(':')) > 1:
num_atoms = float(phase_name.split(':')[1])
num_atoms = 1.0
subl_ratios = [num_atoms*subl_frac for subl_frac in subl_atom_fracs]
# read the data used to recover the mass, it's redundant and doesn't need to be stored
subl_constituents = toks.parseN(num_subl, int)
constituent_array = []
for num_subl_species in subl_constituents:
constituent_array.append(toks.parseN(num_subl_species, str))
num_endmembers = int(np.prod(subl_constituents))
endmember_constituent_idxs = []
for _ in range(num_subl):
endmember_constituent_idxs.append(toks.parseN(num_endmembers, int))
# endmember_constituents now is like [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 1, 1, 1]] for
# a two sublattice phase with (4, 1) constituents
# we want to invert this so each endmember is a pair, i.e.
# endmember_constituents = [[1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1]]
endmember_constituent_idxs = list(zip(*endmember_constituent_idxs))
elif sanitized_phase_type in ('IDMX', 'RKMP', 'QKTO', 'PITZ'):
subl_ratios = [1.0]
constituent_array = None # implictly defined by the endmembers
endmember_constituent_idxs = None
raise NotImplementedError(f"Phase type {phase_type} does not have method defined for determing the sublattice ratios")
# excess terms
if sanitized_phase_type in ('IDMX',):
# No excess parameters
excess_parameters = []
elif sanitized_phase_type in ('PITZ',):
excess_parameters = parse_excess_parameters_pitz(toks, num_excess_coeffs)
elif sanitized_phase_type in ('RKMP', 'SUBL'):
# SUBL will have no excess parameters, but it will have the "0" terminator like it has excess parameters so we can use the excess parameter parsing to process it all the same.
excess_parameters = []
if is_magnetic_phase_type:
excess_parameters.extend(parse_excess_parameters(toks, num_excess_coeffs))
elif sanitized_phase_type in ('QKTO',):
excess_parameters = parse_excess_qkto(toks, num_excess_coeffs)
return Phase_CEF(phase_name, phase_type, endmembers, subl_ratios, constituent_array, endmember_constituent_idxs, excess_parameters, magnetic_afm_factor=magnetic_afm_factor, magnetic_structure_factor=magnetic_structure_factor)
def parse_phase_real_gas(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_const):
endmembers = []
for _ in range(num_const):
em = parse_endmember(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs)
Tc = toks.parse(float)
Pc = toks.parse(float)
Vc = toks.parse(float)
acentric_factor = toks.parse(float)
dipole_moment = toks.parse(float)
endmembers.append(EndmemberRealGas(em.species_name, em.gibbs_eq_type, em.stoichiometry_pure_elements, em.intervals, Tc, Pc, Vc, acentric_factor, dipole_moment))
return Phase_RealGas(phase_name, phase_type, endmembers)
def parse_phase_aqueous(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_const):
endmembers = [parse_endmember_aqueous(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs) for _ in range(num_const)]
return Phase_Aqueous(phase_name, phase_type, endmembers)
def parse_phase(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_excess_coeffs, num_const):
"""Dispatches to the correct parser depending on the phase type"""
phase_name = toks.parse(str)
phase_type = toks.parse(str)
if phase_type in ('SUBQ', 'SUBG'):
phase = parse_phase_subq(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_excess_coeffs)
elif phase_type == 'IDVD':
phase = parse_phase_real_gas(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_const)
elif phase_type == 'IDWZ':
phase = parse_phase_aqueous(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_const)
elif phase_type in ('IDMX', 'RKMP', 'RKMPM', 'QKTO', 'SUBL', 'SUBLM', 'PITZ'):
# all these phases parse the same
phase = parse_phase_cef(toks, phase_name, phase_type, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_excess_coeffs, num_const)
raise NotImplementedError(f"phase type {phase_type} not yet supported")
return phase
def parse_stoich_phase(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs):
endmember = parse_endmember(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, is_stoichiometric=True)
if isinstance(endmember, EndmemberMagnetic):
magnetic_afm_factor = toks.parse(float)
magnetic_structure_factor = toks.parse(float)
magnetic_afm_factor = None
magnetic_structure_factor = None
phase_name = endmember.species_name
return Phase_Stoichiometric(phase_name, None, [endmember], magnetic_afm_factor=magnetic_afm_factor, magnetic_structure_factor=magnetic_structure_factor)
def parse_cs_dat(instring):
toks = tokenize(instring, startline=1)
header = parse_header(toks)
num_pure_elements = len(header.pure_elements)
num_gibbs_coeffs = len(header.gibbs_coefficient_idxs)
num_excess_coeffs = len(header.excess_coefficient_idxs)
# num_const = 0 is gas phase that isn't present, so skip it
solution_phases = [parse_phase(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs, num_excess_coeffs, num_const) for num_const in header.list_soln_species_count if num_const != 0]
stoichiometric_phases = [parse_stoich_phase(toks, num_pure_elements, num_gibbs_coeffs) for _ in range(header.num_stoich_phases)]
# By convention there are sometimes comments at the end that we ignore.
# Any remaining lines after the number of prescribed phases and
# stoichiometric compounds are not parsed.
return header, solution_phases, stoichiometric_phases
def read_cs_dat(dbf: Database, fd):
Parse a ChemSage DAT file into a pycalphad Database object.
dbf : Database
A pycalphad Database.
fd : file-like
File descriptor.
header, solution_phases, stoichiometric_phases = parse_cs_dat(fd.read().upper())
# add elements and their reference states
for el, mass in zip(header.pure_elements, header.pure_elements_mass):
if 'E(' not in str(el):
# add element reference state data
dbf.refstates[el] = {
'mass': mass,
# the following metadata is not given in DAT files,
# but is standard for our Database files
'phase': 'BLANK',
'H298': 0.0,
'S298': 0.0,
# Each phase subclass knows how to insert itself into the database.
# The insert method will appropriately insert all endmembers as well.
processed_phases = []
for parsed_phase in (*solution_phases, *stoichiometric_phases):
if parsed_phase.phase_name in processed_phases:
# DAT files allow multiple entries of the same phase to handle
# miscibility gaps. We discard the duplicate phase definitions.
parsed_phase.insert(dbf, header.pure_elements, header.gibbs_coefficient_idxs, header.excess_coefficient_idxs)
# process all the parameters that got added with dbf.add_parameter
Database.register_format("dat", read=read_cs_dat, write=None)