from pycalphad import variables as v
from pycalphad.core.lower_convex_hull import lower_convex_hull
from pycalphad.core.light_dataset import LightDataset
from pycalphad.property_framework.computed_property import LinearCombination
from xarray import Dataset
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
def global_min_is_possible(conditions, state_variables):
Determine whether global minimization is possible
to perform under the given set of conditions.
Global minimization is possible when only T, P, N,
compositions and/or chemical potentials are specified,
but may not be possible with other conditions because
there may be multiple (or zero) solutions.
conditions : dict
state_variables : iterable of StateVariables
global_min = True
for cond in conditions.keys():
if cond in state_variables or \
isinstance(cond, v.MoleFraction) or \
isinstance(cond, v.MassFraction) or \
isinstance(cond, v.SiteFraction) or \
isinstance(cond, LinearCombination) or \
isinstance(cond, v.ChemicalPotential) or \
cond == v.N:
global_min = False
return global_min
def starting_point(conditions, state_variables, phase_records, grid):
Find a starting point for the solution using a sample of the system energy surface.
conditions : OrderedDict
Mapping of StateVariable to array of condition values.
state_variables : list
A list of the state variables (e.g., N, P, T) used in this calculation.
phase_records : dict
Mapping of phase names (strings) to PhaseRecords.
grid : Dataset
A sample of the energy surface of the system. The sample should at least
cover the same state variable space as specified in the conditions.
global_min_enabled = global_min_is_possible(conditions, state_variables)
from pycalphad import __version__ as pycalphad_version
active_phases = sorted(phase_records.keys())
# Ensure that '_FAKE_' will fit in the phase name array
max_phase_name_len = max(max([len(x) for x in active_phases]), 6)
maximum_internal_dof = max(prx.phase_dof for prx in phase_records.values())
nonvacant_elements = phase_records[active_phases[0]].nonvacant_elements
coord_dict = OrderedDict([(str(key), value) for key, value in conditions.items()])
grid_shape = tuple(len(x) for x in coord_dict.values())
coord_dict['vertex'] = np.arange(
len(nonvacant_elements) + 1) # +1 is to accommodate the degenerate degree of freedom at the invariant reactions
coord_dict['component'] = nonvacant_elements
conds_as_strings = [str(k) for k in conditions.keys()]
number_dof = len(nonvacant_elements) - 1
for i in conditions.keys():
if not (hasattr(i, 'species') or isinstance(i, LinearCombination)):
if hasattr(i, 'species') and hasattr(i, 'phase_name') and i.phase_name is not None:
# Phase-local conditions do not reduce the total degrees of freedom
number_dof -= 1
if number_dof != 0:
raise ValueError('Number of degrees of freedom is not zero')
ds_vars = {'NP': (conds_as_strings + ['vertex'], np.empty(grid_shape + (len(nonvacant_elements)+1,))),
'GM': (conds_as_strings, np.empty(grid_shape)),
'MU': (conds_as_strings + ['component'], np.empty(grid_shape + (len(nonvacant_elements),))),
'X': (conds_as_strings + ['vertex', 'component'],
np.empty(grid_shape + (len(nonvacant_elements)+1, len(nonvacant_elements),))),
'Y': (conds_as_strings + ['vertex', 'internal_dof'],
np.empty(grid_shape + (len(nonvacant_elements)+1, maximum_internal_dof,))),
'Phase': (conds_as_strings + ['vertex'],
np.empty(grid_shape + (len(nonvacant_elements)+1,), dtype='U%s' % max_phase_name_len)),
'points': (conds_as_strings + ['vertex'],
np.empty(grid_shape + (len(nonvacant_elements)+1,), dtype=np.int32))
# If we have free state variables, they will also be data variables / output variables
free_statevars = sorted(set(state_variables) - set(conditions.keys()))
for f_sv in free_statevars:
ds_vars.update({str(f_sv): (conds_as_strings, np.empty(grid_shape))})
result = LightDataset(ds_vars, coords=coord_dict, attrs={'engine': 'pycalphad %s' % pycalphad_version})
if global_min_enabled:
result = lower_convex_hull(grid, state_variables, sorted(conditions.keys(), key=str), phase_records, result)
raise NotImplementedError('Conditions not yet supported')
return result