The halton module allows the construction of multi-dimensional
scrambled Halton sequences.
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
# First 50 multipliers from
# Chi, H., Mascagni, M., & Warnock, T. (2005). On the optimal Halton sequence.
# Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 70(1), 9-21. doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2005.03.004
# The rest are generated from the procedure discussed in the paper.
# Note that the choice of multipliers is not unique even when using their procedure.
# Some of their multpliers (e.g. for primes 11 and 29) are not primitive roots.
# It's unclear why they work so well despite that, but they do.
_scrambling_multipliers = [(2, 1), (3, 2), (5, 2), (7, 5), (11, 3), (13, 7), (17, 3),
(19, 10), (23, 18), (29, 11), (31, 17), (37, 5), (41, 17),
(43, 26), (47, 40), (53, 14), (59, 40), (61, 44), (67, 12),
(71, 31), (73, 45), (79, 70), (83, 8), (89, 38), (97, 82),
(101, 8), (103, 12), (107, 38), (109, 47), (113, 70),
(127, 29), (131, 57), (137, 97), (139, 110), (149, 32),
(151, 48), (157, 84), (163, 124), (167, 155), (173, 26),
(179, 69), (181, 83), (191, 157), (193, 171), (197, 8),
(199, 32), (211, 112), (223, 205), (227, 15), (229, 31),
(233, 61), (239, 112), (241, 127), (251, 212), (257, 7),
(263, 57), (269, 108), (271, 120), (277, 178), (281, 210),
(283, 234), (293, 34), (307, 161), (311, 199), (313, 219),
(317, 255), (331, 63), (337, 120), (347, 218), (349, 237),
(353, 278), (359, 341), (367, 58), (373, 118), (379, 176),
(383, 218), (389, 282), (397, 369), (401, 12), (409, 93),
(419, 194), (421, 221), (431, 325), (433, 350), (439, 419),
(443, 21), (449, 86), (457, 173), (461, 219), (463, 241),
(467, 288), (479, 425), (487, 28), (491, 78), (499, 168),
(503, 215), (509, 283), (521, 429), (523, 455), (541, 138),
(547, 211), (557, 335), (563, 410), (569, 485), (571, 510),
(577, 13), (587, 134), (593, 210), (599, 286), (601, 309),
(607, 383), (613, 463), (617, 521), (619, 539), (631, 75),
(641, 205), (643, 232), (647, 282), (653, 363), (659, 442),
(661, 467), (673, 635), (677, 17), (683, 92), (691, 202),
(701, 334), (709, 444), (719, 584), (727, 701), (733, 52),
(739, 136), (743, 191), (751, 310), (757, 388), (761, 446),
(769, 560), (773, 615), (787, 45), (797, 183), (809, 362),
(811, 389), (821, 538), (823, 567), (827, 624), (829, 657),
(839, 811), (853, 173), (857, 236), (859, 264), (863, 325),
(877, 538), (881, 600), (883, 632), (887, 695), (907, 105),
(911, 168), (919, 292), (929, 444), (937, 569), (941, 636),
(947, 735), (953, 828), (967, 89), (971, 155), (977, 251),
(983, 347), (991, 474), (997, 573), (1009, 772), (1013, 838),
(1019, 940), (1021, 975), (1031, 112), (1033, 146),
(1039, 243), (1049, 407), (1051, 442), (1061, 608),
(1063, 643), (1069, 747), (1087, 1055), (1091, 37),
(1093, 65), (1097, 138), (1103, 234), (1109, 334),
(1117, 474), (1123, 574), (1129, 674), (1151, 1067),
(1153, 1102), (1163, 117), (1171, 255), (1181, 432),
(1187, 540), (1193, 645), (1201, 786), (1213, 1002),
(1217, 1076), (1223, 1189), (1229, 71), (1231, 105),
(1237, 212), (1249, 430), (1259, 609), (1277, 939),
(1279, 977), (1283, 1048), (1289, 1166), (1291, 1202),
(1297, 17), (1301, 90), (1303, 126), (1307, 200),
(1319, 421), (1321, 456), (1327, 568), (1361, 1213),
(1367, 1331), (1373, 75), (1381, 224), (1399, 565),
(1409, 756), (1423, 1030), (1427, 1108), (1429, 1148),
(1433, 1226), (1439, 1345), (1447, 57), (1451, 134),
(1453, 172), (1459, 287), (1471, 520), (1481, 715),
(1483, 756), (1487, 836), (1489, 876), (1493, 954),
(1499, 1073), (1511, 1316), (1523, 41), (1531, 195),
(1543, 433), (1549, 554), (1553, 633), (1559, 755),
(1567, 919), (1571, 1000), (1579, 1164), (1583, 1245),
(1597, 1541), (1601, 23), (1607, 141), (1609, 183),
(1613, 262), (1619, 383), (1621, 425), (1627, 546),
(1637, 753), (1657, 1172), (1663, 1295), (1667, 1383),
(1669, 1427), (1693, 247), (1697, 331), (1699, 371),
(1709, 582), (1721, 835), (1723, 880), (1733, 1091),
(1741, 1261), (1747, 1392), (1753, 1527), (1759, 1655),
(1777, 275), (1783, 402), (1787, 486), (1789, 534),
(1801, 790), (1811, 1007), (1823, 1270), (1831, 1446),
(1847, 1805), (1861, 260), (1867, 392), (1871, 476),
(1873, 518), (1877, 605), (1879, 654), (1889, 874),
(1901, 1141), (1907, 1276), (1913, 1412), (1931, 1822),
(1933, 1868), (1949, 288), (1951, 331), (1973, 827),
(1979, 963), (1987, 1143)]
_scrambling_multipliers = OrderedDict(_scrambling_multipliers)
_primes = list(_scrambling_multipliers.keys())
def halton(dim, nbpts, primes=None, scramble=True):
Generate a multi-dimensional Halton sequence.
dim : int
Number of dimensions in the sequence.
nbpts : int
Number of points along each dimension.
primes : sequence, optional
A sequence of at least 'dim' prime numbers.
scramble : boolean, optional (default: True)
ndarray of shape (nbpts, dim)
primes = _primes if primes is None else primes
scrambler = _scrambling_multipliers if scramble else defaultdict(lambda: 1)
if dim > len(primes):
raise ValueError('A Halton sequence of {0} dimensions cannot be '
'calculated when \'primes\' is only of length {1}. '
'Use the \'primes\' parameter to pass additional '
'primes.'.format(dim, len(primes)))
result = np.empty((nbpts, dim), dtype=np.float64)
dim_primes = np.asarray(primes[0:dim], dtype=np.float64)
for i in np.arange(dim_primes.size):
num_powers = np.ceil(np.log(nbpts + 1) / np.log(dim_primes[i])).astype(np.int_)
# need to be careful about precision errors here
# cast to long double so that, e.g., halton(3, 10000) will be correct
powers = np.power(dim_primes[i], -np.arange(1, num_powers+1, dtype=np.longdouble))
radix_vector = np.power(dim_primes[i], -np.arange(num_powers, dtype=np.longdouble))
# we can drop precision after the outer product for a speedup
sum_matrix = np.outer(np.arange(1, nbpts+1), radix_vector).astype(np.float64)
mod_matrix = np.mod(scrambler[dim_primes[i]] * np.floor(sum_matrix + 1e-15), dim_primes[i])
result[:, i] = np.dot(mod_matrix, powers)
return result