Source code for pycalphad.codegen.sympydiff_utils

This module defines functions for compiling symbolic SymEngine
expressions into fast callable functions.

The SymEngine ``lambdify`` function is used to compile the functions using a
particular backend, with or without common subexpression elimination (CSE).

By default, the LLVM backend is used with the ``opt_level=0`` option and common
subexpression elimination is on, as defined by the module constants::


Note that as of February 2020, SymEngine only supports using ``'lambda'`` or
``'llvm'`` backends. The LLVM backend uses the LLVM compiler to compile the
expressions, and is slower to build the callable functions than the Lambda
backend, though in principle the LLVM runtime performance can be better as
LLVM can optimize the functions.

Callables produced with the Lambda backend cannot be pickled, since SymEngine
does not define how its objects should be serialized. This is important to
packages that may want to parallelize pycalphad calls and pickle the callable
functions or PhaseRecords. The following issues track this behavior:

* SymEngine:

from pycalphad.core.cache import cacheit
from pycalphad.core.utils import wrap_symbol
from symengine import sympify, lambdify, zoo, oo, have_llvm
from collections import namedtuple

BuildFunctionsResult = namedtuple('BuildFunctionsResult', ['func', 'grad', 'hess'])
ConstraintFunctions = namedtuple('ConstraintFunctions', ['cons_func', 'cons_jac', 'cons_hess'])

if have_llvm:

def _get_lambidfy_options(user_options):
    user_options = user_options if user_options is not None else {}
    user_options.setdefault('cse', LAMBDIFY_DEFAULT_CSE)
    user_options.setdefault('backend', LAMBDIFY_DEFAULT_BACKEND)
    if user_options['backend'] == 'llvm':
        user_options.setdefault('opt_level', LAMBDIFY_DEFAULT_LLVM_OPT_LEVEL)
    return user_options

[docs] @cacheit def build_functions(symengine_graph, variables, parameters=None, wrt=None, include_obj=True, include_grad=False, include_hess=False, func_options=None, grad_options=None, hess_options=None): """Build function, gradient, and Hessian callables of the symengine_graph. Parameters ---------- symengine_graph : symengine.Basic symengine expression to compile, :math:`f(x) : \mathbb{R}^{n} \\rightarrow \mathbb{R}`, which will corresponds to ``symengine_graph(variables+parameters)`` variables : List[symengine.Symbol] Free variables in the symengine_graph. By convention these are usually all instances of StateVariables. parameters : Optional[List[symengine.Symbol]] Free variables in the symengine_graph. These are typically external parameters that are controlled by the user. wrt : Optional[List[symengine.Symbol]] Variables to differentiate *with respect to* for the gradient and Hessian callables. If None, will fall back to ``variables``. include_obj : Optional[bool] Whether to build the symengine_graph callable, :math:`f(x) : \mathbb{R}^{n} \\rightarrow \mathbb{R}` include_grad : Optional[bool] Whether to build the gradient callable, :math:`\\pmb{g}(x) = \\nabla f(x) : \mathbb{R}^{n} \\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n}` include_hess : Optional[bool] Whether to build the Hessian callable, :math:`\mathbb{H}(x) = \\nabla^2 f(x) : \mathbb{R}^{n} \\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n \\times n}` func_options : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Options to pass to ``lambdify`` when compiling the function. grad_options : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Options to pass to ``lambdify`` when compiling the gradient. hess_options : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Options to pass to ``lambdify`` when compiling Hessian. Returns ------- BuildFunctionsResult Notes ----- Default options for compiling the function, gradient and Hessian are defined by ``_get_lambdify_options``. """ if wrt is None: wrt = sympify(tuple(variables)) if parameters is None: parameters = [] else: parameters = [wrap_symbol(p) for p in parameters] variables = tuple(variables) parameters = tuple(parameters) func, grad, hess = None, None, None # Replace complex infinity (zoo) with real infinity because SymEngine # cannot lambdify complex infinity. We also replace in the derivatives in # case some differentiation would produce a complex infinity. The # replacement is assumed to be cheap enough that it's safer to replace the # complex values and pay the minor time penalty. inp = sympify(variables + parameters) graph = sympify(symengine_graph).xreplace({zoo: oo}) func = lambdify(inp, [graph], **_get_lambidfy_options(func_options)) if include_grad or include_hess: grad_graphs = list(graph.diff(w).xreplace({zoo: oo}) for w in wrt) if include_grad: grad = lambdify(inp, grad_graphs, **_get_lambidfy_options(grad_options)) if include_hess: hess_graphs = list(list(g.diff(w).xreplace({zoo: oo}) for w in wrt) for g in grad_graphs) hess = lambdify(inp, hess_graphs, **_get_lambidfy_options(hess_options)) return BuildFunctionsResult(func=func, grad=grad, hess=hess)
[docs] @cacheit def build_constraint_functions(variables, constraints, parameters=None, func_options=None, jac_options=None, hess_options=None): """Build callables functions for the constraints, constraint Jacobian, and constraint Hessian. Parameters ---------- variables : List[symengine.Symbol] Free variables in the symengine_graph. By convention these are usually all instances of StateVariables. constraints : List[symengine.Basic] List of SymEngine expression to compile parameters : Optional[List[symengine.Symbol]] Free variables in the symengine_graph. These are typically external parameters that are controlled by the user. func_options : None, optional Options to pass to ``lambdify`` when compiling the function. jac_options : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Options to pass to ``lambdify`` when compiling the Jacobian. hess_options : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Options to pass to ``lambdify`` when compiling Hessian. Returns ------- ConstraintFunctions Notes ----- Default options for compiling the function, gradient and Hessian are defined by ``_get_lambdify_options``. """ if parameters is None: parameters = [] else: parameters = [wrap_symbol(p) for p in parameters] variables = tuple(variables) wrt = variables parameters = tuple(parameters) constraint_func, jacobian_func, hessian_func = None, None, None # Replace complex infinity (zoo) with real infinity because SymEngine # cannot lambdify complex infinity. We also replace in the derivatives in # case some differentiation would produce a complex infinity. The # replacement is assumed to be cheap enough that it's safer to replace the # complex values and pay the minor time penalty. inp = sympify(variables + parameters) graph = sympify([sympify(f).xreplace({zoo: oo}) for f in constraints]) constraint_func = lambdify(inp, [graph], **_get_lambidfy_options(func_options)) grad_graphs = list(list(c.diff(w).xreplace({zoo: oo}) for w in wrt) for c in graph) jacobian_func = lambdify(inp, grad_graphs, **_get_lambidfy_options(jac_options)) hess_graphs = list(list(list(g.diff(w).xreplace({zoo: oo}) for w in wrt) for g in c) for c in grad_graphs) hessian_func = lambdify(inp, hess_graphs, **_get_lambidfy_options(hess_options)) return ConstraintFunctions(cons_func=constraint_func, cons_jac=jacobian_func, cons_hess=hessian_func)