Custom Models in pycalphad: Viscosity ===================================== Viscosity Model Background -------------------------- We are going to take a CALPHAD-based property model from the literature and use it to predict the viscosity of Al-Cu-Zr liquids. For a binary alloy liquid under small undercooling, Gąsior suggested an entropy model of the form .. math:: \eta = (\sum_i x_i \eta_i ) (1 - 2\frac{S_{ex}}{R}) where :math:`\eta_i` is the viscosity of the element :math:`i`, :math:`x_i` is the mole fraction, :math:`S_{ex}` is the excess entropy, and :math:`R` is the gas constant. For more details on this model, see 1. M.E. Trybula, T. Gancarz, W. Gąsior, *Density, surface tension and viscosity of liquid binary Al-Zn and ternary Al-Li-Zn alloys*, Fluid Phase Equilibria 421 (2016) 39-48, `doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2016.03.013 `__. 2. Władysław Gąsior, *Viscosity modeling of binary alloys: Comparative studies*, Calphad 44 (2014) 119-128, `doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2013.10.007 `__. 3. Chenyang Zhou, Cuiping Guo, Changrong Li, Zhenmin Du, *Thermodynamic assessment of the phase equilibria and prediction of glass-forming ability of the Al–Cu–Zr system*, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 461 (2017) 47-60, `doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2016.09.031 `__. .. code:: ipython3 from pycalphad import Database TDB Parameters -------------- We can calculate the excess entropy of the liquid using the Al-Cu-Zr thermodynamic database from Zhou et al. We add three new parameters to describe the viscosity (in Pa-s) of the pure elements Al, Cu, and Zr: :: $ Viscosity test parameters PARAMETER ETA(LIQUID,AL;0) 2.98150E+02 +0.000281*EXP(12300/(8.3145*T)); 6.00000E+03 N REF:0 ! PARAMETER ETA(LIQUID,CU;0) 2.98150E+02 +0.000657*EXP(21500/(8.3145*T)); 6.00000E+03 N REF:0 ! PARAMETER ETA(LIQUID,ZR;0) 2.98150E+02 +4.74E-3 - 4.97E-6*(T-2128) ; 6.00000E+03 N REF:0 ! Great! However, if we try to load the database now, we will get an error. This is because ``ETA`` parameters are not supported by default in pycalphad, so we need to tell pycalphad’s TDB parser that “ETA” should be on the list of supported parameter types. .. code:: ipython3 try: dbf = Database('alcuzr-viscosity.tdb') except Exception as e: print(e) .. parsed-literal:: Failed while parsing: PARAMETER ETA(LIQUID,AL;0) 2.98150E+02 +0.000281*EXP(12300/(8.3145*T)); 6.00000E+03 N REF:0 Tokens: None Expected {{"ELEMENT" W:(ABCD...) W:(ABCD...) Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)') Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)') Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)') LineEnd} | {"SPECIES" W:(ABCD...) [Suppress:("%")] Group:({{W:(ABCD...) [Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)')]}}...) [{Suppress:("/") W:(+-01...)}] LineEnd} | {"TYPE_DEFINITION" Suppress:() !W:( !) SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"FUNCTION" W:(ABCD...) {{Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)') | [","]...} {{SkipTo:(";") Suppress:(";") [Suppress:(",")]... [Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)')] Suppress:([W:(Yy)])}}... Suppress:([W:(Nn)])} [Suppress:(W:(ABCD...))] LineEnd} | {"ASSESSED_SYSTEMS" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"DEFINE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"DEFAULT_COMMAND" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"DATABASE_INFO" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"VERSION_DATE" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"REFERENCE_FILE" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"ADD_REFERENCES" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"LIST_OF_REFERENCES" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"TEMPERATURE_LIMITS" SkipTo:(LineEnd)} | {"PHASE" W:(ABCD...) Suppress:() !W:( !) Suppress:() Suppress:(W:(0123...)) Group:({Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)')}...) Suppress:(SkipTo:(LineEnd))} | {"CONSTITUENT" W:(ABCD...) Suppress:() Suppress:(":") Group:(Group:({{[Suppress:(",")] {W:(ABCD...) [Suppress:("%")]}}}...) [: Group:({{[Suppress:(",")] {W:(ABCD...) [Suppress:("%")]}}}...)]...) Suppress:(":") LineEnd} | {"PARAMETER" {"BMAGN" | "DF" | "DQ" | "ELRS" | "G" | "GD" | "L" | "MF" | "MQ" | "NT" | "SIGM" | "TC" | "THCD" | "THETA" | "V0" | "VA" | "VC" | "VISC" | "VK" | "VS" | "XI"} Suppress:("(") W:(ABCD...) [{Suppress:("&") W:(ABCD...)}] Suppress:(",") Group:(Group:({{[Suppress:(",")] {W:(ABCD...) [Suppress:("%")]}}}...) [: Group:({{[Suppress:(",")] {W:(ABCD...) [Suppress:("%")]}}}...)]...) [{Suppress:(";") W:(0123...)}] Suppress:(")") {{Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)') | [","]...} {{SkipTo:(";") Suppress:(";") [Suppress:(",")]... [Re:('[-+]?([0-9]+\\.(?!([0-9]|[eE])))|([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)')] Suppress:([W:(Yy)])}}... Suppress:([W:(Nn)])} [Suppress:(W:(ABCD...))] LineEnd}}, found '(' (at char 17), (line:1, col:18) Adding the ``ETA`` parameter to the TDB parser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 import'ETA') Now the database will load: .. code:: ipython3 dbf = Database('alcuzr-viscosity.tdb') Writing the Custom Viscosity Model ---------------------------------- Now that we have our ``ETA`` parameters in the database, we need to write a ``Model`` class to tell pycalphad how to compute viscosity. All custom models are subclasses of the pycalphad ``Model`` class. When the ``ViscosityModel`` is constructed, the ``build_phase`` method is run and we need to construct the viscosity model after doing all the other initialization using a new method ``build_viscosity``. The implementation of ``build_viscosity`` needs to do four things: 1. Query the Database for all the ``ETA`` parameters 2. Compute their weighted sum 3. Compute the excess entropy of the liquid 4. Plug all the values into the Gąsior equation and return the result Since the ``build_phase`` method sets the attribute ``viscosity`` to the ``ViscosityModel``, we can access the property using ``viscosity`` as the output in pycalphad caluclations. .. code:: ipython3 from tinydb import where from pycalphad import Model, variables as v class ViscosityModel(Model): def build_phase(self, dbe): super(ViscosityModel, self).build_phase(dbe) self.viscosity = self.build_viscosity(dbe) def build_viscosity(self, dbe): if self.phase_name != 'LIQUID': raise ValueError('Viscosity is only defined for LIQUID phase') phase = dbe.phases[self.phase_name] param_search = # STEP 1 eta_param_query = ( (where('phase_name') == & \ (where('parameter_type') == 'ETA') & \ (where('constituent_array').test(self._array_validity)) ) # STEP 2 eta = self.redlich_kister_sum(phase, param_search, eta_param_query) # STEP 3 excess_energy = self.GM - self.models['ref'] - self.models['idmix'] #liquid_mod = Model(dbe, self.components, self.phase_name) ## we only want the excess contributions to the entropy #del liquid_mod.models['ref'] #del liquid_mod.models['idmix'] excess_entropy = -excess_energy.diff(v.T) ks = 2 # STEP 4 result = eta * (1 - ks * excess_entropy / v.R) self.eta = eta return result Performing Calculations ----------------------- Now we can create an instance of ``ViscosityModel`` for the liquid phase using the ``Database`` object we created earlier. We can verify this model has a ``viscosity`` attribute containing a symbolic expression for the viscosity. .. code:: ipython3 mod = ViscosityModel(dbf, ['CU', 'ZR'], 'LIQUID') print(mod.viscosity) .. parsed-literal:: (0.000657*LIQUID0CU*2.71828182845905**(2585.84400745685*T**(-1.0)) + LIQUID0ZR*(0.00474 - 4.97e-06*(-2128.0 + T)))*(1 + 0.240543628600637*(LIQUID0CU*LIQUID0ZR*(392.8485 - 51.3121*log(T)) + (LIQUID0CU - LIQUID0ZR)*LIQUID0CU*LIQUID0ZR*(75.3798 - 9.6125*log(T)) + (LIQUID0CU - LIQUID0ZR)**2*LIQUID0CU*LIQUID0ZR*(-270.5305 + 36.8512*log(T)) + (LIQUID0CU - LIQUID0ZR)**3*LIQUID0CU*LIQUID0ZR*(105.895 - 13.6488*log(T)))/(LIQUID0CU + LIQUID0ZR)) Finally we calculate and plot the viscosity. .. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pycalphad import calculate mod = ViscosityModel(dbf, ['CU', 'ZR'], 'LIQUID') temp = 2100 # NOTICE: we need to tell pycalphad about our model for this phase models = {'LIQUID': mod} res = calculate(dbf, ['CU', 'ZR'], 'LIQUID', P=101325, T=temp, model=models, output='viscosity') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax = fig.gca() ax.scatter(res.X.sel(component='ZR'), 1000 * res.viscosity.values) ax.set_xlabel('X(ZR)') ax.set_ylabel('Viscosity (mPa-s)') ax.set_xlim((0,1)) ax.set_title('Viscosity at {}K'.format(temp)); .. image:: ViscosityModel_files%5CViscosityModel_14_0.png We repeat the calculation for Al-Cu. .. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pycalphad import calculate temp = 1300 models = {'LIQUID': ViscosityModel} # we can also use Model class res = calculate(dbf, ['CU', 'AL'], 'LIQUID', P=101325, T=temp, model=models, output='viscosity') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax = fig.gca() ax.scatter(res.X.sel(component='CU'), 1000 * res.viscosity.values) ax.set_xlabel('X(CU)') ax.set_ylabel('Viscosity (mPa-s)') ax.set_xlim((0,1)) ax.set_title('Viscosity at {}K'.format(temp)); .. image:: ViscosityModel_files%5CViscosityModel_16_0.png