Source code for pycalphad.codegen.custom_autowrap

"""Module for compiling codegen output, and wrap the binary for use in

.. note:: To use the autowrap module it must first be imported

   >>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap

This module provides a common interface for different external backends, such
as f2py, fwrap, Cython, SWIG(?) etc. (Currently only f2py and Cython are
implemented) The goal is to provide access to compiled binaries of acceptable
performance with a one-button user interface, i.e.

    >>> from import x,y
    >>> expr = ((x - y)**(25)).expand()
    >>> binary_callable = autowrap(expr)
    >>> binary_callable(1, 2)

The callable returned from autowrap() is a binary python function, not a
SymPy object.  If it is desired to use the compiled function in symbolic
expressions, it is better to use binary_function() which returns a SymPy
Function object.  The binary callable is attached as the _imp_ attribute and
invoked when a numerical evaluation is requested with evalf(), or with

    >>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import binary_function
    >>> f = binary_function('f', expr)
    >>> 2*f(x, y) + y
    y + 2*f(x, y)
    >>> (2*f(x, y) + y).evalf(2, subs={x: 1, y:2})

The idea is that a SymPy user will primarily be interested in working with
mathematical expressions, and should not have to learn details about wrapping
tools in order to evaluate expressions numerically, even if they are
computationally expensive.

When is this useful?

    1) For computations on large arrays, Python iterations may be too slow,
       and depending on the mathematical expression, it may be difficult to
       exploit the advanced index operations provided by NumPy.

    2) For *really* long expressions that will be called repeatedly, the
       compiled binary should be significantly faster than SymPy's .evalf()

    3) If you are generating code with the codegen utility in order to use
       it in another project, the automatic python wrappers let you test the
       binaries immediately from within SymPy.

    4) To create customized ufuncs for use with numpy arrays.
       See *ufuncify*.

When is this module NOT the best approach?

    1) If you are really concerned about speed or memory optimizations,
       you will probably get better results by working directly with the
       wrapper tools and the low level code.  However, the files generated
       by this utility may provide a useful starting point and reference
       code. Temporary files will be left intact if you supply the keyword

    2) If the array computation can be handled easily by numpy, and you
       don't need the binaries for another project.

from __future__ import print_function
from sympy.core.compatibility import iterable
    from sympy.utilities.codegen import CCodePrinter
except ImportError:
    from sympy.printing.ccode import C89CodePrinter as CCodePrinter
from sympy.utilities.codegen import (AssignmentError, InOutArgument, InputArgument, OutputArgument,
                                     ResultBase, Result, CodeGenArgumentListError,
                                     CCodeGen, CodeGenError, Routine, Variable)
from sympy.codegen.ast import Assignment
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence
from sympy.core import Symbol, S, Tuple, Equality
from sympy.core.compatibility import is_sequence
from sympy.tensor import Idx, Indexed, IndexedBase
from sympy.matrices import (MatrixSymbol, ImmutableMatrix, MatrixBase,
                            MatrixExpr, MatrixSlice)
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import CythonCodeWrapper, DummyWrapper
from subprocess import STDOUT, CalledProcessError, check_output
from sympy.printing.ccode import ccode
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import uuid

# Here we define a lookup of backends -> tuples of languages. For now, each
# tuple is of length 1, but if a backend supports more than one language,
# the most preferable language is listed first.
_lang_lookup = {'CYTHON': ('C',),
                'DUMMY': ('F95',)}     # Dummy here just for testing

def _infer_language(backend):
    """For a given backend, return the top choice of language"""
    langs = _lang_lookup.get(backend.upper(), False)
    if not langs:
        raise ValueError("Unrecognized backend: " + backend)
    return langs[0]

[docs]def import_extension(path, modname): import glob npath = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, modname+'.*')) # Blacklist fixes gh-65. # We filter out any files that can be created by compilers which are not our actual compiled file. # We cannot more directly search for our files because of differing platforms. blacklist = ['dSYM', 'c', 'pyx'] if == 'nt': blacklist.extend(['def', 'o']) npath = [x for x in npath if x.split('.')[-1] not in blacklist] if len(npath) == 1: npath = npath[0] else: raise ImportError('Failed to import', os.path.join(path, modname+'.*'), ' len(npath)=', len(npath)) try: # Python 3.5+ import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(modname, npath) foo = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(foo) except (AttributeError, ImportError): try: # Python 3.4 from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader foo = ExtensionFileLoader(modname, npath).load_module() except ImportError: # Python 2.7 import imp foo = imp.load_dynamic(modname, npath) return foo
[docs]class CodeWrapError(Exception): pass
[docs]class C89CodePrinter(CCodePrinter): """ C89-compatible code printing allows for Windows compatibility. (MSVC 14 and newer support C99, but we are going for broad compatibility.) """ order = 'none' def _get_loop_opening_ending(self, indices): # The purpose is to enable C89-compliant loops (indices are pre-declared) open_lines = [] close_lines = [] loopstart = "for (%(var)s=%(start)s; %(var)s<%(end)s; %(var)s++){" for i in indices: # C arrays start at 0 and end at dimension-1 open_lines.append(loopstart % { 'var': self._print(i.label), 'start': self._print(i.lower), 'end': self._print(i.upper + 1)}) close_lines.append("}") return open_lines, close_lines def _print_BooleanTrue(self, expr): return '1' def _print_BooleanFalse(self, expr): return '0' _print_ComplexInfinity = CCodePrinter._print_Infinity _print_NegativeComplexInfinity = CCodePrinter._print_NegativeInfinity
[docs]class CustomCCodeGen(CCodeGen):
[docs] def get_prototype(self, routine): """Returns a string for the function prototype of the routine. If the routine has multiple result objects, an CodeGenError is raised. See: """ if len(routine.results) == 1: ctype = routine.results[0].get_datatype('C') else: ctype = "void" type_args = [] for arg in routine.arguments: name = ccode( # Hack to make all double-valued arguments into pointers if arg.dimensions or isinstance(arg, ResultBase) or arg.get_datatype('C') == 'double': type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), "*%s" % name)) else: type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), name)) arguments = ", ".join([ "%s %s" % t for t in type_args]) return "%s %s(%s)" % (ctype,, arguments)
def _declare_locals(self, routine): # loop variables are declared at the top to enable C89 support retlines = [] for lcv in routine.local_vars: t = Variable(lcv).get_datatype('c') retlines.append('{0} {1};\n'.format(t, return retlines def _call_printer(self, routine): code_lines = [] # Compose a list of symbols to be dereferenced in the function # body. These are the arguments that were passed by a reference # pointer, excluding arrays. dereference = [] for arg in routine.arguments: if isinstance(arg, ResultBase) and not arg.dimensions: dereference.append( return_val = None for result in routine.result_variables: if isinstance(result, Result): assign_to = + "_result" t = result.get_datatype('c') code_lines.append("{0} {1};\n".format(t, str(assign_to))) return_val = assign_to else: assign_to = result.result_var try: constants, not_c, c_expr = C89CodePrinter({'human': False, 'dereference': dereference}).doprint( result.expr, assign_to) except AssignmentError: assign_to = result.result_var code_lines.append( "%s %s;\n" % (result.get_datatype('c'), str(assign_to))) constants, not_c, c_expr = C89CodePrinter({'human': False, 'dereference': dereference}).doprint( result.expr, assign_to) for name, value in sorted(constants, key=str): code_lines.append("double const %s = %s;\n" % (name, value)) code_lines.append("%s\n" % c_expr) if return_val: code_lines.append(" return %s;\n" % return_val) return code_lines
[docs] def dump_h(self, routines, f, prefix, header=True, empty=True): """Writes the C header file. This file contains all the function declarations. Parameters ========== routines : list A list of Routine instances. f : file-like Where to write the file. prefix : string The filename prefix, used to construct the include guards. Only the basename of the prefix is used. header : bool, optional When True, a header comment is included on top of each source file. [default : True] empty : bool, optional When True, empty lines are included to structure the source files. [default : True] """ if header: print(''.join(self._get_header()), file=f) guard_name = "%s__%s__H" % (self.project.replace(" ", "_").upper(), prefix.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_").upper()) # include guards if empty: print(file=f) print("#ifndef %s" % guard_name, file=f) print("#define %s" % guard_name, file=f) if empty: print(file=f) # declaration of the function prototypes for routine in routines: prototype = self.get_prototype(routine) print("%s;" % prototype, file=f) # end if include guards if empty: print(file=f) print("#endif", file=f) if empty: print(file=f)
dump_h.extension = CCodeGen.interface_extension dump_fns = [CCodeGen.dump_c, dump_h]
[docs] def routine(self, name, expr, argument_sequence, global_vars): """Creates an Routine object that is appropriate for this language. This implementation is appropriate for at least C/Fortran. Subclasses can override this if necessary. Here, we assume at most one return value (the l-value) which must be scalar. Additional outputs are OutputArguments (e.g., pointers on right-hand-side or pass-by-reference). Matrices are always returned via OutputArguments. If ``argument_sequence`` is None, arguments will be ordered alphabetically, but with all InputArguments first, and then OutputArgument and InOutArguments. This implementation is almost the same as the CodeGen class, but expensive calls to Basic.atoms() have been replaced with cheaper equivalents. """ if is_sequence(expr) and not isinstance(expr, (MatrixBase, MatrixExpr)): if not expr: raise ValueError("No expression given") expressions = Tuple(*expr) else: expressions = Tuple(expr) expr_free_symbols = expressions.free_symbols # local variables local_vars = {i.label for i in expr_free_symbols if isinstance(i, Idx)} # global variables global_vars = set() if global_vars is None else set(global_vars) # symbols that should be arguments symbols = expr_free_symbols - local_vars - global_vars new_symbols = set([]) new_symbols.update(symbols) for symbol in symbols: if isinstance(symbol, Idx): new_symbols.remove(symbol) new_symbols.update(symbol.args[1].free_symbols) if isinstance(symbol, Indexed): new_symbols.remove(symbol) symbols = new_symbols # Decide whether to use output argument or return value return_val = [] output_args = [] for expr in expressions: if isinstance(expr, Equality): out_arg = expr.lhs expr = expr.rhs if isinstance(out_arg, Indexed): dims = tuple([ (S.Zero, dim - 1) for dim in out_arg.shape]) symbol = out_arg.base.label elif isinstance(out_arg, Symbol): dims = [] symbol = out_arg elif isinstance(out_arg, MatrixSymbol): dims = tuple([ (S.Zero, dim - 1) for dim in out_arg.shape]) symbol = out_arg else: raise CodeGenError("Only Indexed, Symbol, or MatrixSymbol " "can define output arguments.") if expr.has(symbol): output_args.append( InOutArgument(symbol, out_arg, expr, dimensions=dims)) else: output_args.append( OutputArgument(symbol, out_arg, expr, dimensions=dims)) # avoid duplicate arguments symbols.remove(symbol) elif isinstance(expr, (ImmutableMatrix, MatrixSlice)): # Create a "dummy" MatrixSymbol to use as the Output arg out_arg = MatrixSymbol('out_%s' % abs(hash(expr)), *expr.shape) dims = tuple([(S.Zero, dim - 1) for dim in out_arg.shape]) output_args.append( OutputArgument(out_arg, out_arg, expr, dimensions=dims)) else: return_val.append(Result(expr)) arg_list = [] # setup input argument list array_symbols = {} for array in [i for i in expr_free_symbols if isinstance(i, Indexed)]: array_symbols[array.base.label] = array for array in [i for i in expr_free_symbols if isinstance(i, MatrixSymbol)]: array_symbols[array] = array for symbol in sorted(symbols, key=str): if symbol in array_symbols: dims = [] array = array_symbols[symbol] for dim in array.shape: dims.append((S.Zero, dim - 1)) metadata = {'dimensions': dims} else: metadata = {} arg_list.append(InputArgument(symbol, **metadata)) output_args.sort(key=lambda x: str( arg_list.extend(output_args) if argument_sequence is not None: # if the user has supplied IndexedBase instances, we'll accept that new_sequence = [] for arg in argument_sequence: if isinstance(arg, IndexedBase): new_sequence.append(arg.label) else: new_sequence.append(arg) argument_sequence = new_sequence missing = [x for x in arg_list if not in argument_sequence] if missing: msg = "Argument list didn't specify: {0} " msg = msg.format(", ".join([str( for m in missing])) raise CodeGenArgumentListError(msg, missing) # create redundant arguments to produce the requested sequence name_arg_dict = { x for x in arg_list} new_args = [] for symbol in argument_sequence: try: new_args.append(name_arg_dict[symbol]) except KeyError: new_args.append(InputArgument(symbol)) arg_list = new_args return Routine(name, arg_list, return_val, local_vars, global_vars)
[docs]class ThreadSafeCythonCodeWrapper(CythonCodeWrapper): setup_template = ( "from distutils.core import setup\n" "from distutils.extension import Extension\n" "from Cython.Distutils import build_ext\n" "{np_import}" "\n" "setup(\n" " cmdclass = {{'build_ext': build_ext}},\n" " ext_modules = [Extension({ext_args},\n" " extra_compile_args=['-std=c99'])],\n" "{np_includes}" " )") pyx_imports = ( "import numpy as np\n" "cimport numpy as np\n" "from cpython cimport PyCapsule_New\n\n") pyx_header = ( "cdef extern from '{header_file}.h':\n" " {prototype}\n\n") pyx_func = ( "def {name}_c({arg_string}):\n" "\n" "{declarations}" "{body}\n" "def get_pointer_c():\n" " return PyCapsule_New(<void*>{name}, NULL, NULL)\n") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ThreadSafeCythonCodeWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._module_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '_') self.filepath = self.filepath or tempfile.mkdtemp("_sympy_compile") @property def filename(self): return "%s_%s" % (self._filename, self._module_id) @property def command(self): command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(self.filepath, ""), "build_ext", "--build-lib", self.filepath] return command @property def module_name(self): return "%s_%s" % (self._module_basename, self._module_id) def _prepare_files(self, routine): pyxfilename = self.module_name + '.pyx' codefilename = "%s.%s" % (self.filename, self.generator.code_extension) # pyx with open(os.path.join(self.filepath, pyxfilename), 'w') as f: self.dump_pyx([routine], f, str(os.path.join(self.filepath, self.filename)).replace(os.sep, '/')) # ext_args = [repr(self.module_name), repr([os.path.join(self.filepath, pyxfilename), os.path.join(self.filepath, codefilename)])] if self._need_numpy: np_import = 'import numpy as np\n' np_includes = ' include_dirs = [np.get_include()],\n' else: np_import = '' np_includes = '' with open(os.path.join(self.filepath, ''), 'w') as f: f.write(self.setup_template.format(ext_args=", ".join(ext_args), np_import=np_import, np_includes=np_includes)) def _process_files(self, routine): command = self.command command.extend(self.flags) try: retoutput = check_output(command, stderr=STDOUT) except CalledProcessError as e: raise CodeWrapError( "Error while executing command: %s. Command output is:\n%s" % ( " ".join(command), e.output.decode())) def _prototype_arg(self, arg): mat_dec = "np.ndarray[{mtype}, ndim={ndim}] {name}" np_types = {'double': 'np.double_t', 'int': 'np.int_t'} t = arg.get_datatype('c') # Hack to force all doubles to be at least 1-D arrays if arg.dimensions or t == 'double': self._need_numpy = True if arg.dimensions: ndim = len(arg.dimensions) else: ndim = 1 mtype = np_types[t] return mat_dec.format(mtype=mtype, ndim=ndim, else: return "%s %s" % (t, str( def _call_arg(self, arg): t = arg.get_datatype('c') if arg.dimensions or t == 'double': return "<{0}*> {1}.data".format(t, elif isinstance(arg, ResultBase): return "&{0}".format( else: return str(
[docs] def wrap_code(self, routine, helpers=None): self._module_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '_') helpers = helpers if helpers is not None else [] workdir = self.filepath if not os.access(workdir, os.F_OK): os.mkdir(workdir) self.generator.write( [routine]+helpers, str(os.path.join(workdir, self.filename)).replace(os.sep, '/'), True, self.include_header, self.include_empty) self._prepare_files(routine) self._process_files(routine) mod = import_extension(workdir, self.module_name) return self._get_wrapped_function(mod,, self._get_wrapped_function(mod, 'get_pointer')(), str(self.module_name), str(
def _get_code_wrapper_class(backend): wrappers = {'CYTHON': ThreadSafeCythonCodeWrapper, 'DUMMY': DummyWrapper} return wrappers[backend.upper()] def _validate_backend_language(backend, language): """Throws error if backend and language are incompatible""" langs = _lang_lookup.get(backend.upper(), False) if not langs: raise ValueError("Unrecognized backend: " + backend) if language.upper() not in langs: raise ValueError(("Backend {0} and language {1} are " "incompatible").format(backend, language))
[docs]def get_code_generator(language, project): CodeGenClass = {"C": CustomCCodeGen}.get(language.upper()) if CodeGenClass is None: raise ValueError("Language '%s' is not supported." % language) return CodeGenClass(project)
[docs]def make_routine(name, expr, argument_sequence=None, global_vars=None, language="C"): """A factory that makes an appropriate Routine from an expression. Parameters ========== name : string The name of this routine in the generated code. expr : expression or list/tuple of expressions A SymPy expression that the Routine instance will represent. If given a list or tuple of expressions, the routine will be considered to have multiple return values and/or output arguments. argument_sequence : list or tuple, optional List arguments for the routine in a preferred order. If omitted, the results are language dependent, for example, alphabetical order or in the same order as the given expressions. global_vars : iterable, optional Sequence of global variables used by the routine. Variables listed here will not show up as function arguments. language : string, optional Specify a target language. The Routine itself should be language-agnostic but the precise way one is created, error checking, etc depend on the language. [default: "F95"]. A decision about whether to use output arguments or return values is made depending on both the language and the particular mathematical expressions. For an expression of type Equality, the left hand side is typically made into an OutputArgument (or perhaps an InOutArgument if appropriate). Otherwise, typically, the calculated expression is made a return values of the routine. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import make_routine >>> from import x, y, f, g >>> from sympy import Eq >>> r = make_routine('test', [Eq(f, 2*x), Eq(g, x + y)]) >>> [arg.result_var for arg in r.results] [] >>> [ for arg in r.arguments] [x, y, f, g] >>> [ for arg in r.result_variables] [f, g] >>> r.local_vars set() Another more complicated example with a mixture of specified and automatically-assigned names. Also has Matrix output. >>> from sympy import Matrix >>> r = make_routine('fcn', [x*y, Eq(f, 1), Eq(g, x + g), Matrix([[x, 2]])]) >>> [arg.result_var for arg in r.results] # doctest: +SKIP [result_5397460570204848505] >>> [arg.expr for arg in r.results] [x*y] >>> [ for arg in r.arguments] # doctest: +SKIP [x, y, f, g, out_8598435338387848786] We can examine the various arguments more closely: >>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import (InputArgument, OutputArgument, ... InOutArgument) >>> [ for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, InputArgument)] [x, y] >>> [ for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, OutputArgument)] # doctest: +SKIP [f, out_8598435338387848786] >>> [a.expr for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, OutputArgument)] [1, Matrix([[x, 2]])] >>> [ for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, InOutArgument)] [g] >>> [a.expr for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, InOutArgument)] [g + x] """ # initialize a new code generator code_gen = get_code_generator(language, "nothingElseMatters") return code_gen.routine(name, expr, argument_sequence, global_vars)
[docs]def autowrap( expr, language=None, backend='Cython', tempdir=None, args=None, flags=None, verbose=False, helpers=None): """Generates python callable binaries based on the math expression. Parameters ---------- expr The SymPy expression that should be wrapped as a binary routine. language : string, optional If supplied, (options: 'C' or 'F95'), specifies the language of the generated code. If ``None`` [default], the language is inferred based upon the specified backend. backend : string, optional Backend used to wrap the generated code. Either 'f2py', or 'cython' [default]. tempdir : string, optional Path to directory for temporary files. If this argument is supplied, the generated code and the wrapper input files are left intact in the specified path. args : iterable, optional An ordered iterable of symbols. Specifies the argument sequence for the function. flags : iterable, optional Additional option flags that will be passed to the backend. verbose : bool, optional If True, autowrap will not mute the command line backends. This can be helpful for debugging. helpers : iterable, optional Used to define auxillary expressions needed for the main expr. If the main expression needs to call a specialized function it should be put in the ``helpers`` iterable. Autowrap will then make sure that the compiled main expression can link to the helper routine. Items should be tuples with (<funtion_name>, <sympy_expression>, <arguments>). It is mandatory to supply an argument sequence to helper routines. >>> from import x, y, z >>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap >>> expr = ((x - y + z)**(13)).expand() >>> binary_func = autowrap(expr) >>> binary_func(1, 4, 2) -1.0 """ if language: _validate_backend_language(backend, language) else: language = _infer_language(backend) helpers = [helpers] if helpers else () flags = flags if flags else () args = list(args) if iterable(args, exclude=set) else args code_generator = get_code_generator(language, "autowrap") CodeWrapperClass = _get_code_wrapper_class(backend) code_wrapper = CodeWrapperClass(code_generator, tempdir, flags, verbose) helps = [] for name_h, expr_h, args_h in helpers: helps.append(make_routine(name_h, expr_h, args_h)) for name_h, expr_h, args_h in helpers: if expr.has(expr_h): name_h = binary_function(name_h, expr_h, backend = 'dummy') expr = expr.subs(expr_h, name_h(*args_h)) try: routine = make_routine('autofunc', expr, args) except CodeGenArgumentListError as e: # if all missing arguments are for pure output, we simply attach them # at the end and try again, because the wrappers will silently convert # them to return values anyway. new_args = [] for missing in e.missing_args: if not isinstance(missing, OutputArgument): raise new_args.append( routine = make_routine('autofunc', expr, args + new_args) return code_wrapper.wrap_code(routine, helpers=helps)
[docs]def binary_function(symfunc, expr, **kwargs): """Returns a sympy function with expr as binary implementation This is a convenience function that automates the steps needed to autowrap the SymPy expression and attaching it to a Function object with implemented_function(). >>> from import x, y >>> from sympy.utilities.autowrap import binary_function >>> expr = ((x - y)**(25)).expand() >>> f = binary_function('f', expr) >>> type(f) <class 'sympy.core.function.UndefinedFunction'> >>> 2*f(x, y) 2*f(x, y) >>> f(x, y).evalf(2, subs={x: 1, y: 2}) -1.0 """ binary = autowrap(expr, **kwargs) return implemented_function(symfunc, binary)